Prepositions after "mature"

"mature in" or "mature into"?

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In Top 1000 words
In 26% of cases mature in is used

Some say he is not matured in lanken politics.

Proceeds will be used to pay notes that mature in January 2013.

East; peaked in Asia, South East; maturing in England, South East.

Premature infants placed in incubators tend to push themselves into the corners of their beds.

Human infants, also born immature, are designed to mature in close proximity to their mothers.

What is one good thing that marriage has done to you? Marriage has made me more matured in life.

Brazil -- Among the countries which might be fast maturing in medical tourism business, Brazil has the most potential.

While I like to believe I've matured in the past nine or so years since the incident, she obviously hasn't grown up at all.

Well as 4 me ini is more responsible and mature in her films not like tonto who looks like a white dog wit tatoo all over her body.

It is not acceptable for people to fail to mature in life to a minimum standard of adulthood, that of developing an internal moral compass.

In 20% of cases mature into is used

They can then mature into different kinds of new regenerated cells.

This is a country which is maturing into a global player but it has done it right.

The country is supposed to mature into a nation that is at ease with itself, but far from it.

But if internet reporting started in a sort of rebellious teenage age, it's matured into adulthood.

He has matured into a statesman over the last five years in a way that I find absolutely impressive.

My suggestion: address the second in a fair, just and equitable way, and the first, will mature into tolerance.

Ideas that begin as experiments in future potential can mature into other impact areas before commercialization.

Having matured into an organisation capable of continuing on its own, the IBU decided on 26 June 1998, to exist autonomously.

The dance matured into one of the most beautiful couple dances the world has ever seen, a subtle, heady blend of sex and chess.

As if by accident, that single cutting matured into a sturdy rose bush with a profusion of rich blooms in the millennium year, 2000.

In 9% of cases mature at is used

Both species mature at around 15 years of age.

A juvenile endowment plan is specially designed to mature at specified ages for educational purposes.

Trees that grow next to roadways should mature at a height that allows pruning for pedestrian and vehicle clearance.

It is written to mature at the age at which the insured (a juvenile when the policy was first written) is embarking on his/her tertiary education.

But how do we reckon the Feast of Purim in a year that the barley matures at the end of the eleventh month? No Feast of Purim? Shivers ran down my spine.

In 7% of cases mature as is used

You think,? I? m obviously maturing as a Christian!?, and are tempted to drop into conversations that,? Yes, I was in Ezekiel 47 this morning.

Having matured as a batsman Silva will bring in the much needed enterprise at number six besides his brilliant fielding and more than useful leg spin.

Drew, I think over the years you have matured as a journalist and could go back to more of the muckraker, reviewing scripts with fairness and objectivity.

Phillipp Lahm (Germany ): The German captain might not have been as eye-catching as four years ago but the Bayern man has matured as a defender since then.

A truly free and fair elections that is kept honest and peaceful will add credence to the fact that Ghana is gradually maturing as a democratic country if not in substance but only in style.

In 6% of cases mature over is used

From a technology perspective, SOA has also matured over this last year.

The well-developed and fully evolved form of democracy that we witness today has matured over a long span of time.

While his style has matured over the years, one thing has remained consistent: his concept of what makes a photograph great.

In 6% of cases mature for is used

Matured for 9 months for optimum taste.

You seem to be a student but way too matured for that.

As a hobbyist programmer, I have been watching the open source model mature for a number of years now.

At the time I had a Fisher Price record player, and a number of 45s that looking back seemed a bit mature for my young ears.

Starting from Silverlight 4 and 5 (finally decent, non bitmap, printing support) matures for making great web or LOB applications.

Surface Preparation Allow newly plastered surfaces to mature for a period of at least 6 months after the application of a coat of lime ash to ensure thorough drying of plaster.

In 4% of cases mature on is used

After all, bull markets?? mature on optimism and die on euphoria.

In 3% of cases mature after is used

SMS market of Guangdong has matured after 4 years ' fast development from 2000 to 2003.

Proceeds will be used to advance refund outstanding GO refunding bonds, series 2005, maturing after Feb.

In 3% of cases mature with is used

Jamie, you have matured with the times like a damn brilliant bottle of red wine.

Joey Barton So bad I'd including him twice, most people are supposed to mature with age, their actions while younger deemed a simple case of naivety.

Duke 200 doesn't face any of the issues listed by you, so why would Duke 390? In India, dirt bikes won't work, we are still not that matured with respect to biking.

In 3% of cases mature to is used

Now I like different kinds of movies and I've also matured to where I feel like I can tell a story.

What's that about? Did you comment to the wrong article? I think this article is jumping the gun -- the research in question has not matured to the point that it seems to be suggesting.

In 2% of cases mature from is used

While it is maturing from a business service standpoint, it still catering to its own region.

Plans include issuing some $61 million in tax-exempt debt through the Illinois Finance Authority and another $40 million in taxable bonds, maturing from 2013 to 2040.

In 2% of cases mature beyond is used

May be you will mature beyond it some day.

In 1% of cases mature during is used

Projects started by BNP should ideally started to mature during the CTG regime.

It is anticipated that the leads and prospects identified on this newly captured acreage will be matured during 2013, with drilling planned in 2014 and beyond.

In 1% of cases mature before is used

I think if we would have waited &; matured before getting married, we probably wouldn't have because we would have seen how we had different ideas (at that time) of what we wanted out of life.

In 1% of cases mature till is used

This doesn't mature till your late 20s.

In 1% of cases mature around is used

Your 5th gen fighters will mature around the same time as the PAKFA/FGFA.

In 1% of cases mature within is used

The RBI permits loans, which mature within one year, to be repaid from net foreign exchange earnings without prior government approval.

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