Prepositions after "wear"

"wear by", "wear in" or "wear on"?

Word Frequency
In Top 1000 words
In 23% of cases wear by is used

They were worn by Chinese Numgs(mercs).

These are worn by the junior Officers fig.

It was not a hat as worn by women of our day and age.

School uniforms were originally worn by orphan children who represented the lower class.

It is a shawl traditionally worn by Punjabi women during marriages and other festivities.

Bright shervanis worn by actors in movies too became a trend in many marriage ceremonies.

Bell-bottoms and puffed sleeved tops worn by Sridevi, Rekha became popular among young teenage and college going girls.

The Guard wears the Army Dress Blue Uniform, reminiscent of the color and style worn by soldiers during the late 1800's.

The Viennese bow fronted gown was first worn by Dorothy Sampson, 74, in 1959, when she married Sarah's grandfather Peter.

Sri Lanka The Sigiri frescoes shed much light on the ornaments possibly worn by Sri Lankan women during the firth century AD.

In 17% of cases wear on is used

It could not be worn on a military uniform.

A softer modern diet causes less wear on teeth.

Crowther usually wore on Sundays had been removed.

Moreover, it reduced the chance of the scabbard (worn on the left) hitting other people.

All this about a small, light piece of foam worn on the head for a short period of time.

The only other clothes I will take I will wear on the plane -- jeans, tshirt, trail shoes.

And I should know better, I have a Russian vintage enamel Apollo Soyuz badge that I used to wear on my leather jacket.

The outfit is best summed up as impromptu - merely being what I had decided to wear on the day of visiting Orford Ness.

You must make sure that the registration label or disc issued by the council is attached to a collar worn on the dog's neck.

It's time to think about innovation and in the form decided by the concept CAMER: ing, is a camera that is worn on the finger.

In 12% of cases wear in is used

It can easily be worn in minutes.

The long hairstyles are worn in different fashions.

That jeans, not only can be worn in fall and winter.

Pumped! Now, would you please take a look at what people are wearing in Milan at the moment.

It saves expenditure of the set which bottle be present worn in additional productive services.

He now sports a growing collection, from ten-gallon hats worn in Dallas to his trademark bowler hat.

We were looking for people in clothing they were probably not wearing in a place that was at some point in the past.

There are many swim gear designs to choose but the most ideal beach outfit to wear in this scenario is the swimming trunks.

I love this retro style!!! The second pair you could win are my favourite glasses that I am wearing in the picture above.

In 9% of cases wear with is used

And it is really very nice to wear with.

In fact they were worn with complete freedom.

Such a dress can be worn with heels but also with flats.

What use does the hat has (artistic and functional) which clothes you can wear with it.

Short skirts should always be worn with high heels, especially if you want to look sexy.

Most of these sites can give you tips on what to wear with your body type and age bracket.

For the skinny girls, a large shirt worn with high heels, a slim belt, shorts inside, can make a perfect shirt dress.

So I combined the powers of SEWVEMBER and MAKING SHOP STUFF into a couple of collars that I wore with a kinda manky singlet.

And the older Chanel really is worn with no style, also odd for chanel clad women of any age, I would have thought, at least in NYC.

A sheer white oversized blouse worn with a pair of sequined shorts and high heels can be a high fashion look for Brunch or High Tea.

In 8% of cases wear for is used

Ideally, pads shouldn't be worn for more than 3 to 4 hours.

Passengers are advised that seat belts should be worn for their own safety.

Any ornament worn for adornment (including the application of Henna) is not allowed.

It was almost totally opaque in one coat and wore for four days before any hint of wear.

Also please wear comfortable footwear, something you would wear for a walk in the country.

Quantification is a fig leaf worn for a poetry of greed, economics is the servant of that poetry.

It comes in a variety of colours and sizes for both men and women and can be worn for front and back wearing as well.

When you choose what you wear for the day or for a certain event, take into consideration the weather, theme and season.

The maxi clutch is a little bigger, and it is carried under the arm and it is exceptionally stylish if worn for dinner events.

Pepe: Pepe is the brand which brings to you some of the ideal collections when it comes to fashionable winter wear for children.

In 7% of cases wear to is used

A great tie to wear to important meetings, or on first dates.

It's not really acceptable because black is often worn to funerals.

You might find blood stains on bed sheets or clothing you wear to bed.

I've now got an update on that oversized and lumpy specimen, which I wore to death aged ten.

Loafers are one type of casual shoes that can be worn to offices as well as outings and fun.

He told me that one of the child models had the stomach flu and threw up all over the pants I wore to the studio.

What should I wear to my shoot? Dependent on the theme and style of your shoot, wear what you are most comfortable in.

Dress code is better than you would wear to a PITL event Please rsvp to club at Email address protected by JavaScript.

And there are people who plop down what for me would be ridiculous amounts of money for items to wear to the Derby, etc.

Every single thing that I will take, other than the clothes I wear to the airport and the things we will collect in Tokyo are now on my bike.

In 5% of cases wear at is used

The police decide whether what you wear at a party is decent.

All the three are designed to be worn at different levels of the game.

Usually worn at night to prevent the grinding of teeth or relieve joint pain.

Ven's just looked like a 70? s disco dress you might have seen somebody wearing at Studio 54.

I would decree that the mayor receive a really fancy hat to wear at music events, and a large salary.

So of course they are only being worn at the insistence of Muslim men and ultimately older Muslim Women.

All you just have to do is to invest with the hair extension that you want to wear at each time you will be going out.

If a Muslim woman doesn't wear a burqa or hijab in Saudi Arabian suburbs she is sworn at and spat on by other women to bring her back into line.

Her parents expected their only child to have a smile for the public, practised in front of a mirror and then worn at all times like a paper cut-out.

A California woman is suing retailer Abercrombie &; Fitch after being fired for wearing a hijab -- which, she points out, she also wore at her job interview.

In 3% of cases wear during is used

It can be worn during the day or during the night if you so wish.

The Good news is that I have come up with a talisman which you have to wear during the invocation.

It was also worn during State Banquets and occasionally for gymnastic displays at the sports stadium.

In this regard, following dress may be worn during Group Discussion, Group Planning and Interview with proper hair cut and shave.

Aerobic slippers: Good amount of padding is required in the shoes worn during twisting and twirling aerobic exercises to absorb the excess pressure generated.

The official polo shirt worn during the European Playoffs for the 2011 World Polo Championships, where Maserati and the Italian Team were the stars of the show.

The official polo shirt worn during the European Playoffs for the 2011 Polo World Championships, where Maserati and the Italian Team were the stars of the show.

Shorts of respectable length (that is, not of the short-short variety) can be worn during the day by both men and women, but beach attire should stay at the beach.

While the actor is wearing these dentures, a cast is taken of their face and used to make a prosthetic for them to wear during the movie, made from foam latex or silicone.

As a result, Michigan athletic director David Brandon wants to help the players remember that night by allowing them to keep the retro-inspired jerseys they wore during the game.

In 2% of cases wear as is used

We are in Australia which gives us the freedom to wear as we please.

With changing times, Sherwani is worn as a Kurta itself over Churidar pants.

So that knitted coat is more suitable worn as the casual wear and sportswear.

It is this matter of superiority/inferiority complex about what you wear as a person.

Great shoes or boots for the kitchen area are happy, hard wearing as well as fit your wearer beautifully.

I am amazed you see government intervention on what clothes you can wear as representative of a liberal democracy.

In 2% of cases wear under is used

If the headgear is thin then a thick scarf should be worn under it.

It consists of a belt with a pocket that you wear under your clothes.

Similarly, if the clothes (or dress) is thin, a thick loose fitting petticoat should be worn under such clothing.

At age 27, Sarah cut the feet off a pair of pantyhose to wear under her cream-colored slacks for their figure-flattering properties.

In 2% of cases wear over is used

Here's a fashion round up of what the stars wore over the last few Diwalis.

Although I had scars down the sides of both breasts, they have worn over the years.

They are worn over fingers and are used to tell stories to primary school children.

Here the Puppet is worn over complete arm unlike Hand Puppet where only wrist area is used.

Designed to wear over the body, the device can either assist or inhibit leg joint movement.

A For a more casual look, a shirt can be worn over a dress to make a girl's clothing style that is.

I recommend taking some time to work out what key pieces you are going to wear over the next month.

An angarkha cut full embroidered with natural silk cotton ecru yarns worn over the tunic of white chanderi.

The jumpsuit, in the three standard department colors, was worn over a black, long sleeve mock turtleneck, although some versions had a short black collar built in, and was worn with black boots.

In 2% of cases wear like is used

Some really look like gusgusin when wearing like that while some are really hot! Depende sa nagdadala.

When you wear Skechers Shape Ups Jump, you may feel it is soft to wear like walking on the sand or beach.

But I must say that I consider helmet wearing like ensuring that my car tyres have reasonable tread depth.

The leotard isn't being worn like it's supposed to -- they're meant to look like a tucked in shirt Forever home.

In those years of education for self-reliance, being poor but bright was something you wore like a badge of honour.

In 1% of cases wear off is used

Luckily once the painkillers wore off it stopped talking.

Sedimentary Rock forms from particles, called sediment, that are worn off other rocks.

Its hard to write when you're exhausted, theres no lights in the internet cafe and most of the letters have been worn off the key board.

In 1% of cases wear of is used

In my opinion the wearing of any religious symbol should be banned, as dare I say should all religions.

Similarly we do not abide the wearing of the burkha because it does not conform to our societal standards.

BTS says: 10:02am 27/05/10 Since this is a democracy then, the wearing of a burqa is perfectly acceptable in our culture.

If you ask me the point of the exercise of wearing of the burqa or the chaddor, is all about making a polit? cical statement.

Andrew says: 07:59am 25/05/10 As I understand it, correct me please if I am wrong, the wearing of the burqua is not required by the Koran.

Whatever spin Ms Haghdoosti might try to put on it the wearing of such garments is not an expression of religious faith but of something far more insidious.

In 1% of cases wear from is used

In a random twist, I found a pair of glasses I wore from the years 1987-1989.

These can be worn from newborn to 35 pounds and can be worn on the front, hip or back.

This is not a debate about what is worn from the neck down but rather that the face is covered.

She was recently in the capital to attend the opening of PFDC-The Boulevard, a one-stop shop for designer wear from Pakistan.

These types of wraps can be worn from newborn until approximately 35 pounds and are usually a lightweight fabric that is great for hot weather.

I also like that it's separates, so I can pair my top with a skirt, slim trousers, or leggings and get much more wear from it than just a single dress.

So maybe that's the reason I'd digging this bag, louis vuitton shoes, and it'll look weird and maybe awkward worn from one shoulder, I'd not entirely convinced.

The flesh was worn from his legs by dragging them over sandstone, he was in unimaginable pain from moving his broken bones, he had a ruptured pancreas and was near to death when he was found.

In 1% of cases wear without is used

It's a very self-conscious attempt at abstraction, but it's very difficult to wear without looking ridiculous.

Those that are made of cotton are soft to the skin and can be worn without fear of sticking to the skin in summer.

Thanks to the design, it's light enough to be worn without much strain, however, where it really excels is in it's function.

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