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Prepositions after "late"

"late in" or "late for"?

Word Frequency
In Top 1000 words
In 36% of cases late in is used

It is too late in the afternoon.

It was now late in the afternoon.

But it is rather late in the day.

My parents and I got on at Chancery Lane late in the evening after going to the theatre.

The Tehran invitation is the latest in a series of controversies surrounding the film.

The important thing to keep in your mind is to always promote the latest in the market.

Rotrand is the latest in a wave of councillors to leave the party in the wake of Mayor Grald Tremblay's resignation.

It was late in the afternoon when we reached it; as this quarter is at a great distance from that in which we resided.

While going and coming back, I used the new Yamuna Expressway - the latest in the additions of expressways in India.

California's Nate Longshore doesn't get hurt late in the Bears victory over Oregon and starts against Oregon State; 3.

In 32% of cases late for is used

Too late for a rerun I suppose.

You'll be late for the Sabbath.

It's too late for all that now.

We do not care about the claim of the British Parliament to legislate for this country.

Nobody was late for the club, but the employment programs are running at less than 30%.

You turn up really late for the presentation or you get lost trying to find the office.

Crispy pork belly I realised I would be late for the plumber so I phoned and left a message to cancel and reschedule.

Do you think that it is too late for the crown and that I will just have to pull it out? - A chronic ice-cube chewer.

What if it's too late for the ECP? If it is too late for you to take an ECP, an IUD may reduce the risk of pregnancy.

Italian entry Vivanapoli arrived eight days late for the start of leg two after it was boarded by an Angolan gunboat.

In 7% of cases late on is used

Sorry a bit late on a response.

The sun is late on two occasions.

In a ruling late on Wednesday, U.

Now then, for this year's April Fools and realize once again I am a little late on this.

The service van and the crew will really make sure you will not be late on your flights.

Sadly I missed Ishii's segment the day before due to the late on getting the media tags.

The shop has been preserved to look exactly as it did on Bloomsday in 1904 and is open late on Thursdays for readings.

With that in mind, see FT Alphaville for the latest on Spain's financing problems and unrealistic deficit forecasts.

If your order is late on a: Next Day service we will refund you the difference between next day and standard delivery.

So, it's late on Sunday night and sadly she hasn't responded as well as we would have hoped she would to the medicine.

In 6% of cases late at is used

When I need a taxi late at night.

It was quite late at night, IIRC.

It was late at night, about 10 PM.

So they opened the chapel (it was late at night) and brought in a light to look for him.

Officers of the military used to regularly visit his house, and stay till late at night.

Eun-oh surprises her when he arrives with a package, having gone out this late at night.

He was leading a team of kindred souls like the late ATM Mustufa, the late AT Saadi, the late Ibrahim Taha and others.

This has been happening every night for a long time, and sometimes it rings late at around 3:34, one time it was 3:38.

It was late at night; my husband and I were both fast asleep when the phone started ringing, jolting both of us awake.

Still others swear by coming in late at night, when the employees are getting impatient to finish before closing time.

In 5% of cases late of is used

Sorry for the late of the text.

For the latest of these, see U.

The tablet is the latest of the.

They walked out of jails throughout the country in the latest of a series of amnesties.

Semere Tell me who was terrorizing moslems in Eritrea in the late of 50th and in the 60th.

Since then it has been update a number of times, the latest of which is available below.

If you really hate the bus, then you might have to pay a bit more to get home when you work late of a weekday evening.

Author of four books, the latest of which is Perils of Dominance: Imbalance of Power and the Road to War in Vietnam.

I love late of the pier Visitor // May 25 2009 at 01:37 The first tape i ever owned was bought for me by my late nana.

It has affinities with Love's Labour's Lost also -- now being regarded as the latest of the early group of comedies.

In 4% of cases late from is used

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What's coming is great! Be patient AND Here is the latest from the W4All skype room.

Join Peter Newlinds on Cow Corner for all the latest from the wide world of Cricket.

Ugh! Hubby was late from work, so the kids started watching out for him out the window.

There were also articles on the latest from Libya, and the suitability of footballers as role models for children.

Let me tell you how Planets Under Attack, the latest from Targem Games, was invented and what it turned out to be.

If you need more info or specific guidance, you can fire away in the comments or email **31;664;TOOLONG Latest from.

My DH will be home late from a visit to his mother and the older kids are also celebrating their holiday with friends.

In 2% of cases late by is used

Sorry, that I am late by a day.

But, it was far too late by then.

But they were late by 20 minutes.

Keep up with the very latest by clicking here for Velodrome Baz's pedal-by-puff report.

Polls are expected to be held earliest at the end of the year, or latest by next April.

Kolkata Knight Riders came into their mettle in the last game but it was too late by then.

He was the first liver transplant that hadn't had a kasai first, because it was too late by the time he was diagnosed.

It was late by the time we got started, but that's OK, it means less dangerously inexperienced riders clogging the way.

All redemptions must be done at Brother Customer Service Centre latest by the last claim date of the promotion stated.

He had a nice niffty board play that led to an assist on the second goal and won it in the third late by being a bulldog.

In 2% of cases late to is used

This does not extrapolate to 1.

I can relate to what you have made.

Your blog is a bit late to the party.

I'd a little late to the table on this debate but thought it would be worth contributing.

I'd way late to the game, but if you are indeed tallying the results, add me to the list.

I know I'd a little late to the conversation, but I still think it's a worthy discussion.

Often late to the party, they will hang around ' too long ' and precipitate problems at the other end of the spectrum.

He used his front arm to good effect and had the ability to swing in late to the right-handers or angle the ball away.

Christian walked in late to class because he had stopped by the cafeteria to buy a chicken biscuit breakfast sandwich.

There were a few blank faces on those that arrived a little late to the mellow and serene sounds coming from the stage.

In 2% of cases late with is used

And never be late with a Green.

Blaze you are late with this info.

It is a little late with allegations.

The company was late with 3G phones because it didn't want to compromise battery life.

Who was he gon na call? ' But Joe weighs in late with: ' My mother-in-law is a little.

Mass media news? Nope, too biased and they are now always late with anything important.

I was very touched by your post and I do hope I am not too late with a reply as I see you have some replies already.

McGlynn's side have been hit with a registration embargo due to twice being late with paying some wages this season.

If you're using SmartPayroll to file your PAYE you can relax knowing you'll never be late with a PAYE payment again.

Forstall has been more in the public eye as of late with iOS 5 and iOS 6 introductions at the past two WWDC keynotes.

In 1% of cases late as is used

I see the latest as a continuance of it.

Thursday, November 15, 2012 Latest as on 5.

As late as the year 2000, former Army Chief Lt.

When you eventually seek help, it might be too late as the infection would have taken hold.

It is just too late as the city has broken ground on their wasteful and ill-conceived project.

Skirving 10 (father of Skirving the artist ), upon the battle of Prestonpans, so late as 1745.

Mistake #2: Leap at the latest as well as greatest resources too early -- This seems human nature would be to react.

It wasn't too late as the graduation is not until January, I just wanted to get any issues that we may have out the way.

As ever the script wasn't followed, but it took Aaron Clarke's goal was late as the 69th minute to put the tie beyond doubt.

I was too young to appreciate it fully at the time but now I am appalled that such ignorance still prevailed as late as that.

In 1% of cases late into is used

I'd late into this North Korean awareness.

The parties can stretch really late into the night.

I hope we can claim for loss of earnings if we are late into work due to this rubbish.

He turned over South African possession and was still running hard late into the game.

Can't blame everything on Bush, and it's lame to try, especially this late into the game.

You have invited 50 people to celebrate at an outdoor barbecue evening, which may continue into late into the night.

Children were kept awake late into the evenings while awaiting physical punishments and were thus deprived of sleep.

I hope this kind of immigration is justified and totally shows how people can really assimlate into other culture i.

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