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Prepositions used with "growth"

"of growth" or "for growth"?

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In 45% of cases growth of is used

This is the Government of growth.

That it only explains 7% of growth.

That kind of growth requires a struggle.

You have become a lifelong learner to fully appreciate the value of growth and wisdom.

The sector may be leading a recovery in the rate of growth after a year in the doldrums.

The major portion of growth was contributed by the liquor and food and beverage segments.

It has symbolized the concept of growth, expansion, and cosmic energy, depending on the culture in which it is used.

Yet despite this 90's revival that you speak of growth in the suburbs still continues to outpace metropolitan areas.

The large engines of growth in the developed world are either going into reverse or sputtering along at lower speeds.

State and local budgets around the country make it clear that current patterns of growth are not fiscally sustainable.

In 24% of cases growth for is used

It was a precondition for growth.

There is lot more room for growth.

But there is always potential for growth.

Ms Randles was positive on overall prospects for growth in demand for dairy products.

Thus, soil moisture conditions are considered suitable for growth when (P + S) > 0.

Ryan and who see his budget as the key to unlocking the economy's potential for growth.

But in the real lives of the real people that they care more for jobs, opportunities for growth, wealth, stability.

Small babies are not able to eat big meals but by eating frequently they can get all the energy they need for growth.

A softening dollar could bring down the inflation, making it easy for RBI to push for growth through monetary easing.

Technology, and particularly mobile, have become catalysts for growth and have changed the way that we shop for good.

In 12% of cases growth to is used

That would lead to growth next year.

That is serious commitment to growth.

That is serious commitment to growth '.

Change the tax mix (not the total level of taxation) and you can get a boost to growth.

In 1972 The Limits to Growth warned of the dangers of the scramble for unmitigated growth.

If you don't know what the problem is then how can you solve it? Feedback is also very essential to growth and scale.

However, we stay with the view that monetary easing would have little impact to growth as the economy is in a liquidity trap.

Britain may technically have returned to growth in the third quarter of the year but the economy is, to all intents and purposes, flat.

I like many entrepreneurs given the opportunity and investment would be able to fast track our business's to growth phase much quicker.

In 6% of cases growth in is used

Businesses in growth industries were often at full capacity.

Similarly, the rice production was seen sharp increase in growth.

The next revolution in growth will occur when cheap energy arrives.

That would imply pressure to deliver on a rebound in growth, which has been faltering.

Over the last decade, substantial progress has been made in growth and human develop-ment.

As long a people literally believe in perpetual growth (in growth) more debt will be possible.

Absent anything else happening, there would have been a statistical rebound in growth of that amount in the third quarter.

And now that the Red Dragon has reigned in growth, the second half of 2010 will likely look very different from the first.

Thus, the influence of gestational weight gain on changes in growth and adiposity during adolescence is an important aspect for future investigation.

Nevertheless, the estimate of results of the previous week was reviewed in growth direction, and unemployment rate increased only withing the limits of forecasts -- by 7.

In 6% of cases growth on is used

And what your attention on growth.

What you your attention on growth.

But that would mean an even bigger brake on growth than we have seen so far.

Then you skipped to Bernanke, who we all know is having zero positive impact on growth.

Cloud computing allows companies to take a chance on growth, rather than risk their fortunes.

On Growth and Form by D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson, Dover, (Complete Revised edition 1992) 1116 pages.

At the same time, market pressure forced the pace of fiscal consolidation, increasing the downward pressures on growth.

The move sees Fernandes relocate to AirAsia's new Asean office in Jakarta to focus on growth opportunities in the region.

This week I was the keynote speaker at a conference in the US on growth of mid-sized accounting, law and management consulting firms.

Option 1 -- Size and Nothing But Size Let us assume for a moment that the training focus is entirely on growth, and not at all on strength.

In 4% of cases growth with is used

With growth rate of a paltry 2.

This increase compares with growth of 1.

HGH is associated with growth and metabolic processes.

Output has increased steadily over the past decade, with growth of around 15% per year.

A number of studies shows that this has a strong correlation with growth in economic productivity.

Certainly, cyclical weakness is expected to dominate the near-term outlook, with growth projected at 7.

Following weaning last month, there has been a growth check for the lambs with growth rates from birth running at 215g/day.

Thanks to the nationalised economy and the plan, the Soviet Union rapidly built up its devastated industries, with growth rates of over 10 per cent.

Keep to a plan to cut the deficit over four years but do it with growth because that's the only way you are going to achieve what you need to achieve.

One big advantage the US does have over Europe is its demographic situation with growth projected up until 2050 while most of Europe stagnates demographically.

In 1% of cases growth about is used

Sad, nobody cares about growth.

But this survey does add to the growing consensus that something must be done about growth this autumn.

But usually these politicians will talk about growth, foreign investment, controlling interest rates, keeping the dollar stable, etc.

In 1% of cases growth by is used

The use of servers in Japan therefore will also have been boosted by growth in PC sales in 199C.

The continued success of the fabless/foundry business model is evident when examining the top 20 semiconductor suppliers ranked by growth rate.

The latest report by the World Gold Council indicated that demand from China slipped in the third quarter of the year which was offset by growth in India.

In 1% of cases growth from is used

Nevertheless, expectations of assets-buying increase prevented the British pound from growth.

The pain that comes from growth is far too much to bear, so they just give up and live far below their potential.

One month of austerity along those lines would subtract only about a third of a percentage point from growth for the full year, before accounting for multiplier effects.

In 1% of cases growth into is used

But debt management will not automatically translate into growth.

The world economy might respond by changing up a gear and moving slowly back into growth mode.

My investment strategy leans towards buying into growth opportunities, rather than maturing companies.

It's the multiple-joint increases that will surprise your system and activate your body system into growth.

If they get funding, there is a real risk that they could drag us back into growth and eventually out of debt.

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