obscure by, for, from, in or to?
The tornado dropped quickly and became obscured by wrapping rain. |
The sting of the legislation was obscured by being distributed in three separate acts. |
Along the way, there have been immense gains that sometimes are obscured by the central impasse. |
Restore true color and detail to image features obscured by natural haziness (caused by atmospheric effects). |
This development has been obscured by the diversity of plans for monetary reform coming out of the pro-gold camp. |
His face is obscured by the shadow cast by his hat, but we can see that he is also supporting the pregnant woman. |
I like seeing glass - a truly amazing, under-appreciated material - featured like this, and not obscured by labelling. |
The walls are obscured by banker's boxes, stacked five high like modernist towers and stuffed with files for Taylor's case. |
I think it's the right thing to do, it's an important piece of hacker lore to remain obscured by people who don't appreciate it. |
If we look at it from different perspectives, we see important facets of it which are hidden or obscured by our legalistic gaze. |
It is indeed a powerful piece of prose (the ' Jerry Lewis ' reference a little obscure for younger generations). |
But sometimes point A and point B are so obscured from each other that you have to use a series of straight lines that navigate through all the crazy between the two points. |
But enough has been said by way of apology for whatever may have seemed amiss or obscure in the character of the merchant; so nothing remains but to turn to our comedy, or, rather,. |
It's a thrill ride where the lines of the paranormal and the human psyche is obscured to such an extent that you aren't sure what's real and what's not. |
As an ordinary human with normal observational capability it wasn't that hard to note/jolt down the main reason which got obscured among all the superficiality. |
In God and the Rhetoric of Sexuality (Philadelphia, 1978 ), she maintained that the female perspective on faith had been obscured because of centuries of male interpretation, and must be recovered. |
From the more famous such as the small Oklahoma towns in Twister to the relatively obscure like the OSU Student Union's appearance in a campy thriller, these are the best. |
The environmental impact of oil pipeline spills is obscured under this rubric. |