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Prepositions used with "episode"

"of episode" or "in episode"?

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In 32% of cases episode of is used

I've been curious since a couple of episode back.

I watched the first couple of episodes and did nt go back.

See below for a full list of episodes this uniform appeared in.

I watched through series 1-4, but couldn't be bothered with 5 after a couple of episodes.

It looks like we may still be doing this guessing game until the last couple minutes of episode 16.

The sample groups were similar for age, sex, deprivation of area of residence, and severity of episode.

But I realize now that the show isn't supposed to be taken as seriously as it was in the first couple of episodes.

We often cry at the table while in the middle of emotional scenes - and we sobbed our way through a lot of episode 12.

Well there was one proper episode release in the form of Episode 1, but this came in 2006, almost a full 2 years after the original game.

In this sitcom fate introduces a fallen angel into the lives of a mother and daughter, who together are put through a variety of episodes.

In 20% of cases episode in is used

He and Amanda both return in episode 4.

And in Episode 2, it felt like everyone was just a bit off.

I do n't, however, love his acting, which is too bad since I thought he was better in Episode 1.

Jessica #10 12:53 pm Jun 08 2012 Just wait till ' Girls ' gets stupidly unrealistic in episode 8.

But they too seem rather unenthused with this story - Tamm even makes a rare fluff in episode two.

The greatest key to a woman's femininity, is her sexuality, which Risque will explain in episode 14.

Like I think I made some really bold choices in Episode 8, which will change how I play the rest the series.

I couldn't believe they would reveal the big secret that suddenly, and already in episode four of this season.

I just know that in Episode 1 he made my eyes light up and in Episode 2 he made me laugh for all the wrong reasons.

In 9% of cases episode to is used

Not used to episode numbering I guess).

So I'd soooooo looking forward to Episode VII.

I have watched up to episode 9 and am eagerly waiting for ep.

One Response to Episode 276 (02/06/12) -- Don't Have a Cow, Man Ugh.

Improvements to the quality of temporary accommodation and the on-site support offered are needed in order to react effectively to episodes of homelessness.

In 8% of cases episode from is used

The picture below was from episode 15 and there are no pictures yet for the tie scene.

Lou is stunningly beautiful as always from Episode One on, while Ty and Amy get more handsome and beautiful as the years progress.

You could skip from episodes two to four and hardly notice, to be honest - but that still leaves three-quarters of Kroll which is essentially well paced.

Note: It's recommended to start from episode 2, as episode 1 is a complete backstory about the parents that gets explained later (and is not as interesting).

In 7% of cases episode for is used

Gah! Can't wait for episode 13 and I'd watching it raw.

Fans (including myself) are already waiting for Episode 2, which is rumored to come out by the end of this month.

I have searched all over YouTube for episodes of heartland season 5 but apparently YouTube keeps deleting the episode.

In 7% of cases episode per is used

After months of tense negotiations, he was finally given his $100,000 per episode asking price.

Many lost as much as $600,000 per episode before recouping the shortfall with nine-figure syndication deals.

The scriptwriters kept introducing new ' characters ' with a rate of 5 per episode and I had to ' design ' them at a rate of 2-3 per week.

Life is so much more than just one heartbreak, or one performance, or one musical; it waits for no one, and the added time constraint of 45 minutes per episode doesn't help either.

In 6% of cases episode after is used

I was so hopeful after Episode 1.

But things pick up after episode six and become very intensive.

We know that Amy, Rory and River will be gone forever after episode 5.

Now I feel bad for sent him lot of mention after episode 7, asked for his selca.

Always after episodes like there he would cry hystericially and blame it on his past.

I shouldn't be surprised about his actions in each episode, but everything he does helps refresh my disgust for him episode after episode.

Even with the great scripts these actors are given, it is still a distinct challenge for even the most talented actor to make characters like these seem so real, episode after episode.

In 4% of cases episode with is used

Giant Bomb readers will probably have the most familiarity with episode 10, though.

Here, the five-part series starts with episodes 1-3 showing the trip to Argentina.

The series is still going, too, with episode 61 having been published just a week ago.

Lyme arthritis is often intermittent in nature if untreated, with episodes of joint inflammation spontaneously resolving after a few weeks to a few months.

In 3% of cases episode about is used

Really they could have cancelled it after about episode 6 of series 4 and I wouldn't have minded.

In the much talked about episode, there was the usual recap of past episodes with a neatly fused additions.

No doubt talking about episode 10 in Season 2, where the Neuroi had a domed hive that was rather well protected.

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