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Prepositions used with "conflict"

"of conflict" or "in conflict"?

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In Top 1000 words
In 42% of cases conflict of is used

That source of conflict was simply removed.

Two different types of conflict might arise here.

M -- How will the world end? TP -- In a state of conflict.

More than two decades of conflict have scattered Somalis to all corners of the world.

This immediately makes whole relaxing of conflict resolution much more complex feature.

Historically, the nature of conflict between Israel and Lebanon was mainly of two types.

Rebels and the government traded blame for the blackout, the worst communications outage in 20 months of conflict.

He is a master storyteller, incorporating examples of conflicts from recent headlines right into his methodology.

Newberger's book offers simple, effective and practical solutions to the necessary process of conflict resolution.

And, Sandberg removed herself from the situation because of conflicts of interest with the Morgan Stanley people.

In 27% of cases conflict in is used

But sometimes they are in conflict.

One thought is in conflict with another.

Fasting is only in conflict with sinning.

More must be done for the children, families and communities caught up in conflicts.

In conflict making use of sexual partner will never be notably a sign of a bad romantic.

Try to understand the intent of the texts in conflict, and the action they do in the world.

While simultaneously the two groups are moving toward each other in conflict, and many individuals moving in fight.

The best thing that be asked of people locked in conflict is to remember that people on the other side are human too.

Also, if you are in conflict with the landlord, it feels better to be talking to others going through the same thing.

This report is in conflict with weaker ahadith that claim that the Prophet granted permission to write down his words.

In 8% of cases conflict for is used

In fact, the Vedas have a formula for conflict resolution, too.

There are no ways of ignoring the potential for conflict ahead.

This would provide less opportunity for conflict between the two parents.

Remember we have only a short period in this life, so what is the point in wasting it for conflicts.

Guiding children through the steps of conflict resolution Steps and suggestions for conflict resolution 1.

The potential for conflict between Shia and Sunni, secular and religious society was always there, frozen by Saddam's repression.

The report had a particular focus on identifying those issues critical to the success of training for conflict management in the pastoral sector.

In 5% of cases conflict into is used

Pro-choice and pro-life groups likewise come into conflict.

It comes into conflict with ethics, freedom of exercising human rights and silence by the law makers.

The secrecy of the CIA sometimes comes into conflict with the open and free society that we all love.

There are, however, occasional large street protests, and they sometimes descend into conflict with police.

It is not difficult to see how these agencies come into conflict with activists and protest-related activities.

Cognitive dissonance is the condition that affects people when their belief system comes into conflict with reality.

Soon he went into conflict with the Hindu Zamidar Krishna Deb Ray as Ray imposed new taxes on the peasants who were predominantly Muslims.

Within the Garda Sochna, there are Garda officers who specifically deal with situations involving children who come into conflict with the law.

Having different needs or wants, or wanting the same thing when only one is available, can easily lead children into conflict with one another.

In 4% of cases conflict on is used

That ECOWAS has focused much of its attention on conflict management is therefore not surprising.

We were speaking at seminar on conflict in the Asian region hosted by the East -- West Centre of the University of Hawaii.

We live in a world that thrives on conflict, and in which the forces that nurture conflict are pervasive; obstinate and terribly powerful.

Often, they could retain part of their powers in lower jurisdictions, for example, on conflicts on land and water rights (Migot-Adholla and Bruce 1994).

Often, they could retain part of their powers in lower jurisdictions, for example, on conflicts on land and water rights (Migot-Adholla and Bruce 1994).

In these kinds of situations, the issues that have to do with punishment are put aside and the focus is majored on conflict resolution and dialogues for peace.

The letters were provided by the Senate Special Committee on Aging, which Kohl chairs and is holding a hearing today on conflicts in continuing medical education.

Thus more space was given to local decisionmaking and local regulations on the allocation and redistribution of property rights in rangelands and on conflict resolution.

In 4% of cases conflict to is used

Due to conflicts with his TV schedule.

Violence is never an answer to conflicts.

These have led to conflicts in many parts of the continent.

On the PC each DLC would be like a esm or esp file, and it can lead to conflicts.

Conflicts of Interest: We have procedures in place to identify and respond to conflicts of interest.

In the case of Namibia, this led to conflicts between wealthier and poorer pastoralists (Devreux 1996).

This is the very reason why an indepentant pannel should investigate all war crimes committed by all parties to conflicts since 5th April 1970.

The Bar Council of India has completely failed in disciplining misconduct lawyers due to conflicts of interest and corruption within the Bar Council of India.

Angolan Foreign Minister George Chikoti urged participants to make joint efforts to forge good-neighborly relations and seek collective solutions to conflicts.

Newberger's approach to conflicts within our own family and marriage and have seen fantastic results, especially in how connected we feel when we forgive and make peace.

In 4% of cases conflict with is used

Learn how to deal with conflicts.

What Makes Great Fiction? Great books are filled with conflict.

Often adults encourage children to deal with conflict by compromising.

It has enlightened me about things like safe sex and how to deal with conflict.

In any case, the history of Muslims in Burma has not always been as fraught with conflict as it is today.

So what are your patterns of dealing with conflict? And what's the big deal anyway? So you're a bit indirect.

Win-some lose-some: Using compromise to resolve conflict Adults have a significant impact on how children deal with conflict.

Bottom line: We have a worldwide epidemic in lack of trust and unhealthy ways of dealing with conflict and poor communication.

Over the past 20 years, I have focused a lot on becoming better at dealing with conflict and communicating more authentically.

But, when they can no longer differ their wishes, the dtente that so far sustained peace is about to be replaced with conflict and war.

In 2% of cases conflict about is used

They said that the talk about conflict between Chen and the villagers was spread by guards pretending to be villagers.

When we think about violence, we often think about conflict, and when we think about conflict, we often think about wars or international disputes.

Our workshops build capacity among our Peace Ambassadors who serve as role models and share their knowledge about conflict resolution and basic rights.

In 2% of cases conflict by is used

Africa is a continent ravaged by conflicts and instability.

It is undeniable that occasionally these have been marred by conflicts, many of which have been economic and political in nature.

I have written a school based program for IC to help children affected by conflict with their emotional literacy and mental health.

Much of Somalia is plagued by conflict and war, but Somaliland has made significant progress -- both in terms of safety and incipient democracy.

I have noted the comparative excellence of the Ministry of Health in not just restoring, but also improving, services in areas affected by conflict.

The film follows the development of a friendship between these two contrasting characters from its inception shrouded by conflict in the confines of the classroom toward something much more intimate.

In 2% of cases conflict from is used

News from conflicts certainly impacts currency pricing.

This is consistent with Freudian theory, which holds that as energy is released from conflict points it becomes available to the general system.

Mine-affected countries suffering from conflict or going through post-conflict reconstruction face immense challenges in providing adequate assistance for their victims.

Revolutionary violence resulted not only from conflict between Crown forces and republicans but from conflict between the two main political and religious traditions in Ireland.

As Joanna Spear points out, weapons may be imbedded in societies emerging from conflict, often for practical reasons (as markers of status, or as means of security and income-generation).

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