Prepositions after "ruin"

ruin by, in, for, after or with?

Word Frequency
In Top 1000 words
In 55% of cases ruin by is used

This is a beautiful park, and it will be ruined by a fence.

Rodney Smith had a big play that was ruined by a rare fumble.

Then at 3:04, Evan Roch had his shutout bid ruined by Peterson.

With the Long road to ruin by Foo Fighters playing in the background its not really helping.

THE BEGINNING OF THE END FOR THE LANDLORD SYSTEM The Landlord class was ruined by the famine.

That is the view from my study and I don't want it ruined by young oiks clambering all over it.

This will not only reduce unsolicited messages but also save our generation who is being ruined by cheap SMS packages.

They were left humiliated and some were financially ruined by the scam, which ran between November 2009 and August 2010.

Your life is too great to be ruined by a report card, a curt comment from a boss, or an assessment that spells doom and gloom.

Once again my lunch break was ruined by a member of the disgusting general public staring at me while I ate my sexy turkey dinner.

In 11% of cases ruin in is used

You will rule or ruin in all events.

She is out to sting you and with her connections you are probably ruined in the Veteran community.

So: ruin in the States, retreat back to his Indian shores (or mountains rather ), his brain no longer so functional and alert as it used to be.

In 8% of cases ruin for is used

This music is too wonderful to let a or sour pusses ruin for you.

Then on the straight there was contact and that was the race pretty much ruined for me.

They are going to ruin for the women that have some respect and integrity and LOVE the game.

The thought of Christmas ruined for children makes my blood boil!!! - The angel, London, 21/6/2012 11:18------ Read the articles again.

Because there's always a chance of those beloved characters being ruined for people with any little action or dialogue believed not to be faithful enough.

In 4% of cases ruin after is used

My day was totally ruined after watching the video, and the guy who shouted thief should also be arrested as he should have come to stop or confess that they were not thiefs.

The Narrows Botanical Gardens in Brooklyn was virtually ruined after thieves broke in and stole thousands of dollars in plants, bonsai tree, and terra cotta planters on April 22nd.

Five years on and this practice still exists, innocent lives are being ruined after medical professionals continue to write reports based on the material they read and the word of others.

In 4% of cases ruin with is used

Their nets had been ruined with acid and their look-out tower smashed with axes.

Then their remote, woman-free utopia is ruined with the sudden appearance of two attractive women who move into a nearby cottage for the summer.

In number one, Mick Fanning decked his Tahitian landlord Alain Riou with some excellent power surfing that he almost ruined with a late priority error.

In 2% of cases ruin to is used

To a Christian, Satan is a Fallen Angel who seeks to bring destruction and ruin to mankind.

The richest country inAsia at independence has been ruined to a failed state by the Sinhala Buddhist leaders who governed the country since independence.

In 2% of cases ruin because is used

Many web pages are being delisted, and some businesses are being ruined because of this.

In 1% of cases ruin beyond is used

Not only is their shirt ruined beyond repair (Tide isn't even that good) but even their teeth and tongues are blue.

In 1% of cases ruin behind is used

Since Stalin began his invasion of Spain, the march of his henchmen has been leaving death and ruin behind them.

In 1% of cases ruin since is used

Karachi coast was once an extraordinarily diverse part of the world but it was badly deforested and ruined since 1970's.

In 1% of cases ruin upon is used

A terrible storm rose up and wracked the coast, dashing Maeve, and her hopes of a life with Reginald, to ruin upon the rocks.

In 1% of cases ruin amongst is used

For the prevencon of civill mischeife and ruin amongst ourselves, whilst the barbarous enimy in all places did invade, murther and spoyle us, his majesties most faithfull subjects.

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