Prepositions after "major"

major in, for, with, at or to?

Word Frequency
In Top 1000 words
In 60% of cases major in is used

Why do you want to major in? 4.

My uncle is a major in the army.

In short, he is a major insider.

I saw a major in the 3rd regiment take out his pistol and blow off the top of his head.

He was commissioned with the rank of major in the Boer army and given Boer citizenship.

He added that some of those teaching History, at present, did not major in the subject.

Students are able to major in one of the following specialisations: Marine Aquaculture or Ocean &; Subsea Structures.

Certainly not McIlroy, who already has a major in his pocket and a short game that rivals that of Woods in his prime.

Tipsarevic, meanwhile, achieved his best result at a major in New York 12 months ago when he made the quarter-finals.

He graduated from the University of Houston in 2001 with a major in business finance and a minor in creative writing.

In 6% of cases major for is used

But nothing major for us to cling to.

Stop having an elected major for London.

This is major for us; more on this later.

I'd a 19 year old college freshman and I'd not sure if I chose the right major for me.

Note: If you are taking this major for a BA or BSc you must also include the BCom core.

You will need to study psychology, obviously, as the major for your undergraduate degree.

I had planned on med school all along, and switched from my initial chemistry pre-med major for a number of reasons.

At some point Windows 7 Keygen, computer people ought to benefit from your CD AND DVD major for variety of functions.

Treatment See: Depression - major for more information about medications and other therapies used to treat depression.

An Infiniti Q45 retailed at about 45k at the time and that was major for even the biggest rapper in the game at the time.

In 5% of cases major with is used

I am an accounting major with a 4.

However, I'd a double major with Math.

Truth is, I rarely share my major with people.

Now four months later, I can take another class for my major with the same instructor.

I'd also in a major with a bunch of dudes, and I'd a little better at it than they are.

There may be Canadian Goose down which is in the major with the line luxury comforters.

Last year, Bradley became the first player to win a major with a putter anchored on his midriff at the PGA Championship.

Last year, Bradley became the first player to win a Major with a putter anchored on his midriff at the PGA Championship.

Students may do a double major with both majors in Science, or your first major in Science and your second major in Arts.

We enjoyed dinner that night at the home of a Major with the National Guard and his guests, who were virtually all Democrats.

In 4% of cases major at is used

Fulfilled the requirements of one major at B.

Her major at the school of the arts was theater.

You may have chosen your major at this point but you are most certainly not locked into it.

Elli Whiteway, 21, a senior Christian ethics major at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn.

This blog was contributed by Nicole Spears, a junior Strategic Communications major at the E.

I think you should be proud to be a Media Studies major at VUW, I know I am! I'd also like to make an observation re.

When you changed your major at the last minute, where did you land? Computer science, with minors in Japanese and math.

Xu's major at Tianjin University, which has nurtured many of the country's watchmakers, was cancelled in the early 1990s.

I just graduated from university at age 44 but with 7 years experience in other areas apart from my major at the university.

In 4% of cases major on is used

Don't major on your weaknesses.

None of them are considered major on a national scale.

I think it's best to start with, and major on, fundamentals.

Some folks major on the minors -- mostly because they think they are majors, not minors.

However, in the first season, he states he only picked paleontology as his major on a dare.

SLAPSHOTS: W Kyle Hope is suspended indefinitely after his head checking major on Wednesday.

Neither are anti-theological churches that major on Christian experience and piety disconnected from doctrinal content.

LC: I'll check there to see where our readers can see you or hear you and we'll announce anything major on Transition Voice.

He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant on January 6, 1983; captain on January 6, 1987; and made major on January 6, 1994.

The 37-year-old is a three-time winner of the event, including one victory after it became a major on the LPGA Tour in 2001.

In 4% of cases major to is used

It's like a Major to most of us Indians.

That moment was major to me, both for Drake and for my city.

The next day, he said, he changed his major to religious studies.

I have begun showing an interest in programming and changed my major to Computer Science.

All in all it has been a productive trip since I was able to accomplish the major to dos.

Even after I changed my major to audio, I still was very into exercising and eating right.

Ending up changing my major to mathematics before I even started, then 6 months in changed to agricultural economics.

I struggle to see what Westwood has done to not be high in everyone's regard other than not have a major to his name.

Besides, he's won so many awards and he knows that adding one or two more will not add anything major to his portfolio.

It gave him opportunity to humiliate, taunt and disparage John major to the cheers of labour party members of parliament.

In 2% of cases major from is used

Brandon Bark is a classics major from Baton Rouge.

He changed his major from journalism to philosophy.

I don't think there's going to be anything major from this.

It sounds like you learned something major from this breakup that will help you in the future.

One can also usefully (if often somewhat arbitrarily) distinguish major from minor characters.

MIKE WISNIEWSKI is a senior classical studies major from Philadelphia and is Sports Editor of The.

I am a senior secondary social studies major from Northeast Arkansas, a long way from either the Beltway or Hollywood.

That major from the medical corps who wrote the letter was probably not on the sidelines with a bag of physio supplies.

Ninja then set up Curly for another powerjam as she drew a major from Lawless after a long tustle with the Glasgow jammer.

The major from the Ministry of Defence, the Wounded Personnel Liaison Officer, had been fair but firm during his recent visit.

In 2% of cases major of is used

Three years later Macquarie was appointed major of brigade.

The most major of these for me was having some issues with time management.

I really don't see it as major of an advantage of some people make it out to be either.

I am second year student of Business Administration, Accounting is major of my Bachelor degree.

As major of countries and Somalia music is related on the folklore or better said on the folk music.

At the incredibly major of the listing is the Canada Goose Expedition Parka (mens and womens available).

A cigarette contains more then 7,000 chemicals in it, Nicotine is one and major of them that is addictive too.

What's more, the Huns weren't as major of a problem for Qin Shi Huang during his reign, but became a major problem for Liu Bang.

To think he won't be going to anything is just a load of PR gumf, as a digintary (as major of London) he will have plenty of opportunity.

So he strips a dead major of his jacket and cap, and now, apparently a senior officer, with the right badges and red tabs, men will obey him.

In 2% of cases major plus is used

And that is a major plus point.

I am sure that was the major plus point.

Besides, his military career is a major plus IMO.

Maintaining good records is another major plus that comes from using a small business debit card.

W e like Dua Residency a lot, and it occupies quieter part of the KLCC enclave which is a major plus.

The event hall also had bowls of mints strewn across the tables, which was a major plus -- I love mints.

This will not usually be deserving of a Major plus a Game Misconduct because the intent was not to contact the head.

A common theme in all the dishes we tried was the impecibally cooked white rice, a major plus point in this dish also.

The major plus here is that it was designed in collaboration with TomTom, whose built-in GPS technology tracks run data.

As for time zones and schedule constraints, a major plus point is that participation does not require a normal 9-to-5 job.

In 1% of cases major after is used

Palmer never won another major after the ager of 35.

Not everyone follows their major after school, in fact some say that 90% don't.

Most of these needs to have regular checks to avoid anything major after every 25,000 miles.

Eriven was shocked to learn that she would have to change her major after the system flagged her.

The present Potala palace was re-built major after 17 century, particular during Dalai Lama V period.

After a Hamilton single, Calgary scored another major after assembling a 75 yard drive and capping it with a four-yard TD pass from Glenn to Jon Cornish.

And perhaps fewer will waste time taking courses that won't count towards a degree requirement if a student decides to change their major after their first year.

During WWII, Arthur Lowe served as a Sergeant Major and John Le Mesurier a Captain, while director/producer David Croft rose to the rank of major after joining the Royal Artillery in 1942.

In 1% of cases major as is used

It has found its role in almost all of the major as well as small niches.

The capital is Berlin while German is the major as well as official language.

When we gave dinner parties for his friends, he hired a former major as a cook.

The IPA is the major as well as the oldest representative organization for phoneticians.

Thorold touched his cap gravely, to the major as well as to me, and then brought his gray horse alongside.

I had just turned 50 years old and I was out at The Tradition -- my first tournament and major as a senior.

The Labour council deserves credit for standing up to police resistance to bring in 20mph on major as well as residential roads.

And this has been highlighted by the sea of heads at regular bus stops now since the okadas started leaving the major as well as the by roads.

She has a hands-on internship in her major as a freshman! She will graduate with a stellar resume full of academics AND experience -- which is essential in this economy.

If you want to train to do this: whenever you listen to a chord in a tune, recognize the main note, thereafter enjoy equally major as well as minor chords applying that note.

In 1% of cases major by is used

What's your major by the way? Finish your studies.

He faced a major by the brutal feet of oppression.

In 1863 he was commissioned a Major by Governor Stanford.

She had been in scrapes before and always managed to avoid anything major by way of punishments.

You can find out what subjects make up a major by reading Table 1 in the Faculty of Science handbook.

The Gryphon offence finally gelled on a 13-play, 71-yard drive culminating in a one-yard rushing major by Lindsey.

McMaster added to its lead early in the third quarter, off a two-yard rushing major by Kasean Davis-Reynolds (Mississauga, Ont.

I did agree, as I had a gut feeling, nothing more nothing less, that within 2 weeks we would hear something major by 11/16/2012.

She turned 21 in March and is visiting Hyderabad to attend a party hosted in honour of her turning a major by family friend, Sherry Zaveri.

I did have a few minor side effects, some nausea to begin with, and an increased shedding of hair (nothing major by any stretch of the imagination).

In 1% of cases major like is used

That's a much more likely scenario than a major like Barrick Gold Corp.

Don't lie about something major like a degree you don't possess or experience.

They acknowledge a few issues but see nothing major like the rest of the world has experienced.

Some of the recent occurrences are leading to something major like the violence against minorities in 2001.

I do go to a community college despite the fact that it doesn't even offer my major like a university would.

If you're hot, fun and good in bed whose going to leave you? (Barring some major like alcoholism, drugs etc).

Nothing major like Hurricane Sandy that last month ripped north from the Caribbean along the eastern seaboard of the US.

Telling your boyfriend something major like this right after he lost his dad might make his grief more difficult to deal with.

However if anything major like this happens again, I will be considering the other next gen consoles before I look into buying a PS4.

For example, if the question is about problem solving, it does not have to be something major like solving global warming in one fell swoop.

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