estimate at, by, for, from or in?
With costs already estimated at 1. |
They were estimated at $10 million. |
Damage in Jamaica is estimated at 1. |
Kaspersky estimated at the time that the malware had infected about 1,000 machines. |
The country's total unexploited hydro power potential alone is estimated at 4,500 MW. |
Damage to property, agriculture, and tourism in Belize was estimated at $225 million. |
However, the price of building a third runway and a sixth terminal at Heathrow is estimated at around 9? billion. |
On the evening of October 14, an Israeli military force estimated at about 600 soldiers moved toward the village. |
By the next day, when the gates were opened for mourners to view Elvis ' body, the crowd was estimated at 20,000. |
The whole annual produce is estimated at about 430 millions, and the products of agriculture at about 216 millions. |
Therefore the height of a mountain can be estimated by using energy as a consideration. |
A large share of global money laundering as estimated by the IMF is linked to the trade in narcotics. |
The expected importance of each risk is then estimated by combining its probability and its measure of harm. |
The losses associated with power outages, as estimated by the firms themselves, can equal more than 10 percent of sales. |
The values for the respective heat transfer coefficients can be estimated by use of the standard heat transfer relationships. |
Thus, with a knowledge of the thermal constants of a foodstuff, required freezing times can be estimated by the use of Plank's equation. |
Nomura has lowered GDP estimates for 2012 down to 8. |
The IRD can revise your refund amount from that estimated for a number of reasons. |
The International Monetary Fund has downgraded growth estimates for the UK economy today. |
However, estimates for these territories were among the highest in Canada to begin with 3. |
The study uses stated preference surveys to elicit VoLL estimates for SME and domestic consumers. |
Reliability estimates for the objectively and subjectively scored modules used in 2011 are reported below. |
Obtaining genome size estimates for Cercis -- a common temperate zone tree -- would obviously be desirable. |
Asked to confirm the 7billion estimate for Britain's contribution, the Chancellor added: ' It's around that. |
In all, we see no strong reason to believe that the relative risk estimates for light smokers are substantially biased. |
The total cost estimated for the sound barrier is about $24 million, with the province expected to pay for 50 per cent. |
The actual writing are estimated from 1,500 to 1,700 A. |
It is also relatively easy to estimate from fossil remains. |
What we're dealing with is cost estimates from the government. |
Get some rates and good faith estimates from a couple of loan brokers. |
Runoff ratio for different land use classes will be estimated from literature. |
These are statistical parameters estimated from the distribution of unrelated sequence similarity scores. |
The time constant for the transition to the down state was estimated from a semilogarithmic plot of the membrane potential. |
I estimate from the Cowal Ferries carryings for the last full year that the revenue from vehicles was about 1M, from passengers about 0. |
A 2008 estimate from the International Center for Prison Studies found that nearly 70 percent of prison inmates were in pretrial detention. |
Therefore, prevalence, which depends on incidence and case fatality, is better estimated from incidence studies of first-ever stroke and survival. |
This was estimated in 2004 to be at least $1. |
Serum creatinine, urea, electrolyies were estimated in 60 patients. |
I estimated in that moment that the vehicle was traveling about 35 mph. |
His prowess as a warrior is estimated in proportion to the number he possesses. |
And so it does, if by level be meant level of value estimated in the usual way. |
At times we do fall victims to unexpected expenses which were never estimated in our budgetary allocations. |
The tissue distribution of Resv and its metabolites was estimated in a study where twenty colon cancer patients received 0. |
To realise this effect at a significance level of 5% with 90% power, a minimum of 182 participants was estimated in each group. |
The number of positive 3 contributors as concurrently estimated in this period remained at seven, similar to Q4 2009 from only four in Q3 2009. |
The nonpartisan Lewin Group estimated in April that 120 million or more Americans could lose their group coverage at work and end up in such a program. |
The Congressional Budget Office estimated on March 20 that the deficit will grow to $1. |
The auction house has slapped its highest-ever estimate on the picture, hoping it will fetch at least $80m. |
Researchers estimate on the basis of these figures that 400,000 people quit smoking as a result of the ban. |
On the other side of the Atlantic, the data highlight will be the **38;983;TOOLONG flash Q3 GDP estimates on Thursday. |
The duration of tick attachment can be estimated on the basis of a measurement of the degree of tick engorgement with blood (scutal index) 30, 68, 69. |
Stroke incidence, estimated on the basis of representative community samples with rigorous case ascertainment and accurate diagnosis, provides the best means of stroke surveillance. |
From this, a corresponding coherence length l c, can be estimated as: l c =? t c where c is the speed of the light wave. |
Let me present their summary estimates as a preliminary to elaborations that underline the difficulty of reaching an exact figure. |
An adjusted detection rate taking into account fetal loss from screening to time of birth (estimated as 25% 4) was 82% (95% confidence interval 73% to 90%). |
However, following single 600-mg doses, the relative bioavailability of saquinavir as FORTOVASE compared to saquinavir administered as INVIRASE was estimated as 331% (95% CI: 207% to 530%). |
Over one million visits are estimated to be made each year. |
The Scottish diaspora is estimated to number 50 million people. |
The oral origins of both are estimated to date back to the 8th century BCE. |
In 2000, The Batwa were estimated to number about 80,000 by the minority-rights NGO Refugees International. |
A granite portal tomb dating to circa 3,000BC and consisting of the largest capstone in Europe, estimated to weight up to 150 tonnes. |
The Battle of Yarm? k, fought near Damascus in 636, saw a Muslim army of 20,000 defeat a Byzantine force estimated to number 40,000, permanently ending Byzantine rule south of Asia Minor. |
Statistical methods Relative risks adjusted for confounders were estimated with the Cox proportional hazards model. |
Through RELIEF, BIR is able to estimate with a high level of confidence the amount of sales and VAT liabilities of corporations. |
But while the likelihood of a split to the right is impossible to estimate with any confidence, a split to the left might not actually prove too damaging. |
Doctors estimate between one in six and one in ten male carriers may get liver cancer, which is less common in females. |
Chart Source: ENEE (National Electric Power Company) The annual production estimated of this project is 297. |
In physical objects dimensions are estimated over an appropriate range of scales. |
Further the combination of negative skewness and positive kurtosis indicates that there is a high probability of a large negative return than estimated under normal distribution. |
But the conflagration that followed burned up hundreds of millions of dollars ' worth of property There is no estimating within hundreds of millions the actual damage wrought. |