Prepositions after "bake"

"bake in" or "bake for"?

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In Top 1000 words
In 32% of cases bake in is used

Bake in the preheated oven for 25 minutes.

Bake in oven for 10 minutes or until brown.

Bake in a preheated 375? oven for 20-30 minutes.

Every bit as comforting as the delicious, candy-colored pies Keri Russell bakes in the film.

Let's not forget that custards can also be baked in the oven with or without a hot water bath.

Arrange the sausages in a small shallow baking tin and bake in the oven at 220 C for 10 minutes.

So I baked in the sun and let my nose blister and regarded a holiday as a virtual failure unless I came home mahogany.

Baked in the oven for a minute and tadaaa! I have a love for food with gravy so I did drizzle a bit of that chilli oil over my wrap.

All on their own; as if the impulse to run was no longer the sole reserve of my brain which was baked in a petrified funk! And then.

Health buffs can opt for the Chilean sea bass, which is seared till the skin gets crispy then baked in the oven to maintain its natural juice.

In 29% of cases bake for is used

Bake for about 15 minutes, until crisp.

Bake for about 45 minutes at 350 degrees.

Bake for 35-45 minutes until golden on top.

Bake for about 25 minutes until a tester comes out clean/ or the top is springy to touch.

Bake for one hour 45 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.

Bake for 15 minutes; remove foil and weights and bake until pale golden, 5 to 7 minutes more.

Bake for twenty minutes and then turn on the broiler for about two minutes to get the tops nice and brown and crispy.

When I was three or four years old, my mother left me in the car with a cake she had baked for my grandfather's birthday.

I was baking for the rowing club fun day for tomorrow and the girls were involved in an imaginary game for the whole morning.

Bake for 35 minutes at 180C, then turn down the heat to 170C and bake for another 10 minutes (total baking time about 45 minutes).

In 11% of cases bake at is used

Bake at 325 degrees F for 30 minutes until center is just set.

Bake at 300 degrees for 60 minutes, stirring them every 15-25 minutes.

My preference is for Panko over flour, &; I find the cakes get nicely browned if baked at 475 F.

Pack the mixture into a well greased loaf tin, cover with foil and bake at No 5/190 for about 35 - 45 minutes.

Collect clay pendants or pieces, or make your own with a modeling clay that can be baked at home in the oven.

I love baking at Christmas with them, watching all three of them meticulously dip pretzels into the chocolate.

Bake one tray at a time for 15 minutes at 200 o C fan bake then for the last 5 minutes on normal bake at 200 o C.

A traditional food eaten on Halloween is barnbrack, a kind of fruitcake that can be bought in stores or baked at home.

Vessels of Hope has five baking pans and only one pan of cupcakes can be baked at a time, which takes about 40 minutes to cook.

CCM consists of a compound of carbon fibre which is impregnated with silicon, injected into a mould and baked at ultra-high temperature.

In 7% of cases bake into is used

The exact timing of the uptick is not obvious, but it is nearly baked into the cake already.

An enormous amount of deficit reduction is baked into the current budget, deficit reduction that goes out the window under President Romney.

Lean, mean stand-up meetings are baked into our core internal process and I would love to see a client get into the muck with us as you describe.

It also offers organization, and great programmer methodologies all baked into one singular framework, and on top of that it is incredibly extensible.

That's because the coding needed to be baked into the game, something that happened with Modern Warfare 3, but not the previous Call of Duty game, Black Ops.

It should be baked into the idea of journalism that the search for truth is helped by allowing others to add to, or clarify, or respond to one version of events.

A major recommended fascination heating element, can be frequently baked into photographer cylinders, in a way that energy would resume, reliable furnace results in being less active.

In 6% of cases bake with is used

I have refused to use Crisco and only cook and bake with my own lard.

There are only so many you can eat in a day so I tend to bake with them.

Why not try pide which is similar to pizza! It is a flat bread baked with various toppings.

But as I've made myself try and bake with them over and over again, they have grown on me - at least when cooked.

And that makes apricots one of my favorite fruits to bake with, and I've made a few things over the past few weeks.

Breads of Europe Breads of Europe make quality artisan style breads baked with love and passion by our talented bakers.

Clay Pot Rice: This one-pot rice meal has a smoky exotic aroma, best baked with a sweet Chinese sausage called Lap Cheong.

Turkish delights are of course the most famous! Best Turkish Food For Kids Pide is a Turkish pizza baked with a variety of ingredients including spicy sausage, cheese, egg, lamb, potatoes and herbs.

In 5% of cases bake by is used

What takes the cake is no less than the cake baked by one of his daughters topped by a 200% mark-up.

I usually gve them some kind of lean meat, or egg on bread, some fruit and may be a cookie, Baked by my self.

My favourite quick weeknight dinner is to steam a pot of mussels and clams with cream, white wine, garlic, parsley and onion and serve with crusty bread, freshly baked by moi that morning.

Baking the Sugar Cookies Get a pan or maybe cookie sheet ready for baking by spraying it by way of a non stick cooking spray or wiping it down mildly with grease then setting it off to one side.

In 4% of cases bake on is used

Bake on an ungreased cookies sheet for 30 minutes or until browned.

Bannocks (or Oatcakes) A barley and oat-flour biscuit baked on a gridle.

In 3% of cases bake from is used

Celine learned to bake from a friend who had gone to baking school and really enjoys it.

We are passionate about providing great bread, baked from scratch, fresh each day, and free from all the nasties you prefer to avoid.

As the people had little time to cook their normal food early in the morning, they could only eat the bread baked from rapidly kneaded dough.

In 1% of cases bake during is used

Waking up at 4am to make sugar flowers, baking during nap time and decorating after bedtime was exhausting.

In 1% of cases bake inside is used

A muslin-wrapped treat is baked inside the cake that, it is said, can foretell the eater's future.

In 1% of cases bake out is used

Never mind that all the nutrition has been baked out of them, youre still getting youre recommended daily servings of veggies.

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