instrumental in, to, for or of?
Instrumental in arranging it were Fr. |
They were damn instrumental in the affair. |
He later was instrumental in the creation. |
Enter Traditional in the Groupings field and Instrumental in the Comments field. |
I still believe that we are instrumental in the formation of people of goodness. |
The early sponsors of IHEU were also instrumental in founding the United Nations. |
Among his students were Abu Hanifa and Malik ibn Anas who were instrumental in the development of Sunni Islam. |
Officer Wells was instrumental in the formation of the International Policewomen's Association (founded 1915). |
Saberwal, who was also instrumental in the MMRDA's recent decision to lay part of the Metro track underground. |
MIT has also been instrumental in the establishment of the OpenCourseWare Consortium (http: **35;1992;TOOLONG. |
Therefore it is instrumental to. |
He was instrumental to my survival. |
Bendtner was instrumental to our win today. |
She was instrumental to my lifelong love of books, and I hope my children's too. |
I prefer the instrumental to the vocal, which I feel is less over the top Italo. |
My immediate father and mother were instrumental to who I am and what I am today. |
Mr Mitchell was instrumental to building close ties between the Conservative Party and Rwanda under Mr Kagame. |
The Welshman was instrumental to Spurs ' success in the Champions League and also our successful League season. |
It was a look instrumental to communicating that negative message of hopelessness, pain, sadness and suffering. |
You have truly been instrumental for my freedom. |
One of the pieces was called Instrumental for Six Guitars. |
It will prove instrumental for Wikipedia's future policies. |
Metallurgist Bob Curtis ' testimony was instrumental for this court case judgement. |
He used an alto saxophone instrumental for the introduction and ending of the show. |
That is also instrumental for the poor quality of graduates of our tertiary education system. |
It was written first as an instrumental for Liam and Natasha for their wedding and was originally called Natasha. |
The cultivation of relationships are now seen as being instrumental for the religious conversion of our neighbours. |
He was also instrumental for the diversification of the Group's business into the offshore and construction sectors. |
Farmers felt that the project has been instrumental for the current closer link between farmers and extension staff. |
This is instrumental of the city's desire to grow. |
Then there's the swirling instrumental of ' Strange Waltz '. |
M Beatz, and asks if he could try to do a song with an instrumental of it. |
Also contain the original gospel inspired version, and an instrumental of the original. |
More or less, it is a lot like an instrumental of the first 2 minutes of the album version. |
Brownie's son Will played a appropriate guitar instrumental of ' Ghost Riders in the Sky '. |
Last time they held me down and molested me, while David Serenaded me with an instrumental of Bohemian Rhapsody. |
Huq was one of those who were instrumental of formulating the Lucknow pact of 1916 between the Congress and the Muslim League. |
Who Wants To Live Forever (Karaoke Version) 4:00 Written by Brian May Appears on: Greatest Karaoke Hits Instrumental of the Video Version. |
He had the instrumental of Beautiful People on his computer for a long time and one day he woke up and wrote most of the lyrics and melody. |