"learn from" or "learn about"?
In a nutshell, learn from life,. |
I want to learn from my mistakes. |
You'll be wise to learn from her. |
I learned from you last week that he was the first guy arrested over the G20 fence. |
They use the style which was learn from their family members to attract the audience. |
Ours is the only one ever to think that it has nothing at all to learn from the past. |
Three lessons I've learnt from this episode: Never trust any store that plays Flo-Rida songs at 10 in the morning. |
Look and learn from those artists who are successful at using Twitter to communicate with their followers and fans. |
Let's learn from that journey and what we did that was inadequate for us not being able to reached our destination. |
I fully expect to get hammered and made to look stupid, but I'd here to learn from you guys through your arguments. |
I have to learn about it further. |
Learn about powerful sales tactics. |
Learning about basic healthcare. |
It is unclear when Mueller learned about his bureau's investigation into Petraeus. |
It does not include learning about the most important properties of the universe. |
I in one week of regular ambush, I failed to catch Dutroux but learned about time. |
I've recently learned about wooden-crated CKD (Completely Knocked Down) kits from Kris and Doug via Yahoogroups. |
I am looking forward to sharing what I have learned about online education and learning from all of you as well. |
In addition to learning about English and math, the students are also learning about agriculture and gardening. |
Take precautions: read about your county/city, study the culture and language(s) and learn about food and customs. |
My final thoughts that i've learnt in my life. |
Most of the jobs are learnt in factory by doing things. |
All people learn in their own way and at their own pace. |
First, think about all the skills you've learned in school and in your other endeavors. |
Many of these things can be learned in training without ever venturing near a start line. |
It is only in practise that several small things learnt in books start connecting and one. |
And yet we learn in a photo caption that the two of them arrived on the same boat from England with the Karno troupe. |
No matter what you learn in terms of methods, it is up to you to get it right which means be able to do it effectively. |
To Zachary's point, I think it is necessary to carve out spaces for learning in the activities IPs are implementing. |
What we have found is just a scratching at the surface of what God has for us farmers to learn in His Word and from Him. |
The reader will learn of his drug use. |
When I learnt of it later, I did my homework. |
When the Albanians learn of this they try to grab them. |
When people in Washington learned of Lee's surrender, they hurried to the White House. |
It was only on 16 March that her father, Abdel-Qader Ali, learned of their friendship. |
Cole first learned of the story in a book outlining the history of the Christmas tree. |
One gains inspiration in reading the history of England and learn of the barbarous custom of the country in olden days. |
Wells's War of the Worlds when they learned of the impending mega-budget Steven Spielberg version, starring Tom Cruise. |
You are the learn of your (Net) website in addition to individuals to your blog want to know what to do and where to start. |
If we learn by example, she is a good one to follow. |
The aim of the course is to enable the students to learn by doing. |
There is much that you can learn by watching the actions of others. |
There is a similarity and the required skill set could perhaps be learnt by observing. |
We can assess what you've learnt by a process called recognition of prior learning (RPL). |
It would be unfair on the aggrieved party - and a lesson wouldn't be learnt by the offending party. |
In the vocational field, knowledge is also contextual and needs to be created in application -- learning by doing. |
Learning by experience: Chris made a corporate video that he was doing for a company but it couldn't be his voice. |
They therefore miss out on important lessons and end up repeating the same things they could have learnt by listening. |
That is a lesson learnt by some, who don't have the right to say it, because they have a right to live some time more. |
I wish everyone would learn to. |
We need to learn to use that gift. |
I'd learning to say no to myself. |
Until recently, before learning to type too, but people nowadays learn to type at 6 or 7. |
I have big freezer now and I am learning to use it more like an extension of the pantry. |
Until recently, before learning to type too, but people nowadays learn to type at 6 or 7. |
My pedia even encourages me on this, and according to her, kids from 0-5 years old can learn to as much to 5 languages. |
So hide it/keep it secret for the right reasons; but otherwise, learn to time it properly in order to maximize the returns. |
From learning to rules to why things happen to and around him, once he sees things a certain way then that's the way it is. |
It also does not take me long to scout around for firewood, and firestone is something I have learned to always carried with me. |
People have always learned at work. |
We all live and learn at different rates. |
One that reads slowly and learns at a different pace. |
Learning at work Employees can pursue higher education during their stint at Cognizant. |
Freecia: I love the point that gender-specific views are often learned at home as a child. |
Enjoy the convenience of learning at your own pace with courses offered on a continuous basis. |
What amazes me now as I look back on those years is the fact that nothing that I learned at that stage is used today. |
Our impact has been growing as we partner with many other NGOs to have our girls teach the lessons they learn at Kranti. |
She spoke excellent English, which she had started learning at the time Pakistani women were allowed to remove their veils. |
Learning at this age that it is ok to have big feelings (that mummy is ok with) is a great start to coping techniques later on. |
Fothergill was learning on the job. |
When Lorraine Bailey learned on April 4 that Dr. |
Learning on the job is a great way to be successful. |
Learned on a Singer treadle -- my grandmother's -- and then to a White -- my mother's. |
I tell them you have the world at your fingertips and there isn't one skill you can't learn on YouTube. |
The CoOp program is also available to help students learn on the job in marine and other lab environments. |
William, Annie learns on a visit to her cousin Shirley, may once have danced with the Queen Mother at a Balmoral staff ball. |
Thats like taking a sixth grade teacher and throwing him/her into a college-level class and telling them to learn on the fly. |
Just like any young startup learning on the Job, the fear of making a mistake and crushing the whole meeting filled my mind. |
One of the things I learnt on the Every Other Day Diet was, once I did my workout in the morning my matabolism would be fired up. |
One can learn through reflection of oneself or others. |
He also learned through friends how to change a tire. |
We all started from scratch and learned through our mistakes. |
Many of life's lessons are learnt through trial and error, and this is no exception. |
One of the biggest perks to being able to form a study group is to learn through others. |
Clinical legal education is a model where students learn through experience or ' doing ' law. |
Parents also reported observing their children learning through imitation and copying when with their siblings. |
Skill is something you can almost always learn through a strong combination of in-class and real-world experience. |
There is no compartmentalisation of subjects and children work as a team and help each other learn through projects. |
The only way you will know how to clearly communicate with your market is by learning through research about them. |
I'd just learning along the way. |
A few things I have learned along the way. |
This is something which I learnt along the way. |
This is something I do need to learn along with a lot of other things. |
The lessons learned along the way will benefit our work generally and we are hopeful. |
I am a 29 year old SAHM and I can only share with you the things I have had to learn along the way. |
In this book, Vanity takes you on a gripping ride through her 16+ injection procedures, drug abuse and the lessons she learned along the way. |
It will eventually contain pieces which have bulk draw along with and this can be quickly learn along with understood through your target audience. |
I try to avoid regretting things, because I know my reasoning when I did it, but I've learned along the line and I try to become a better person. |
And yes by sharing my own experiences or what I've learned along the way I do try to inspire or motivate them, wishing it helps someone -- somewhere. |
No, I am still seeking and learning as an artist myself. |
Sherman had other interests, I learned as the days went by. |
In The dynasty sunshine learns as a consequence, probable Receive trueer. |
The lessons learned as a result of the Murrison report -- the work done by my hon. |
Connecting diverse domains, open education, project based learning as well as many others. |
But we would always caution that you do not fall into the habit of using your research and learning as a crutch. |
These people refer to the impossibly huge number of chunks to be learned as well as to the other important things (e. |
Emphasis is placed on important ideas that can change our understanding of learning as well as the practice of education. |
This particular study captures the plight of kids at a particularly vulnerable juncture for learning as well as psychology. |
Yet I always beg forgiveness for forgetting specifics since it was learned as a minor mentioned issue in biochem, 35 years ago. |
These are some of the major points to be learnt during Articleship. |
The lessons learned during the war were not completely lost though. |
This was what I learned during my Haj trip and in my association with the Iranians. |
I could fill several degree courses with the things I've had to learn during a 20 year career,. |
I learnt during those years and in the three decades that followed that he was indeed very human. |
Drawing from lessons learned during the Aid ceasefire, China has just proposed an original solution. |
The skills learned during a PhD find applications in a huge array of fields, both scientific and not. |
And, as UHN learned during its **26;6257;TOOLONG pilot, procedures must be put in place - and resourced (e. |
And Shakespeare's knowledge of wild flowers and folklore must surely have been learnt during his time spent there. |
This is the chance for participants to highlight the skills they have learned during the two week program to the. |
Learn for yourself how to be saved. |
Lessons learned for the nth time. |
Learned for many years in a non-favorable language environment. |
Ms Kwok thanks distance learning for giving her an opportunity to broaden her horizons. |
Soak those goodies up while they're available, as well as planning and learning for the future. |
The deceased's school, Ammet Academy has meanwhile suspended teaching and learning for two days. |
The first and most important thing you need to learn for giving talks is not to answer something if you are not right. |
The technology of 1952 or 1992 helped motivate and enhance learning for kids then, and so do the technologies of today. |
Everybody has an opinion, and there's old and new media, and there is a lot to learn for CEO to web designer, contracted or employed. |
You should know people before you begin to visit them every other person, especially the students, have a big lesson to learn for this. |
I also learnt over the years that I needed to be my own harshest critic. |
What I have learned over time is that it is important to make mistakes and learn from them. |
My current company is a culmination of everything I've learned over my 30-plus business years. |
Trouble shooting is learnt over time, so start now by surrounding yourself with knowledgeable people. |
Callie closed her eyes and practiced the breathing techniques she'd learned over the last six months. |
These qualities that he possesses are not ones that can be taught, but rather ones that must be learned over time. |
Also, I'd currently writing the book ' Cells of Earth ' which is based on the lessons that I have learned over this past year. |
At that lesson, I felt like a musical baby as I nervously fumbled my way through half-learned pieces I had(n't) learned over the summer. |
But tactics and race craft is something which needs to be learnt over time, through experience, and by soaking up as much information as possible. |
Preschool should motivate these to learn with interest. |
One to one is the ideal way to learn with no distractions. |
As we've learned with Gray, elections have consequences. |
It's been a whole week already, and it was EPIC!!! It was really fun to learn with Ms. |
Learn with VideoJug how to deal with rejection in the dating games using NLP techniques. |
That they won't feel intimidated when learning with me or one of my team of trainers. |
If you know a child that likes to play video games, educational options are a great way to combine learning with fun. |
This allows ease of both uptake and learning with a central SQL database maximising data entry and eliminating data duplication. |
In sum, as the Hornets have learned with Chris Paul now playing with the Clippers, New Orleans didn't have much talent after CP3. |
If you don't know about something, how would you know to seek PD in that area? This is especially true of learning with technology. |