Prepositions after "eager"

eager for, to, in, about or on?

Word Frequency
In Top 1000 words
In 71% of cases eager for is used

They were eager for it to come.

They were eager for the challenge.

Am eager for the book to come out.

Alright, I was actually full of a big lunch and was eager for somewhere to have a nap.

I also want to give PCSOs more power in their duty and I know they are eager for this.

Eager for fresh stimuli they explored the exciting modern movements of pre-war Europe.

Spiked Peppermint Mocha When the holidays arrive at Starbucks, so do the hordes of students eager for a festive fix.

Eager for sex but forbidden to treat women as sex objects, I formed emotional relationships that then became sexual.

As for this current conflict, I too am eager for it to be over, but it is important to do so in a responsible manner.

Britain was not eager for the LoNs, but it was President Wilson of the US who pushed the idea of a League of Nations.

In 15% of cases eager to is used

The baby was not eager to (b) anything.

Eager to England for duty, and Captain T.

The graduates, all of whom, eager to get in.

Tristan got some soy milk, eager to evoke fond memories of the same drink in Hong Kong.

Question: What next? We hear you are eager to script yet another success story for Amul.

Nigel Godde Coming to Adelaide after an 8 year stint working in China, I was eager to more.

That the government is suddenly eager to fast-track death penalties that it has sat on for years may be no coincidence.

The way this talented author elaborates the plot will ensure that readers will be eager to follow its challenging course.

They are better organized than the natives too, as every social service agency and NGO is eager to court their interests.

Don't you just hate when you are so eager to post and put someone else down that you forget to edit your own sarcastic BS.

In 4% of cases eager in is used

I was both apprehensive and eager in equal measure.

Well, overall, I feel really excited and eager in this unit.

Eager in defence as Argentina pressed late in the first half.

The pupils are scrupulously well-behaved; attentive and eager in class, quiet outside it.

As I am very eager in learning something new, it would be helpful for your company's reputation.

I was so eager in fact that I broke the cardinal blogging rule -- I lifted content from everywhere.

Some folks here on the Fulcrum site are so certain, eager in fact, to be rid of TEC's presence in the Anglican Communion.

I had a blast riding a variety of semi-groomed walking trails and indeed, the CX Pro turned eager in this kind of terrain.

Their young followers are eager in evangelism, which poses a sharp contrast to other weak churches which develop sluggishly.

Jim doesn't want to look to eager in finalizing the Channel Tunnel negotiations, so he only promises to talk, not to negotiate.

In 2% of cases eager about is used

Drashti Dhami is not so eager about challenges.

Deleon and Santana were eager about the prospects of being terrorists.

On the contrary i was very much eager about the 2005 presidential vote.

From then on she was animated, affectionate and eager about everything we were doing.

So I was very eager about the Minis program, looking for news about new games and such.

I'd hoping that adding a workout to my morning will help me to be eager about getting up early.

He refused to accompany you to the rejuvenation spas and you don't want to indulge in the action he is so eager about.

So it was not quite cosy for her that's why she feels intimidated of winning her up as she is not so overeager about challenges.

Even worse if robo-cops keep any change in the power dynamics from happening! Yeah, I wasn't too eager about the robo cop idea either.

I am eager about the possibility of being able to provide my housekeeping and customer service skills through the position you are offering.

In 2% of cases eager on is used

I was eager on the physical part.

Hamilton is very eager on history.

You mustn't be too eager on this phone call or meeting.

But since the Meccans were so eager on giving battle to Muhammad (s.

I come from an era when conservatives were willing and eager on take on the left.

Gozleme: Gozleme is a savoury traditional Turkish hand made and hand rolled pastry and eager on a sac.

I missed the deadline this year for taking the prequals but I am still very eager on taking it come 2010.

Once you eager on the bit of an journey then you should really purpose to no less than keep inside of a Madrid Spain hotel.

In the event you eager on a bit of an adventure then you may want to aim to not less than remain within a Madrid Spain hotel.

Chicken of the world start was just introduced in an medical beachcomber or by madagascan snowballs, LifeStride Eager On Sale.

In 1% of cases eager at is used

The restaurant was full and busy when we arrived, but service was quick and attentive - almost a little too eager at times.

Newt has performed extremely well during all the previous debates but must be careful not to be overly eager at attacking Romney tomorrow night.

Dravid was keen and eager at the nets, first handling the throw-downs from Trevor Penny and then facing Ishant Sharma, bowling at full tilt at him.

Eager at all costs to enter his inheritance, confident that subtractions from it would only be temporary, his record falls under another jurisdiction: the ethics of responsibility.

In 1% of cases eager of is used

As lots of beautiful girls who are eager of easy life, she dreams to marry a millionaire.

What's up to every one, as I am in fact eager of reading this web site's post to be updated regularly.

A 40k debt hanging around your neck is enough to put off even the most eager of teenagers to continue their learning.

The most eager of hopefuls line up outside the back entrance of Roy Thomson Hall, waiting patiently in the frigid morning air.

In this e-book, you will have all the sharpest and eager of assistance that will actually help guide you by way of the ups and downs of actual estate.

According to St Augustine, even St Michael, though prince of all the heavenly court, is the most eager of all the angels to honour her and lead others to honour her.

Even the most eager of local authorities would have to face up to the logistics of having to collect small amounts of council tax on properties vacant for only a few days.

I felt especially bad for Grace, who'd been the most eager of all my students throughout the whole trip, always offering to help, and enthusiastically approaching each new challenge.

In 1% of cases eager with is used

So eager with anticipation we launched into our bluff.

Twelve years later, I still wait eager with anticipation.

I fancy I was a bit too sure and eager with my bid, and some of the others spotted the fact that I was in the know.

Can't believe I'd so eager with anticipation at the signing of a near 38 year old but that's what our 2 Clowns have reduced me too.

The handset's affordable price obviously had masses eager with the Visa, ready to splash either 239 for an 8GB or 279 for a 16GB version.

But what has it done for his relationship with his father? Estevez, normally so quick and eager with an answer, thinks about this before replying.

Bears were really eager with this news, doing their best to drag down prices on the expectation that excess supply will mean the surplus is finally here.

Why Windows XP SP2 was cool? Well, with the headaches the previous releases had caused millions of users world wide where eager with the launch of Windows XP in 2001.

We must however be careful in the early stages not to be over eager with the driving maul etc, I think everyone is expecting it and will thus try disrupt this movement.

The people are already there, sitting forward rather eagerly, actual human beings, who have come out to see other, cornered human beings, actually eager with the lust of blood.

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