"juxtapose with" or "juxtapose to"?
Juxtaposed with raila visit just a week earlier and the jigsaw will be almost complete. |
The natural progression is juxtaposed with the nattering recollection of Marie, the Austrian Countess. |
The overwhelming exception to the rule (disadvantaged moving to advantage ), juxtaposed with the overwhelming rule (advantaged maintaining advantage). |
Subtle movement and frozen poses were juxtaposed with fast and dangerous contact work, furious outbursts which showed sensitive awareness of pace and timing. |
Today the original building with its cement floors and towering ceilings is juxtaposed with the state of the art multimedia exhibits, reinforcing the dichotomy of past and present. |
Between sprawling aristocratic estates juxtaposed with sordid underworlds and political upheaval driven by ambitious but flawed political figures, I can deliver the full HBO package. |
I believe it says a lot about politicians when they feel the need to photocall juxtaposed to a **25;0;TOOLONG etc. |
If you imagine eating a ready salted crisp and then having a bit of chocolate, the chocolate will taste sweeter because it's juxtaposed against the salty taste. |