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Prepositions used with "discussion"

"of discussion" or "for discussion"?

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In Top 1000 words
In 33% of cases discussion of is used

Topic of discussion: The Cloud.

But there was a lot of discussion.

It is beyond the scope of discussion.

Lots of discussion on the web about this unusual play, for example, Yahoo! Sports.

It was a frenzy of discussions ranging from where to live to which laptop to buy.

Recently there has been an explosion of discussion regarding the Law of Attraction.

The? Maya? or illusion in philosophical context has been a subject of discussions for about four thousand years.

A little confused, I walked back outside where my mother and the doctor were still having some kind of discussion.

Its strike comes after months of discussions with the Ministry of Higher Education, and numerous disappointments.

In the second category, the subject of discussion is the punishment of the wrongdoer when the situation so demands.

In 28% of cases discussion for is used

This suggestion is still open for discussion.

David I's bunniness is not up for discussion.

She selects some stories for discussion from Ms.

While his contract is up for discussion he has been making some very loud noises.

People will say Ganguly is the one, but that's a huge topic for discussion in itself.

Three major topics for discussion run through the studies devoted to cultural memory.

Thanks for being honest about how you feel and it's great that you use your blogs for discussion of real issues.

It's fun to use books to prepare them and create a safe space for discussion! I love The Window by Jeannie Baker.

For instance his latest claim of cyber-bullying and cyber-terrorism gives news outlets more fodder for discussion.

The idea of a workers ' party has come from sections of the workers themselves - -- it is an issue up for discussion.

In 15% of cases discussion in is used

He talked very little, never joined in discussions.

We are in discussions about this use with one company.

I would get more involved in discussions and ask more questions.

Jesus comes up in discussions about politics, science and history, among a myriad.

If this has happened, try registering again and being more involved in discussions.

Involves everyone in discussion so it's not only certain people dominating discussion.

Related The Raptors and DeRozan's representatives were still engaged in discussions, with a deal very possible.

Paul Tigga in Dinajpur and indulged in discussion about different dimensions of non-formal education and development.

Each session was led by a facilitator with involvement of participants in discussion and group or individual exercise.

In 10% of cases discussion under is used

Only three topics remained under discussion in those visits: i.

A subsidiary motion affects the main motion under discussion (e.

Its use is currently under discussion by a task force of stakeholders.

The map data under discussion is no different than the entries in that phone book.

Indo-Pak relations as well as the regional situation were under discussion in the meeting.

The issues under discussion include the nature of collectors, collecting, and collections.

Instead, Wyile does well in each single instance to adapt his line of questioning to the works under discussion.

One choice under discussion, according to the Financial Times, is?? to impose further tax rises and spending cuts?

RIPE NCC has 3 months requirement at this time, and the policy proposal that extend to 24 months, is under discussion.

In 4% of cases discussion to is used

It's definitely open to discussion.

That adds nothing to discussion, doesn't educate either side, and solves nothing.

In a democratic and secular society, all ideas and beliefs must be open to discussion.

Be mindful of how you respond or react to discussions when it comes to matters of the heart.

You might want to show your doctor this book, to open the door to discussions about exercise.

I choose to call myself an Islamophobe when it comes to discussion on burqa and Islam in general.

She said the authority had been party to discussions at an European level that have led to this change in labelling.

Participation to discussion and deliberation (40%) The course is a seminar format, which requires lots of classroom discussion.

I agree there would have to be safeguards in place, but despite my personal squeamishness I feel it should be open to discussion.

Talking about bad things can lead to discussions about how to help others, and gives parents an opportunity to model compassion.

In 3% of cases discussion into is used

I do not want to get into discussion or debate around this today.

So, we seek to enter into discussions with the appropriate authorities.

My officials will have noted all his suggestions, and will ensure that they are fed back into discussions of the issue.

You should enter into discussions with your ex that you sell the house and try to split the negative equity between the two of you.

The article just refers to Richards and John's opposite opinions, whereas the comments on the article get's right back into discussion going on here.

But my experience with cosmic ray discussions is that they tend to devolve, as this one did rapidly, into discussions of minutiae that are of interest to only a very few people.

In 2% of cases discussion from is used

Stay AWAY from discussion of drugs and animal rights etc.

I identified myself staying away from discussions of money as long as I could.

Any member of the Membership Committee with an interest in any application for membership shall declare such interest and abstain from discussion and the voting of the Membership Committee.

In 2% of cases discussion on is used

Gives you a different perspective on discussion.

This has also had an impact on discussions about the acceptability of GM foods.

I promised I'd only take decisions based on discussions in community meetings, I wouldn't act alone.

The piece draws on discussions and presentations at the EBRD/FI Conference on Banking Crisis Resolution that took place in April 2012.

Though some of its content will focus on discussion generated from MOIA weekly articles, its focus will also include discussion of Internet trends, news and developments.

In 2% of cases discussion Through is used

Through discussion artists found their creative voices again.

Through discussions between the two groups, students can discover that in another text the roles are reversed.

It puts thought to humanity's purpose, through discussion of happiness, reason, economics and art (among others).

The officials of the Community Welfare Wing try to sort their problems through discussions with the sponsor for an amicable settlement.

Through discussions and assistance from the Social Development Commission and the Jamaica Business Development Centre (JBDC ), operations began in August 2007.

The moral conducts of any society changes over time through discussion and self-criticism, which is vital or peopled by the enforcement of the existence of legal sanction.

It was only 2 years ago I began to see the first use of pages trying to connect to their consumers through discussion posts, product pictures and useless posts clogging up my newsfeed.

In 2% of cases discussion with is used

Another method is looking for IP addresses connected with discussion forum postings.

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