Prepositions after "explore"

explore in, by, for, with or on?

Word Frequency
In Top 1000 words
In 31% of cases explore in is used

This is something I intend to explore in 2009.

Exploring in the heavier gravity is draining.

These are the regions explored in the mighty epics.

Kuyper's entries provide a comprehensive study of the Holy Spirit, exploring in detail.

Relax and refresh after a long day of exploring in any of our 143 guestrooms and suites.

The most prominent theme that Chachage tries to explore in her works is that of ' alienation '.

I'd going to try and do a bit of exploring in LA and see places like Venice beach if anyone else is keen to come exploring.

Cannabinoids do have the potential to be useful for cancer and other diseases, but this needs to be explored in rigorous and safe studies.

BioWare has a whole universe left to explore in the Mass Effect games, so here's hoping the studio takes advantage of that with the next installment.

In 10% of cases explore by is used

Decides now to explore by boat.

This scenario has been explored by Ida et al.

The lavish and vast gardens are worth exploring by day and by night.

These things are important, and can only be explored by engaging with the movement positively.

Because it was originally explored by the Dutch, it was named after Dutchman Pieter Carpentier.

The block is being explored by China National Offshore Oil Corp, BP Plc and Anadarko Petroleum Corp.

The whole area is best explored by slow and aimless driving, or by bike or canoe if you've brought one along with you.

There's a staircase that goes down to the back of the house and a bunch of locked rooms that I wouldn't want to explore by myself after dark.

I'd going to have to leave the kids at home one day and go exploring by myself if I want to actually acheive anything I think!; -) Many thanks again.

They directed the President of the Council and Secretary-General of the Group to explore by the end of October 08, modalities for conducting the high-level engagement with key stakeholders in the EU.

In 9% of cases explore for is used

Risks from Exploration Even exploring for oil is risky.

Once that has been paid you are now ready to start exploring for gold.

Fleck provides the players with tons of opportunities to build and explore for a long, long time.

I'd actually exploring for the first time since my first playthrough because of it and I'd finding a ton of things.

In March this year, TPAO said that it had met with ExxonMobil to discuss the possibility of exploring for shale gas in the west of Turkey.

CSG water is defined as underground water brought to the surface of the earth or moved underground in connection with exploring for, or producing, coal seam gas.

According to him his mother wants to explore for more girls and he do not want to convince her in any offensive way and he is trying his level best to convince her.

In 8% of cases explore with is used

Sturt stayed for twenty-six years and combined exploring with the building of Australia as a nation.

The conceptual argument is explored with reference to Bolivia and through a specific discussion of the consequences.

All this information is always well guarded, I often find myself exploring with envy, a lot of Australian film web sites.

Often, in that situation, we will explore with the person what they did instead of the task, and help them discover how that got them the results they complain about.

In 8% of cases explore on is used

We recently launched Explore on Foursquare.

They involved a lot of digging and exploring on the internet.

This kind of training is not something that you can explore on your own.

On one side of the port was the Fortress of Rethymno which we explored on our last day.

Feel free to explore on the Web or otherwise (additional suggested readings will be listed as well).

But the tendency has behind it a universal number, the golden section, which we will explore on the next page.

Nowra This is the closest major regional shopping area, and is somewhere you'll like exploring on your weekends off.

I thoroughly enjoyed it, for the new ground Caoimhin explores on it, even if not all ideas contained in it are fully formed and worked out.

Couldn't be more helpful and really gave us a personal trip stopping regularly to point out the sights and places to explore on the way to Milford Sound.

The Tennessee-bred quartet debuted in 2003 with the Holy Roller Novocaine EP, whose blend of raw, unpolished boogie rock was further explored on their debut.

In 4% of cases explore within is used

There are so many different things to explore within it.

But I would suggest there is another, more significant, value proposition for us to explore within this broader context.

The NLP approach, in particular the ' anchoring ' technique ' made me think in new ways I had not explored within myself before.

Copious free DLC is expected over the coming weeks, and we remain hopeful that many more creative possibilities are explored within that.

In 4% of cases explore through is used

I love discovering new regions to explore through wine.

The causes of error were explored through expert interviews, which led to a series of design briefs.

The majority were explored through a transverse right iliac fossa incision (Lanz type) ora classic Gridiron incision.

It moves away from simple sneaking, stealing and killing, to subtly fold in more abstract social dynamics explored through more overt systems in Assassin's Creed and Spy Party.

In 3% of cases explore as is used

It's not a spot where you can easily explore as the entire area is fenced in.

What challenge are you currently experiencing that you would be open to exploring as an opportunity? 2.

In 3% of cases explore during is used

East London is a beautiful city that tourists should explore during their vacation in South Africa.

This city is surrounded by various small attractive towns and cities that tourists can explore during their vacation.

There are many interesting places that you would explore during your Thailand Tour, which are Patong Beach, Bangkok and Pattaya.

In a more constructive vein, he began to developing the skills as a rapper he had first started to explore during his years in Baltimore.

Inspired by the possibility of making Foursquare available to as many people as possible, our BlackBerry team built a logged-out mobile version of Explore during a recent hackday.

In 2% of cases explore before is used

Borrowing, renting or outsourcing are options that should be explored before incurring large starting costs.

In 2% of cases explore at is used

Lay of the Land Aruba is easy to explore at just 20 miles long and 6 miles wide.

Technically stunning, beautiful open world environment to explore at your own pace and leisure.

Everyone's views are respected, and emphasis is put on allowing guests to explore at their own pace.

Below are the collated results from our kick-off meeting on what areas of new research, and research questions, participants wanted to see being explored at UCL in the future.

In 2% of cases explore along is used

I can't wait for you to explore along with me.

On his first expedition he had explored along the Darling River.

Use the very useful ' road markers system ' to find the good spots to explore along the Road.

After a breakfast of maize porridge, eggs, papaya, and pineapple, Thad, Pollangyo, and I set out to explore along the Malagarasi.

In 1% of cases explore from is used

Selecting Explore from this menu opens Windows Explorer, a powerful tool that allows you to view all folders in a directory and manipulate files from there.

Several tour companies arrange a ' lift ' over to Phi Phi Leh and let you explore from there but for a strong sea kayaker the distance can be covered in under and hour.

In 1% of cases explore beneath is used

Mr Obeid and his family were also secret investors in the mining company that won the right to explore beneath his land.

In 1% of cases explore over is used

Policy changes and proposals can take a while, or be explored over the course of a few conferences before big changes or decisions are made.

In 1% of cases explore throughout is used

After exploring throughout the the web and obtaining basics which were not powerful, I thought my life was over.

In 1% of cases explore to is used

These conversations can be internal, but are particularly effective carried out in pairs or groups where different ways of interpreting experience can be explored to mutual benefit.

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