Prepositions after "introduce"

"introduce to" or "introduce in"?

Word Frequency
In Top 1000 words
In 31% of cases introduce to is used

I would to introduce to you a concept.

I was introduced to him (Mehdi Hassan) by Gahar.

Almost 12 years ago I was introduced to technology.

I was introduced to him and he just sat down on the record box and deejayed for me.

Students are introduced to e-commerce, Visual Basic, databases and Web development.

Slivers were first introduced to us in Tempest block and returned during Onslaught.

I was introduced to this ideal a few years ago and liked it and I showed it to many people (they liked it also).

It was also the place I was introduced to the emerging church within a secular context and outside of Greenbelt.

I was introduced to you through your website only one week ago and I appreciate your teaching and role modeling.

By Henry Pasha When we were first introduced to him, he was the former chairman of KCA (Kenya Community Abroad).

In 25% of cases introduce in is used

AWT API was introduced in JDK 1.

The levy was introduced in 2004.

This was probably introduced in 1954/1955.

The system will be introduced in other post offices in the city in a phased manner.

In Phase one it was introduced in 200 of the most backward districts of the country.

Similar bans were introduced in Scotland on 26 March 2006 and in Wales on 2 April 2007.

Miss Congeniality stars Irene Conridge and Niles Van Holtz who were introduced in her screamingly funny Go Fetch.

Snapshot Standby Introduced in 11g, snapshot standby allows the standby database to be opened in read-write mode.

The Code was introduced in 2009 and was subsequently revised in 2010, such that it became more in line with CRD3.

The program is part of the Learning Outside the Classroom (LOTC) initiative which was introduced in November 2006.

In 14% of cases introduce by is used

A bill introduced by retiring Sen.

The miracles are not introduced by me.

The spork was introduced by KFC in the 1960? s.

Let's also put aside that the California law and the resolution introduced by Rep.

But a vote introduced by Labour on an opposition day motion would only be advisory.

The Reform Bill introduced by Gladstone in February 1884 was a simple one, deliberately so.

Ginger The ginger plant (Zingiber Officinale ), originally from the orient was introduced by the Spanish in 1527.

Other social policies introduced by the government in 2010 -- 2011 also appeared likely to have an impact on HEIs.

The idea for such an event was introduced by International Olympic Committee (IOC) president Jacques Rogge in 2001.

A workshop by the Stan Kenton band was introduced by a guy snapping his fingers absolutely perfectly metronomically.

In 8% of cases introduce into is used

The humanity is introduced into it.

Graeme Swann has been introduced into the attack.

Each gas is undergoing an expansion when introduced into the 10.

Recently, a new TPTD system has been developed and introduced into clinical practice.

By means of a atomizer, a fine spray of a non-volatile oil was introduced into the vessel.

Six years later, telephone service was introduced into China by a London telephone company.

The brand of terror introduced into Nigeria by the insurgents is not an affliction that is proverbially skin deep.

This species has been introduced into Australian waters in the ballast water of ships from the northern hemisphere.

Secondly, mercy and justice are not said by them to be introduced into the decree of predestination and reprobation.

In 3% of cases introduce as is used

Water then is introduced as a means to help separate other materials from the rubber.

Riddell was introduced as a new member of the Calgary Flames ownership group on August 29, 2003.

The payments for pregnant women are likely to be introduced as part of the Health and Social Care Bill.

He mentioned that Chinese language had been introduced as an optional subject in schools of Sindh province.

I was even introduced as an expert on work/life balance, which made me laugh because I don't believe in the concept.

Fractal geometry was introduced as an attempt to give scale-invariant characterization of complex forms found in nature.

Participants did, however, suggest that the policy could be made more acceptable if introduced as part of a wider strategy to curb alcohol consumption.

The part introduces as an aspect of the whole film the processes in which it participates, the apprehension of the spectator and the craft of the filmmaker.

It is vital, even with the reduced support for physical infrastructure introduced as part of government austerity programmes, that we do not lose that momentum.

In 3% of cases introduce at is used

House Resolution 813 was introduced at 12:04 p.

The 10ft lenght screen was introduced at the depth of 58ft to 68ft.

The current three-medal format was introduced at the 1904 Olympics.

Page 138, line 15 Curbar the District Superintendent of Police introduced at page 135, line 19.

But the Gears of War Kinect game will be introduced at this year's Spike TV Video Game Awards (VGA).

Then, because of the music instruction that was introduced at age 7, scores went up slightly between the ages of 7 and 8 and 9.

The low-cost device was being introduced at primary health centers (PHCs) of three districts through a pilot project called Mehak.

I am SO sick of bedbugs, but they are indeed easy to get rid of and can be introduced at any time by visitors, overseas trips, etc.

In 3% of cases introduce for is used

New Screen Lock system and two new System Recoveries are introduced for a better care.

Tilapia ponds and Poultry can be introduced for additional protein, not difficult to do.

Since parenteral iron was first introduced for human use in the 1930s, things have come a long way.

I am of course talking about ranking points for Davis Cup wins, introduced for the first time in 2010.

This year also saw the use of grease trap for food stalls in Section 11, which was introduced for the first time.

If QT is introduced for the purpose of cooling down a heating-up economy then this would presumably be a good thing.

These unique and attractive kiosks introduced for the first time to Sri Lanka have two screens to be seen in one unit.

This single list was introduced for the start of the 2008/09 season, replacing the three lists that existed previously.

Tariffs were introduced for wind, small hydro, concentrated solar power and parabolic trough systems, and landfill gas.

The Treasury wants to base the plans on a local-pay system introduced for staff in courts under the previous government.

In 3% of cases introduce on is used

Modern varieties have been introduced on 75% of the total rice cropped area.

The mandatory standard for care labelling was initially introduced on 1 March 1980.

Property taxes are on the way for everyone and have already been introduced on a select basis.

The third and on-going issue of prize bond of 100-taka denomination was introduced on 2 July 1995.

The GALAXY Note 800 also offers the Pop up Play feature first introduced on the GALAXY S III Smartphone.

A new 40 mph speed limit will be introduced on the A303 approaches to South Petherton (Hayes End) roundabout.

As well as the establishment of natural vegetation, several species of game have been introduced on the property.

All of hese issues ought to be subjected to further study before these initiatives are introduced on a national scale.

New concepts and technologies are being introduced on a daily basis so as to meet consumer demands and make work easier.

Africa Radio Theater, a program dedicated to poetry and short stories was introduced on Focus Radio on KNUST campus in my final year.

In 2% of cases introduce with is used

Let us get introduced with some of the bonuses.

Skype There is no need to introduce with the Skype.

Q: When did you introduce with poet Meherun Nasa? A: In 1968.

See, one of the newest features introduced with Mists Of Pandaria is an overhaul of the pet system.

On 28 October 2011, the Bonus Team Hunt was introduced with the re-release of the Hunting Party feature.

Introduced with 20 minutes left on the clock, William scored 2 points &; set up the winning Rock goal- well done.

A more efficient main was introduced with a wider head as a result of recent 18ft skiff and America's Cup technology.

Systems thinking was introduced with the quality movement over 50 years ago and accountants have been involved in that discussion.

In the first two years the student get introduced with basic subjects like Anatomy, Histology, Physiology, Microbiology, Biochemistry etc.

The TP Provisions were introduced with an intent to protect India's right to collect a fair share of tax in respect of cross border transactions.

In 1% of cases introduce during is used

On to the Motorola ATRIX 4G, a dual-core smartphone introduced during CES 2011.

Rent a room This scheme was introduced during the boom to assist tax payers to ' get on the property ladder '.

The water was then allowed to sit undisturbed for perhaps a week to let all of the motion die out which was introduced during filling.

The latter's Life (1347 - 80) was relatively widely published in England, having been introduced during the fifteenth century and printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1519.

In 1% of cases introduce from is used

One of the much more well-liked boots which happen to be introduced from Australia is the Ugg boot.

However, an estimated 1,500 new TLDs will be introduced from 2013, meaning a rush of new names and online complexity.

It is thought that they were introduced from the continent to provide sport for noblemen and as a new source of food and fur.

In Brazil, where it was introduced from India during Portuguese colonisation, it has spread out in the wild in some places also.

The Hare: There are two species of hare in Ireland, the Brown Hare, which was introduced from mainland Europe and the native or Irish Hare.

Just before the train stops, Senator Carlson will bring to the rear platform on the General's car persons to be introduced from the rear platform.

On 15 November a presidential decree in Korea will see a mandatory ETS introduced from 2015 for 60% of South Korea's total greenhouse gas emissions.

In 1% of cases introduce through is used

How did you two love birds meet? John and I were only 16 when we were introduced through a mutual friend Karen.

One of the clear alterations introduced through the Amendment concerns the composition of the Finance Commission.

Although legislative changes have been introduced through a new Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation Act, some political unrest over SEZ development projects continue.

Also for the first time, training of graduates to teach in primary schools was introduced through a 1-year Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Primary) (PGDE) programme.

In 1% of cases introduce under is used

All these were technical processes which had been introduced under Muslim rule.

A disturbing thought is that a price discipline introduced under emergency conditions may well require restrictions to trade.

At St Paul's Church in Wales Primary School, in Grangetown, Cardiff, chess was introduced under the CSC scheme in September last year.

All the laws regarding land ownership introduced under Edward the Confessor, shall be kept alongside those land laws William has introduced.

Until the First World War, when they were introduced under the banner of national security, there were few controls on drugs in the UK or America.

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