"entertaining for" or "entertaining in"?
It's entertaining for all (near) 2. |
It will be also entertaining for you. |
Also, it was entertaining for all ages. |
This past season was very entertaining for me and I think they gained new fans. |
Second, always striving to produce a show that's entertaining for the audience. |
The book claims to be entertaining for the average reader, and it obviously is. |
Sa Club Mwa naman may comedic musical review Vegas style - very funny and entertaining for General Patronage. |
And frankly, watching a candidate sit and stare at a problem isn't all that entertaining for the interviewer. |
I won't contest the point that games can be entertaining for longer - length of entertainment doesn't art make. |
Again, everyone's opinion is different and maybe the modern-day Clare &; Willie show was entertaining for some. |
It was too entertaining in the context. |
They are also entertaining in some way. |
I also love entertaining in my back yard. |
I don't think young kids understand that practice can be entertaining in itself. |
Not for the claustrophobic or faint of heart, but entertaining in its own right. |
No matter how serious the topic is but it should be entertaining in some manner. |
Don't compare this to the primary campaign; it's not even close, though it's entertaining in its own sweet way. |
But as it reaches its prolonged and wildly violent crescendo, it's at least entertaining in a totally nutso way. |
IN CLOSE HEART WITH INDIGENOUS PEOPLE Visits to attraction features are organized to be entertaining in themselves. |
I tried to get across the bits of the books that I really loved, and to make each one entertaining in its own right. |
That was not entertaining to me. |
If our worship is entertaining to us. |
That would more entertaining to me anyway. |
Although outrageous and entertaining to some, they really serve no greater good. |
It's even more entertaining to him if one of his sisters happen to be on the toilet. |
I've never seen this work out, but it's massively entertaining to other people around. |
The only way this would be entertaining to me was if it was a really cool video or something of beating a boss. |
It's all still entertaining to me knowing that what many of them are in denial about will someday be their fate. |
But if you could actually read, you'd notice that I never argued that greatness means entertaining to teenagers. |
I'd naturally inclined to say the nastiest thing I can think of if for no other reason than it's entertaining to me. |
Entertaining at the very least. |
Very real and entertaining at the same time. |
It makes them immensely entertaining at times. |
She is also highly entertaining at points in her pieces, and remarkedly succinct. |
The premise is great, the talent is great so the movie should be entertaining at the least. |
But there is one golden rule for those entertaining at home -- create the right atmosphere. |
I had always enjoyed entertaining at my NYC apartment, and loved creating a cozy and fun environment to hang out in. |
Finding the perfect gifts for family and friends, decorating, getting the right tree and entertaining at home can make. |
Around Victoria Barracks, for example, there were concerts and dancing, as well as the tradition of entertaining at home. |
Fabulous indoor/outdoor living with a choice of patios, allowing outdoor entertaining at all times, and an established 1154m sq section. |
It's small but entertaining with two. |
Entertaining with a guffaw, but trivial. |
He actually made Don 2 entertaining with his. |
It was very easy to listen to and quite entertaining with the popup and your red pen. |
Food is a major part of entertaining with the staple foods being fish, pork and rice. |
Exhilarating, terrifying and thoroughly entertaining with a killer soundtrack to boot. |
There is also a bonus chapter on entertaining with 20 themed menus + tips for easy and effortless entertaining. |
They're quirky, original, and highly entertaining with surprising dark moments that will take your breath away. |
And most of today's TV science shows are way more about entertaining with visuals than informing about sciences. |
Very entertaining with a few facts thrown in for fun, but, Dude, apparently you haven't been to Utah since 2009. |
It is entertaining as well as informative. |
It's entertaining as well as packs a message. |
I thought it would be entertaining as well as good. |
The Special Features are loaded (on disc 2) and equally entertaining as the feature. |
I've bought a copy, but, perhaps selfishly, I hope its entertaining as well as useful. |
But this is a classy heist movie with a bizarre it's entertaining as well as thrilling. |
While it's a good image, it's not quite as exciting or entertaining as what Tottenham have done in recent years. |
We aimed to deliver positive messages to the society in the process of being entertaining as well as educational. |
In the early 50s it was used for official entertaining as well as for housing the Rector and the Rector's family. |
The game was very much entertaining as the Danes played their tiki-taka and the blues went around foolishly trying to stop them. |
Entertaining of the highest order. |
On a certain level it is the most entertaining of the lot. |
This style of kitchen is also perfect for entertaining of all kinds. |
I truly feel everyone is generating entertaining of me or they r out to have me. |
The house was also where the official entertaining of the new nation took place. |
These next three weeks are some of the busiest and most entertaining of the calendar year. |
The vacuum pot I used, which is made by Bodum, was easily the most entertaining of the brewing methods I tried. |
Even if you are not a sports fanatic, the game of hockey is one of the more entertaining of the sports to watch. |
It's definitely the more entertaining of the two movies made of the history around the Gunfight at the OK Corral. |
The best medicine or panacea for all diseases and for keeping good health, is the entertaining of divine thoughts. |
I'll keep watching, it's entertaining on many levels. |
Nothing can be more entertaining on this head than Dr. |
See also: Fox Footy's reliably entertaining On the Couch. |
Entertaining on every level, the above review captured it; funny, moving, memorable. |
Whichever, however, you might want to give her time to ensure she'll have entertaining on hand. |
Just by listening to the soundtrack I can tell this game must be highly entertaining on an epic level. |
The cast apologizes for such an unexciting wrestling match and assures that it will be more entertaining on air. |
Price is very entertaining on men's use of newspapers to create little zones of domestic, noli-me-tangere privacy. |
Congrats on writing something so very entertaining on something so very difficult, and I really hope the news is good. |
Nothing more entertaining on a Friday night than to get a table outside at Kao Thai and watch the ticket holders trickle in. |
They are educational and entertaining without being patronising. |
Don't even contemplate entertaining without Miss Maxwell's help. |
It just wouldn't be as easy, convenient or entertaining without the Internet;. |
Also, it's very possible to be entertaining without taking things way over the top. |
God forbid anyone accept that someone somewhere made something entertaining without being One Of The Tribe. |
After all, a playwright should be able to crank out something mildly entertaining without a strong point of view. |
He is one of those people who can be entertaining without being obnoxious, self-effacing without being condescending, and. |
Drama queen? Perhaps! The entire drama piece put up by the maidens was really entertaining without a doubt and Ekow rated it above 75%. |
Some call it refreshing and perhaps they are right, but personally I prefer to watch the antics of someone like Peter Sagan who can be entertaining without being obnoxious. |
Tom Milsom was pretty vocal about a few examples last year: P It's still very possible to do something that's entertaining without relying on gimmicks and social awkwardness. |
The kids clearly found it relevant and entertaining by their reactions. |
The act of taming these cars is made all the more entertaining by their overstated aggressiveness. |
Bring the whole family into the entertaining by letting the kids choose a design and aid strategy the meal that day. |
Seriously, nobody can possibly be this pretentious, can they? Kristen fans get more and more entertaining by the day. |
James, you obviously know Schumi more than anyone here and The Edge of The Greatness was very entertaining by the way. |
The scenery was breathtaking, absolutely fantastic made all the more so entertaining by our wonderful tour guide - John. |
These people are not entertaining by demonstrating psychic powers, but with magic tricks that merely give the appearance of psychic powers. |
But if they're just entertaining by such means, without a distorted view, they might get an animal birth (which is quite a lot nicer than hell). |
There's nothing even slightly entertaining about this nasty rant. |
There's nothing pleasant or entertaining about any of that hellbent sh*t. |
There's something very entertaining about a cute female bussin ' a dance with high caliber music. |
Million Ringgit Homepage Blog Entertaining about cars, gadgets, blogs, movies, search and funny videos. |
What I find most entertaining about this is that the roles of you and your wife would be reversed in my world. |
Those who visit your blog are looking to be entertained and there is nothing entertaining about long rambling posts. |
Observers have called the country the world's only Stalinist theme park, but there was nothing entertaining about it. |
However there is nothing entertaining about Sarah Palin making a racist remark when talking about the President of the United States in 2012. |
About Food Network Food Network delivers a fresh approach to food programming and celebrates everything that is bold, fun and entertaining about the genre. |
About Food Network: Food Network delivers a fresh approach to food programming and celebrates everything that is bold, fun and entertaining about the genre. |
This show is entertaining from the beginning to the end. |
Rooftop Prince is entertaining from Episode 1 to Episode 20. |
Either way they were highly entertaining from start to finish. |
It's sort of entertaining from a perspective like mine, which I'd describe as middle ground. |
On yet another occasion, he would introduce us to a ' lady ' guest he happened to be entertaining from ' Ireland '. |
Also, it'll probably be hard to study properly at Otago, though the social life certainly do sound entertaining from my mates who were down there. |
But tinkering with the timing system to accomplish the same goal (keep the games moving along, but also entertaining from start to finish) certainly is. |
Entertaining from the first page to the last, Baseball in the Garden of Eden is a tale of good and evil, and the snake proves the most interesting character. |
As an older Freshette, I found the antics very entertaining rather than intimidating, so I enjoyed it immensely. |
Time is much better spent in the early stages ensuring that the board game itself is entertaining rather than puzzling over the best name for the board game. |
Hence, just like literary works, a drama that's satisfactorily entertaining rather than profoundly challenging is more likely to be accepted, though not in all cases. |
To me, this years Hamilton shows how one can be able to tame oneself (most of the time) and some moves against/by him this year were very entertaining rather than borderline scary. |
Visully, the film is a treat, with bleak monotones and shell shocked seascapes blending seamlessly with yhe jazzy downtown of New Orleans all entertaining rather than depressing as th. |
Your sybaratic life is very entertaining like your TV show once was. |
When have we ever seen a horse do the entertaining like this girl does? When? Never. |
If you're watching it hoping to just get entertained, yes you will but don't expect it to be extremely entertaining like The Expendables 2. |
Animal charities -- fundraisers dress up in animal costumes and get them to do something entertaining like juggling, fire-eating or singing and dancing. |
I figured after attending protests and seminars that no one will listen to you if you give a lecture but rather through something entertaining like theatre. |
Merson is entertaining like a monkey in a zoo, lots of noise and actions yet when you look past this you hear no knowledge, no insight and no understanding of the game. |
SeaWorld also is very entertaining during the nights. |
And it's not like the hockey isn't entertaining during the playoffs. |
AJ Lee and Primo were somewhat entertaining during their relationship. |
Garlic, Rosemary and Chili Almonds This is the time of year where finger foods abound! Entertaining during the holiday season is something i love to do. |
We found the tour to be both informative and entertaining due to Ms. |
They can look more entertaining due to the modern utensils and stands around. |
Yeah we went to Harris twice! Once for new years, which was relatively entertaining due to the fireworks, and the other was recently with baby cos it was free. |
Red State is still entertaining despite its faults. |
However, it somehow is surprisingly entertaining despite the many flaws and iffy pacing, and Theda Bara is great fun to watch. |
And yet this soul-flattening kick to the head is effortlessly entertaining despite the otherwise arid material it is teaching. |
Zeenbeen: 01 Sep 2011 6:28:42pm (( Limitless) ) 8 I found this film thoroughly entertaining despite the subject matter, (not usually into druggy type movies). |
It's an understatement of the highest order, but much like it's leader and head producer it proves itself surprisingly entertaining despite a wide array of issues. |
That night, we used most of the last of my laptop battery to watch Lost in Translation, which was surprisingly entertaining despite how little happened in the film. |
Rumors are far more entertaining after the actual products are released. |