of, For, with, to or in propaganda?
I hate this kind of propaganda made out in media. |
It was also easier to undermine those in power through this type of propaganda. |
It seems clear that this kind of propaganda boosts membership in conspiracy-minded groups. |
Any reasonable person knows where the vast majority of propaganda in Thailand is coming from. |
The existence of propaganda in the west is rarely acknowledged, yet its influence extends further than ever. |
Posted by: howdymo1 September 16, 2012, 1:50 pm 1:50 pm The truth is finally unravelling Obama's web of propaganda. |
Dobbs willingly and repeatedly engaged in the propagation of propaganda after having been informed that it was false. |
Whatever else happens, each of us is about to be smothered by an avalanche of propaganda designed to secure our vote. |
I think it is just another term for Minister of Propaganda, a term which you hear and straight away think of Goebbels. |
They should never use public platforms to pursue personal agendas and become instruments of propaganda and intolerance. |
John Palmer is appointed as EU Commissioner for Propaganda. |
For propaganda purposes it helps that she is media friendly: articulate and not weird. |
The NDC is the only political Party with propaganda executives. |
For the next 30 minutes of my life, I was bombarded with propaganda. |
For this reason, it was primarily concerned with propaganda rather than administration. |
Reporting of the long-running occupation of Palestine is consistently ridded with propaganda, half-truths and lies. |
This was always a problem but the Supreme Court's ruling has unleashed a tidal wave of money that replaces debate with propaganda and lies. |
Any individuals and groups reporting truth as they find it as opposed to propaganda. |
It's sad that liberal media has resorted to propaganda I believe is coming from the white house. |
The expenses of relief were high; the continuation of military government lent itself to propaganda about fascism and colonialism. |
Why did both sides attach so much importance to propaganda? One reason was that Britain was unlikely to be defeated by Irish separatists in any conventional military sense. |
Kim Jong-il's mother, Kim Jong-suk, died in 1949 and was lauded as a hero in propaganda -- leaving little room for Kim Il-sung's second wife. |
Glover's own attempts at propaganda disturbing. |
Thus there is a great need for the K1? 11? a consciousness movement for the benefit of innocent people who are being carried away by propaganda of such demons. |
Meanwhile, the citizenry, equally averse to issues relishes being fed on propaganda, non-issues and irrelevancies. |
Noting the sources and supporters of antivaccination propaganda one finds it incomprehensible that any could believe them. |
It is not unusual for the orators to add more to these general salutations in order to assure better results on propaganda or reconciliations. |
If you are interested in politics there is a section for that but this is truth vs propaganda, we want to project the truth here if you don't mind. |