Prepositions after "foundational"

"foundational to" or "foundational for"?

Word Frequency
In Top 1000 words
In 69% of cases foundational to is used

And is foundational to our survival.

All of these are foundational to success.

Marriage is foundational to civil society.

Death in the City was Schaeffer's third book and is foundational to his thinking.

We emphasize this spiritual baptism as foundational to the unity of all believers.

What results is a constant state of improvement, which is foundational to success.

Freedom to access, produce and circulate accurate information is foundational to creating open, civil society.

This is foundational to the mature Christian life Are you dying to your sins? That is a difficult thing to do.

The gestalt thus derived assists with the leaps occasionally foundational to the progress of our understanding.

Black gay cultural production was (is) foundational to the kind of thinking and living I was able to undertake.

In 18% of cases foundational for is used

It is too foundational for us to win this election.

Each one is foundational for the one that follows it.

It is this conviction that is foundational for our civilisation.

It is, as Jesus noted, a position foundational for all matters of sexual ethics.

The years from zero to school age are foundational for brain and biological development.

I'd adding that belief-system is supported and sustained by bias, which is foundational for atheism.

On the other hand, Muhammad and his Quran are foundational for Islam, and violence fills his life and its pages.

The ability to stand back and calmly observe our inner dramas, without rushing to judgment, is foundational for spiritual seeing.

In a much earlier post, I made the statement that bias is foundational for the atheistic belief system (and it is a belief system).

In 9% of cases foundational in is used

The first six chapters are more foundational in nature.

Maybe the author doesn't like gestures? Because the gestures are quite foundational in LION.

You, our partners and friends, are foundational in prayer and support to help us to do training events like this around the world.

Such critics often object to what they see as a sidelining of referential concerns which are foundational in realist discourse - such as truth, facts, accuracy, objectivity, bias and distortion.

In 1% of cases foundational because is used

I do not treat this book as foundational because of personal experience.

Now, though, you tell me that you don't object to viewing sola fide as foundational because of the Biblical evidence.

In 1% of cases foundational of is used

This is the first mention of someone being filled with the Spirit in Scripture and is foundational of our understanding of the concept.

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