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Prepositions after "testify"

"testify to", "testify in" or "testify before"?

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In Top 1000 words
In 31% of cases testify to is used

Even the apostles of Christ testify to this.

Connection testifies to temporality (hadath).

Unity testifies to the many parts of the whole.

I testified to that Committee and my comments figured prominently in the final report.

The easy, some would say fatuous comments on this or any other matter, on CiF, testify to that.

Undeniably, many young boys suffered unimaginably from the abuse and testified to that effect.

Rancher Mike can testify to the fact north Idaho has gotten more rain this year so far than we usually get all year.

The recurrent and growing unrest in all spheres of national life testify to this lack and demand sensitive attention.

Among those who will testify to his skills are the likes of Jay-Z, Coldplay, Will Smith, Busta Rhymes and Paris Hilton.

Thousands testify to receiving miracles of healing, blessings, finances, by faith, as they watch and enjoy the program.

In 12% of cases testify before is used

Advocates or later to testify before this court.

On October 26, General Van Bennike testified before the UN Security Council.

Lynda Young, testified before the Joint Committee and did not mince her words.

No one who testified before the LLRC was offered witness protection of any sort.

I testify before God and His angels that it will be so as He indicated to my ignorance.

In Romney's 2002 race for governor, he testified before the state Ballot Law Commission that his separation from Bain in 1999 had been a.

Cole has testified before Congress on television issues and has spoken as a keynote and panel member at more than 500 conferences on media and technology.

We traveled down to Trenton NJ yesterday to testify before the Legislative Committee Financial Services and Insurance about foreclosure crisis in the state.

However, Mr Kissinger testified before the Senate hearing that he cut off all support for the coup plotters the week before General Schneider was murdered.

Giancana was in fact murdered in his Chicago home in June l975, just before he was scheduled to testify before the Church Committee concerning assassination plots.

In 12% of cases testify in is used

Even Oracle directors have had to testify in court.

Linda DeMartini, a Countrywide executive testified in Countrywide vs.

It is one of the requirements for witnesses testifying in courts of law.

They weren't allowed to purchase real estate nor could they testify in court.

He was murdered before he could be admitted under the protection program to be able to testify in court.

One mother testified in court last week that Gomez Valbuena had told her she could be jailed for adultery.

Imagine a rape victim testifying in Court, surrounded by friends of the rapist, perhaps even the rapist himself.

Cartwright became noted for her expertise on sleepwalking violence and has testified in several high profile cases.

In 9% of cases testify against is used

A scheming wife testifies against her husband in a shocking murder trial.

Strictly mutually consenting adults, very hard to get anyone to testify against the other.

Carter pleads guilty, testifies against his former comrades, and is sentenced to five years in prison.

In any event, if those who are testifying against Lance are doing this for a deal then it doesn't look good.

Two others, Kevin McCarthy and Scott Stedeford, enter plea bargains and do testify against their co-conspirators.

The accused, or a counselor of the accused, may confront (or cross examine) all witnesses testifying against him or her.

Facing charges of first-degree murder, bookmaking and possession of drug paraphenalia, Pentangeli agreed to testify against Michael.

Majid Khan pleaded guilty in February to aiding al-Qaida in a deal that requires him to testify against other accused terrorists at Guantanamo.

In other words, under the Confrontation Clause, the defendant had a right to confront on the stand the chemist who was testifying against them.

Mourinho refused to walk, and fought only to maximise his pay-off as Chelsea apparently threatened to call club employees to testify against him at any employment tribunal.

In 6% of cases testify about is used

Every service people would come and testify about God's healing.

I am sure many members on this forum can testify about sleep paralysis happening occassionally to them.

Petraeus initiated his affair with author Paula Broadwell last year to avoid testifying about Benghazi this week.

Dianne Feinstein, chair of the Intelligence Committee said she now expects Petraeus will testify about the attack on the U.

Hence, the word semikha should be read shemi + ko, My Name is here, ' for My Name testifies about Yael that Sisra did not touch her.

The ex-premier and former deputy prime minister Suthep Thaugsuban testified about the crisis of the red-shirt protests, and how they responded.

In 6% of cases testify at is used

The crewman was testifying at a federal trial in Virginia.

February 2004 Jerry Rawlings testifies at the Reconciliation Commission about his years of rule.

Former Twin Cities recruits have testified at trial that he used his knowledge of the Qur'an to preach jihad.

Naval Academy, was to testify at a confirmation hearing naming him to replace Admiral James Stavridis as head of the U.

Seven of the nine witnesses who testified at the trial recanted their accounts before the state of Georgia killed him by lethal injection.

In 1983, Pauling and Irwin Stone testified at a hearing on behalf of Oscar Falconi, a vitamin promoter charged by the Postal Service with making false claims for several products.

Dawes ' subject matter is in sharp contrast, therefore, to books such as Eric Stover's The Witnesses which is based on interviews with individuals who testified at The Hague and ICTY.

But Laura Angelina Borbolla, while testifying at a congressional hearing, said she was aware of only one case involving the murder of a journalist that resulted in someone being sentenced.

In 6% of cases testify on is used

Committee Hearing You can attend hearings and testify on a bill.

You can participate in the hearing by testifying on behalf of your bill.

John Allen testifies on Capitol Hill in March: Allen, who was scheduled to be promoted to head of U.

He added that witnesses who testified on behalf of the suspects had clearly confirmed that the attacks in Nakuru and Naivasha were planned.

If anyone in DC has a scrap of honor left, Petraeus will be compelled to testify on Benghazi next week and if Petraeus has any honor left, he will do so.

It is a finding of this court that they freely testified on their own will about what they happened to sight and hear in what were earmarked as events Nos.

Acting Director Jeff Zients testified on August 1st before the Armed Services Committee that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) will be prepared to implement sequestration.

See, just as Singer knew he was lying to our Congress when he testified for our tobacco companies, and again, when he testified for our oil companies, and again when he testified on climate.

In 4% of cases testify by is used

Subversion remains the PLA's most lethal weapon as is testified by the contents of Unrestricted Warfare.

Well that statement will be testified by my recent vacation in Coron wherein I stayed in Coron Ecolodge.

In 4% of cases testify for is used

She testified for the government about how her son, Jamal Aweys Sheikh Bana, disappeared one morning never to return.

In fact Rick had 6 doctors willing to testify for him after witnessing him curing 10 citizens and 14 dozen sworn affidavits from those he had helped in Maccan.

See, just as Singer knew he was lying to our Congress when he testified for our tobacco companies, and again, when he testified for our oil companies, and again when he testified on climate.

In 3% of cases testify as is used

On two occasions at least, Ayoub testified as a specialist on Islam in Canadian trials.

Ross: If it please the court, the witness can't possibly testify as to what 478 other men would say.

In 3% of cases testify under is used

As I've said before I think some people are testifying under duress.

Testifying under oath, Budenz named individuals who as communists had become trustee members, or key officials or had received grants from a number of tax-exempt foundations.

In 1% of cases testify after is used

State Department spokesman Mark Toner said Clinton will testify after an independent Accountability Review Board presents its findings.

In 1% of cases testify of is used

The Book of Mormon Testifies of Christ The focus of the Book of Mormon is Jesus Christ, His atoning sacrifice and His gospel.

The Book of Mormon and the Bible Support Each Other Like two eyewitnesses strengthen an argument in court, the Book of Mormon and the Bible both testify of Christ.

In 1% of cases testify with is used

They testify with their temperaments that He who gave them temperaments has no temperament.

The apparent relationship of the two events indicates that the Spirit was poured out on the believers to equip them with power to testify with boldness.

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