"threaten by" or "threaten with"?
When they were threatened by George W. |
Rupali that she was threatened by angry passengers. |
The subspecies is threatened by habitat loss and hunting. |
Of course, white domination was not immediately threatened by these early changes. |
We have been strung along, lied to and threatened by NZTA because we dared to protest. |
Galic and her children had been threatened by nationalists before the film's screening. |
Jealousy tends to make people paranoid, which would explain why you're feeling threatened by their relationship. |
He rarely expressed an opinion on the calibre of Laura's work, possibly because he felt threatened by her talent. |
It remains that Israeli national interest is clearly threatened by Iran's possible development of nuclear weapons. |
If you feel threatened by what's ahead, try looking at it as a chance to explore ideas how to overcome your fears. |
Only 37 comments to get threatened with an attorney. |
She was then threatened with stabbing by a second man. |
I know that Rob was also threatened with physical violence. |
Since I was threatened with unspecified consequences, I decided to keep a very low profile. |
But *his* wires eventually broke, and once again his wife was threatened with strangulation. |
Having been threatened with a potential legal action by Josh for expressing my views on Oba. |
Chances are that he may, while not being threatened with impeachment, become President Pariah and radioactive. |
I hoped it would set a precedent -- that whenever pro-democracy protesters were threatened with massacre, the U. |
The cronies who stole $13 trillion in MBS fraud and are now stealing the home are not threatened with slam time. |
I came twenty-fourth in my class, and having received five detentions one term, I was threatened with suspension. |
Cena goes on and flips out on Punk, threatening to chin check him. |
Isn't it more likely that someone threatened to out him? And if that is so. |
Whitaker: PFC William Santiago threatens to rat on Dawson to the Naval Investigative Service. |
An illness that in an adult would be a minor inconvenience can be life threatening to an infant. |
This is why so many countries are threatening to, and have already, looked to gold for financial security. |
Her denial is a coping strategy invoked because the reality of the pregnancy is unimaginable and threatening to her. |
The Defense Authorization Act of 2012) appears more threatening to Americans than Hitler's (1933 DISCRIMINATORY LAWS. |
I have not felt threatened by Obama's administration nor do I see Romney's Mormonism to be threatening to Christianity. |
There is little questioning of Big Daddy Government as they, by their actions, threaten to diver us, full speed, off this huge cliff. |
They are changing laws about religion and psychiatric disorders in order to identify anyone who is potentially threatening to the NWO. |
Wildlife is threatened in Mongolia. |
On a global scale the dignity of the person is being threatened in real ways. |
THE SOLUTION Your cat needs to learn that there is nothing threatening in the situation it is running from. |
After all, he had annoyed many people with his outspoken thoughts and he had been threatened in response too but did that scare him? Not a chance. |
The visitors vaguely threatened in the early exchanges, but only in the same sense as a drunk at a bar loudly bellowing to his friends to hold him back. |
Their reign was threatened in the 13th century CE under the Solomonic Empire, and intermittent fighting continuing for the next three centuries with other tribes. |
Until they can prove their reasons for wearing the burqa beyond a belief, their wish to wear it does not outweigh the right of the owner to not feel threatened in their own property if they do. |
The Catholic Church seemed threatened on all sides. |
Civil war also threatened on Mindanao, where groups of Moros opposed Christian settlement. |
The world can be a scary, dangerous place where the life of the traveler is threatened on all sides. |
We always fear our appraisals and get threatened about losing our performance bonus. |
Yet Chelsea were still in the game and looked increasingly threatening as the game wore on. |
Little additional contact was made with the community, but in 1935 their stability was greatly threatened as the Italian army marched into Ethiopia. |
These are the practical secular effects of marriage, and certainly state financial support at least is threatened as the definition of marriage is broadened. |
I do not feel threatened at the slightest, however, seeing as how tamed the beast appears. |
PRISON AND DETENTION CENTER CONDITIONS Prison system conditions remained life threatening at times due to overcrowding, inadequate facilities, and lack of proper sanitation. |
Surely you have some non-hijabi friends who have been threatened for not wearing the hijab. |
USA and European union are the one most threatened from China. |
Should India be another waking giant, then she might be able to lead the world into a much happier future than the new Dark Age that threatens from China. |
I did my professional job by clicking there pictures, which irked police officials and from that day I was threatened of dire consequences. |