Prepositions used with "proposal"

"for proposal" or "of proposal"?

Word Frequency
In Top 1000 words
In 41% of cases proposal for is used

At the time of this experiment NASA had issued a call for proposals for satellite experiments.

GUIDELINES FOR PROPOSALS FOR PANELS (a) Submission by e-mail attachment in MS Word is required.

In my opinion, it is neither man nor woman who is solely responsible for proposals or disposals.

It is not a litmus test, but the speed with which a request for proposals is delivered, may indicate how seriously the SI sees the contract.

THREE times I've had planning applications held up while the planners demand a flood risk assessment for proposals to build above existing storeys.

So last week, it issued a request for proposals from private developers to build a new arena and hotel and to convert the Coliseum into a convention center.

Future options for Casa Loma Council authorized the Casa Loma Corporation Board to undertake a Request for Proposal process to find a new operator of Casa Loma.

In 32% of cases proposal of is used

Thus, Clay fashioned a series of proposals involving 1.

We wrote up a huge amount of proposals and case studies, but this was in 2009.

Some trustees voiced frustration at the constant stream of proposals from outside observers.

Submission of Proposals (Sections a-e) Submitted proposals must address the items listed below.

The Board also authorised the Chair and Vice-Chairs of the TRP to add members, as required, for a given round of proposals.

Sunday, 17 April 2011 Proposal for Federal Budget 2011-12 Dear Editor, I have couple of proposals for the Federal Budget 2011-2012.

There is nothing fair, democratic, nor warranted in a set of proposals which seek to exclude people who are unlikely to vote for you.

I must say that for the Seattle conference, the developing countries are better prepared than in the past; they? ve put forward a lot of proposals.

Arising from last weekend's Coiste Bainist meeting, a number of proposals in relation to the 2014 Allianz Hurling League and the All-Ireland Senior Hurling.

The CCCC, having consulted with other relevant national sub-committees, has put forward a series of proposals for the All Ireland Senior Hurling Championship.

In 9% of cases proposal with is used

Sidney Gottlieb of the CIA Technical Services Division was asked to come up with proposals that would undermine Castro's popularity with the Cuban people.

By coming up with proposals so odious that nobody could support them which would have simply turned the Lords into a chamber of party boot-lickers selected by the party machines.

There was considerable concern about France, which has shifted to an anti-business stance under Franois Hollande with proposals for an increased wealth tax and high income taxes on big earners.

In 4% of cases proposal on is used

The Committee will review and advise on proposals made by the Chief Executive Officer with regard to the Total Compensation of members of the Executive Team.

These sessions were not reviewed and voted on by the community (I know, because I was one of the community members who were asked to review and vote on proposals.

Funding in this pilot phase of the fund was awarded based on proposal submissions which are evaluated through peer-review by representatives of all the member agencies.

In 4% of cases proposal to is used

He hoped the study would add weight to proposals for further protected areas.

Bitonti said one of the stipulations of the process is that the host municipality will have to agree to proposals.

Nevertheless, issues on how to handle the high power of empirical testing to ascertain differences in samples with wide scope have resulted to proposals for re-inventing the null hypothesis.

In 3% of cases proposal in is used

It is implicit in proposals for students to learn chunks out of class that current methods for teaching chunks in class are not outstandingly effective.

In 2% of cases proposal including is used

It suggests a shift in culture towards the locality, including proposals for public services -- such as parks, leisure centres and libraries -- to be run as mutuals and co-operatives.

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