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Prepositions used with "comment"

"of comment" or "for comment"?

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In Top 1000 words
In 34% of cases comment of is used

Current number of comments: 0 3.

Current number of comments: 0 2.

What an amazing set of comments.

Nigel: 20 May 2011 11:40:46pm What a great lot of comment on such an important issue.

I have read a lot of comments where people are justifying why to stay in credit debt.

As you know, there has been a lot of comment recently about succession at BHP Billiton.

I read a lot of comments likening it to a hybrid between Zelda and God of War, and I think that's a fair assessment.

It can be a few sentences or a collection of comments from you, your whanau, your neighbours, or your community group.

When the news report was first published, the majority of comments on Ghanaweb and MyjoyOnline were condemnatory of him.

These sorts of comments filter into people's fears, insecurities and misunderstandings and eventually voting intensions.

In 26% of cases comment for is used

This story is closed for comments.

Use the correct spam filter for comments.

Watchmann could not be reached for comment.

I should note we contacted the BBC for comment, but they did not respond by airtime.

That will be sent back to the House of Representatives as a White Paper for comments.

Mattel, Disney and Walmart did not respond to requests for comments on the allegations.

Deciding the best essays? Difficult, but really what I would think necessary is reducing the number posted for comment.

Bloggers, Facebook accounts owners, and other online account owners who open their sites for comments from other people.

Now I'd typing directly into the form for comments to see if my line breaks and paragraph breaks are maintained this way.

In 10% of cases comment with is used

I'd now trying to catch up with comments.

Ill post the article with comments on Sunday.

In fact, write your code well (with comments, etc.

With comments like these, it's no wonder you see all the hate come out with such anger.

Maybe some of you will buzz in with comments on how you approach The Historian's Craft.

I'd following almost all of these 5 tips on my blog and I'd doing good with comments on my blog.

However, he has made a simple error, which we detail below, along with comments on some of his other assertions.

I really think there should be guidelines here about not going overboard with comments on physical appearance of celebrities.

I'd seen some big bloggers do this due to being overwhelmed with comments -- and I figured I might as well do it at the start.

Is a PD and a director actually the same thing? Hi, I agree with comments by quicksilver18; however, I've not watch capital scandal.

In 9% of cases comment in is used

Share your thoughts in comments.

Encourage search engines to follow links in comments.

We accept clean XHTML in comments, but don't overdo it.

Janet Goldstein commented, as well, and she comes from a different network altogether.

One of the factors touched upon frequently in comments is that good cheap electricity.

I've read a paper that was previously linked in comments expounding the idea you're hinting at.

Israel's unhappiness with Hamas ' surging confidence was evident in comments by Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman.

Do you have any methods for dealing with your to do list of secondary priority chores? Please do answer in comments.

Kelly (in comment #18) asked who's going to call out the stars we buy from, and I say: it's a duty we each shoulder as buyers.

In 9% of cases comment to is used

The same rule applies to comments.

Replying to comments also do help.

Bob, just have a look above to Comment Nr.

I do nt know where to start but I have billion things on my mind to say and to comments.

Thank you Steph for your annual post that brings this subject up for people to comment on.

Bravo Canada! I'd not one to comment but reading posts like this give me hope for humanity.

Since I enjoy replying to comments, I've found that there are too many things that compete for my time and attention.

I come to this conclussion due to comments you have written, such as, ' we call hir a guru then the GP authors will complain '.

And then blogging took off in a big way and you left comments (IntenseDebate is the name of a popular comment plugin ), replied to comments.

I'd taking a bit of a break to respond to comments (because that's only polite, I think ); after I'd done here, it's back to the grindstone.

In 3% of cases comment by is used

The justification has been shot to pieces by comments from US entertainment lawyer Jonathan Handel.

These reports will be accompanied by comments to ensure that you get the maximum seo benefit from them.

David Moyes problems were compounded by comments from Marouane Fellaini this week, indicating his future lay away from Goodison Park.

The debate was sparked by comments made by Louis Vogel, head of France's Conference of University Presidents, which have lifted the lid on the highly contentious issue.

In 3% of cases comment on is used

Click here to read my policy on comments.

J: Really? On comments or sales? B: Comments.

I will also be posting on comments submitted by other readers.

I don't usually bother lowering myself to write on comments pages.

This is an interactive blog, incidentally, and I insist on comments if you've got something to say.

Anyway, I have had to turn on comment moderation soley for the above reason and still get several a day.

The reportage on comments made by the Brg Gen were not to say our Prof died due to critisisms and insults.

Much of the defamation case centres on comments Ford made in an editorial board meeting with the Toronto Sun and a story published in the Sun that stemmed from that meeting.

Its brilliant, sophisticated and fact I think this must make it true and just shows me how smart I am! Geez mate you (and others) are piling on comments here that absolutely.

Seating Charts - Teachers record where each participant is seated, note the incidence of interaction among students, and take brief notes on comments voiced during the discussion.

In 3% of cases comment Without is used

Xavi handed over his half-full water bottle without comment.

She nodded and handed me back twenty thousand shillings without comment and walked away.

Even more insidious however, are events that are allowed to happen and pass without comment or action.

Without comments, some of the other built in features like History become redundant without comments.

Without comments, some of the other built in features like History become redundant without comments.

Xavi dug in his jacket pocket and came up with a pair of sunglasses that he handed over without comment.

Clear up any accidents without comment and as quickly as you can so that you're not rewarding him for what he's done.

Most of the blogs without comments have non-appropriate designs or the color combinations, which prevents readers from commenting.

We believe that the unpatriotic and dangerous comments made by the opposition leader as he addressed delegates on Sunday could not go without comment.

Attracting Relevant Traffic with SEO Content And Social Media Hi Hamza, This is absolutely true that a blog without comments is just a desolate place indeed.

In 2% of cases comment from is used

From comments on previous posts I gather that many Jazz fans feel the same way.

It's obvious from comments and actions that the dark skinned ones should be put down.

Like or Dislike: 0 0 http: **26;1403;TOOLONG Andrew Turnbull Whatever the reason, I tend to shy away from comments.

I understood that the BBC did not record this part of the concert but from comments on this forum it seems that a full recording exists.

They must treat lawyers, clients and witnesses with respect and must refrain from comments that suggest they have made up their minds in advance.

From comments I have heard and articles I have read since I have been in the UK, I have been very surprised at the amount of interest and judgement heaped on women about their dress.

In 1% of cases comment through is used

The most popular way is through comments.

I'd glad you do, but focus more on my writings, not trying go through comments.

Reading through comments left by customers of different rental companies can help open your eyes to what makes each one a unique choice.

Need any help, contact me through comment it would have been better if these was split to about 200MB for people like me who have a slow connection.

He said he comes by his information through comments and remarks made to the press and in court, even though the actual medical records are not available to him.

That is conceivable as a result of they can position code on the banner advert with a purpose to supply them through comments each time a consumer clicks from the banner ad.

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