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Prepositions after "induct"

induct into, in, as, to or before?

Word Frequency
In Top 1000 words
In 63% of cases induct into is used

She was inducted into Canada's Sports Hall of Fame in 2010.

He was inducted into the Alberta Order of Excellence in 2004.

In 2010, she was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto.

Stevens was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2007 -- his first year of eligibility.

He has since been inducted into the hall of fame at City and had a stand named after him.

On June 1, 2007, he was inducted into the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame together with his brother D.

Immediately following his release, he had to devise his escape routes to avoid being inducted into the military.

The entire team was inducted into Canada's Walk of Fame in Toronto last Saturday and will have a gala dinner at.

Until then, no openly gay athlete had ever been inducted into one of the major North American sports halls of fame.

Canadian Music Hall of Fame View profiles of your favourite Canadian artists inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame.

In 15% of cases induct in is used

Millar, 65, was inducted in the Individual Builder category.

There is merely a break in the timeline before the J-20 is properly inducted in force.

Zia-ul-Haq was the first among ' grocery ' growers then the chain of down trodden and greedy is inducted in Army.

Note that these are all proven aircraft as compared to the J-20, which may take a decade more after being operational before it can be properly be inducted into PLAAF's doctrine.

In 6% of cases induct as is used

FRANCE Inducted as a Member of the Lgion d'Honneur by President Chirac of France in May, 2004.

FRANCE Inducted as a Member of the Legion d'Houneur by President Chirac of France in May, 2004.

In 1% of cases induct from is used

As many philosophical, spiritual and religious terms of Bhudhism and even Hinduism did not exist, they were inducted from Pali &; Sanskrit into Turkish.

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