Prepositions after "merciful"

merciful to, of, towards, unto or with?

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In Top 1000 words
In 52% of cases merciful to is used

He was kind and merciful to us.

He has been most merciful to us.

Surely Allah is Merciful to you.

The Lord was good and merciful to Peter, and His goodness and mercy endures forever.

Allaah is more merciful towards His slaves than they themselves or their mothers are.

Until then, I will work on being merciful to you, but I confess it is very difficult.

I know very soon I will post a powerful testmony not that I do nt have any, I do the Lord has beeen merciful to me.

And cause us to be merciful to one another just as the Companions of Your Prophet (sala Allhu ' alihi was-Salm) were.

And Allah has kept back ninety-nine parts of mercy with which to be merciful to His slaves of the Day of Resurrection.

And cause us to be merciful to one another just as the Companions of Your Prophet (sala Allahu alihi was-Salaam) were.

In 15% of cases merciful of is used

O most Merciful of the merciful.

Surely, He is the Most Merciful of all.

He is the Most merciful of the merciful.

He knows for certain that Allah is the Most Merciful of all and the best in forgiveness.

Oh, most Merciful of those who show mercy! You are the Lord of the weak and You are my Lord.

I have come to You so that You may look at me with Your Mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful.

Consequently, we should state that under each misfortune, there are sweet fruits of God, who is the most Merciful of the merciful.

So take precautions and seek refuge with Allaah, for He is the Best of protectors and He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy.

And remember Job, when he cried to his Lord: ' Truly distress has seized me, but Thou art the Most Merciful of those that are merciful.

Ingredients for this alert: address: me every: log in to see results, but the travel is real light to use any merciful of wound first gear.

In 6% of cases merciful towards is used

Truly He is Ever Most Merciful towards you.

Truly! He is Ever Most Merciful towards you.

Truly, Allah is full of kindness, the Most Merciful towards mankind.

If Allah is merciful towards us then we have NO excuses to our fellow human beings.

Allaah is more merciful towards His slaves than they themselves or their mothers are.

He rules well, has a care for the poor, and the weak, and is merciful towards his enemies.

Just as one can be truthful and still be merciful towards Manto, no matter how angry one is at the policy she had to push.

This is re? ected in Allah being more merciful towards him and elevating the spiritual status of the servant when he DOES repent and turns back to Allah.

We learn from a tradition of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) that he taught that Allah the Almighty shows mercy only to those who are merciful towards others.

Getting rid of the taint of ill-will, he dwells benevolent in mind; compassionate and merciful towards all creatures and beings, he cleanses the mind of ill-will.

In 5% of cases merciful unto is used

Lo! Allah is ever Merciful unto you.

We need to pray that He will be merciful unto us and not beat us too badly.

Other music at the wedding included: Psalm 67 (God be merciful unto us and bless us) sung to a setting by E.

Therefore David prays to have a look from God, ' Look Thou upon me, and be merciful unto me ' (Psalm 119:132).

And every one may pray, Look thou upon me, and be merciful unto me as thou usest to do unto those that love thy name.

As you come, ask Him to be merciful unto you, ask Him to save your soul, promise Him that from now on you will do His will.

But as I sat in silence, sipping my coffee, and breathing in God's holy word, I was filled with His promises: 67 God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah.

In 4% of cases merciful with is used

Be merciful with us and enjoy your ride.

We should similarly be merciful with each other.

Be merciful with the orphan, pat his head and feed him from what you eat.

They should enjoin the inhabitants of their homes to be kind and merciful with others.

Hospitable to strangers, merciful with the poor and needy who are brothers to the Lord.

God was more merciful with us than we could ever be with anyone else, or could ever deserve.

Allah has said of His Holy Prophet, Peace be upon him: He is anxious about what you do, and merciful with the believers.

Will you thank HIM? Or will you be just another ungrateful? You can thank HIM by being Merciful with animals and mankind.

Isn't it nice to know he is likewise merciful with us and our imperfections? VLB -- Just so you know, your saying that racism can be ok for awhile, that's called racism.

No two (individuals) can disagree that whoever replaces the law of the Most Merciful with man-made laws is a Kafir of the greatest degree and excommunicated from the faith.

In 3% of cases merciful among is used

Allah bestows His Mercy on the merciful among His slaves.

And Allah does not bestow His Mercy, except on the merciful among His slaves.

And surely Allah bestows mercy upon those who are merciful among His servants.

And those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves.

And those who are with him are stern against the disbelievers, (but) merciful among themselves.

Qur'an 48:29 -- Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves.

When he heard this, Malik recited the verse: Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and those with him are hard against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves.

And those with him are hard against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves Quran 48:29 ), I (Mirza Ghulam) have been named Muhammad as well as the Messenger of Allah.

We can't say that the God of the Jews is fast to anger and not merciful among others but unlike Christians, the Jews do not teach much on heaven, hell, and Judgment at the last day.

In 3% of cases merciful in is used

Visceral in its affliction and merciful in its respite.

He is the Wise One in whatever He does, the most Merciful in His judgment.

He is merciful in his dealings with his fellows, and compassionate towards the helpless and the hopeless.

She had no scruples on her cold-blooded way to the top, so there is no need to be merciful in our dealings with her.

But in fact, I find that Allah is so merciful in that, even if a person drinks and feels too guilty, there is a way to go back to the prayers.

The army was fair in their marches to friends, and merciful in battle and success to enemies, by which they got love from enemies, though more from friends.

Nature is merciful in preparing us well for every stage of our inward journey, not only through sleep, but through our soul memory from past encounters with death as well.

I do believe in capitalism up to a point - I am a manner of entrepreneur - but as a philosophy its brutality and evil makes even the death camps look merciful in comparison.

In 3% of cases merciful on is used

I saw them (in such a state) and felt merciful on them.

Allah for some reason has always been merciful on me Alhamdulillah.

Knitting deities, please be merciful on Steph because she has clearly lost her mind.

I think we must pray the almighty to be merciful on us to continue our innocent battle.

O Allah! Be merciful on me by making me obedient to thee and not to be disobedient till my life time.

I know it is soooo painful right now, but ask Allah to be merciful on you and help you get over this.

So then what is your thought about that Being who is more Merciful on His slave than a father to his son.

God have merciful on us cos these days are really bad n the least said about these so called prophets, the better.

Yes, neither would they be merciful on the young nor have any respect for elders and nor would they condone anyone who commits a mistake.

Defensively I also wouldn't change or add anything, except a prayer to Robennus, the German God of Injuries to be merciful on our full-backs.

In 2% of cases merciful for is used

He is the most merciful for a reason.

The terms of surrender were quite merciful for the time.

At this point, it would have been merciful for the force commander to have detached the hard luck ship and sent her back to Norfolk.

In 1% of cases merciful as is used

Yet life can be merciful as well as cruel.

None is there in the Heavens and earth, but comes to the All Merciful as a servant.

None is there in the heavens and the earth, but comes to the All Merciful as a servant.

Whatever is in the heavens and the earth, whatever comes to the All Merciful as a servant.

There is no one in the heavens and earth but that he comes to the Most Merciful as a servant.

The Oft-Forgiving, The Most Merciful As for the sin of Adam, the Quran tells us that he repented for his sin.

In 1% of cases merciful at is used

Allah is All Mighty, All Powerful and All Merciful at the same time.

At Lynah, Colgate merely dumped the puck back in after intercepting a breakout try, but they were not as merciful at their home rink when they were one goal behind.

In 1% of cases merciful by is used

Even the rack-renting of Ireland, which so stirred our indignation a little while ago, was merciful by comparison.

Upon seeing these devastating, ghastly activities performed by the King, all the people who were merciful by nature became very unhappy.

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful By the Time, Verily Man is in loss, Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual.

It quite straightforward when you think about it, God is simply being merciful by giving them more time to perform good deeds so that they too can increase their chances of going to heaven.

In 1% of cases merciful toward is used

Indeed, Allah is the most merciful toward his servant.

For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.

Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, was extremely merciful toward all the creatures of God.

In 1% of cases merciful upon is used

Kindly give up your anger, be merciful upon me, and please smile upon me with loving attachment.

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