Prepositions after "impressive"

impressive in, for, with, to or on?

Word Frequency
In Top 1000 words
In 27% of cases impressive in is used

It was less impressive in the U.

Very impressive in the first tie.

They are not impressive in the UCL.

He is huge, he is aggressive, and is equally impressive in the run or passing game.

Mansouri impressive in the third, catching a tiring Valentine with more regularity.

Holtby has been impressive in the two matches and robbed possession, fed Huntelaar.

What is fueling Bangladesh's economy? The garment industry is massive - one of the most impressive in the world.

Yorkshires bowling attack, spearheaded by veteran Ryan Sidebottom, looked impressive in the qualifiers but they.

You have been very impressive in your TV interviews and that revolution uprising music vid you made was awesome.

Arteta hasn't been overly impressive in his first two appearances but he's shown good determination and discipline.

In 13% of cases impressive for is used

That's impressive for a rabbit.

That process is impressive for me.

Impressive for an iridescent shade.

And I'd impressive for that the new firmware backward compatible with old version.

Rangers manager Alex McLeish said: ' It's a real shame for Alan, who has been so impressive for us this season.

Again, sorry Mom, but I think that is pretty darn impressive for VCH and the team I am proud to work alongside.

I think the stats are more impressive for novelists - see Jk Rowling - but not as good initially for employment.

She was quite impressive for a newcomer, however, she did seem to get caught up in the corniness of some scenes.

In 8% of cases impressive with is used

Impressive with lots of interest.

Boomers have been impressive with their fight.

Super impressive with your companies thinking.

The kitchen/breakfast room is just as impressive with views across the rear garden.

The speedtest result was quite impressive with the download but upload disappointed.

Franschoek was the more impressive with the countryside looking like a scene from PEI.

The structure that houses the statue is equally impressive with seven foot diameter columns that rise 44 feet.

The branding all around is impressive with large screens next to the stage showing what's on Zuku this August.

The satay was also rather impressive with the chicken nicely marinated to leave a rather sweet and savory taste.

Still, the space is impressive with acres of lava covering it all with their jagged ruggedness and somber colors.

In 7% of cases impressive on is used

Very Impressive on Black Talon part.

Well, it's even more impressive on Blu-ray.

It just looked impressive on the proposals.

I have always wanted to go back and catch a game because it looks impressive on TV.

Snake numbers can be quite impressive on warm sunny days until the end of September.

He was impressive on docile Indian tracks, taking 19 wickets with a best of 3 for 19.

However impressive on its own (limited) terms, happiness research won't tell you what you actually want to know.

Rio Hondo Prep, meanwhile, was equally impressive on the road at Desert in Lancaster, cruising to a 47-0 victory.

He was impressive on debut against New Zealand last summer and looked good against India's class batting line-up.

In 7% of cases impressive to is used

This was really impressive to me.

Impressive to some, but not to me.

She is in no way impressive to me.

In 1972 came the Florence exhibition, the largest and most impressive to that date.

This sounded pretty impressive to me and I was wondering if I could do that as well.

FinFan68 says: Jan 1, 2012 8:14 PM Marino's accomplishment is more impressive to me.

I'd stickin with my PIII for now, the P4 isn't impressive to me, I'd taking a break from my AMD troubleshooting.

If you are looking for something low-key, romantic, and overall impressive to your date, this is the place to go.

But it's impressive to me that they are able to convey that atmosphere with instruments, not obvious sound effects.

In this case, the set was equally impressive to one I saw in Chicago---a place where Wicked had a very extended run.

In 6% of cases impressive of is used

One of the most impressive of the BAT.

Likewise, the more impressive of the two 21.

Most impressive of Smith's skills is his accuracy.

One of the most impressive of such cases in Europe was that of Emanuel Swedenborg.

Most impressive of the trio is Anna Karenina, down just 7%, for a 10-day total of 2.

Most impressive of all is Clowes?? own graceful presence and nuanced, lyrical sound.

The building in the middle, the tomb of Bibi Pari, is the most impressive of the surviving buildings of the fort.

The largest and most impressive of all the animals that live on and around the Great White Mountain are elephants.

All are non-poisonous including the largest and most impressive of them -- the Jamaican Boa (Epicrates subflavus).

Perhaps the most impressive of activity seen on the chromosphere (and indeed the sun itself) are solar prominences.

In 5% of cases impressive about is used

What I found most impressive about.

What's impressive about a fly brain.

I don't know what's impressive about that.

What's impressive about him is he wasn't really a big name starting the season.

What is most impressive about the boy from Americana is his drive and work rate.

The only thing impressive about Bloc Party was the lead singer's well-built chest.

Particularly impressive about this exceptional record is the fact that Ivy began bridge relatively late in life.

Refreshingly picky with what he takes on, what's most impressive about Mosca's remix catalogue is the range of it.

Instead, there was something deeply impressive about the intent with which Van Persie ensured he had the final say.

That's a tough bit of writing to pull off and it demands a lot of work but that's what would be impressive about it.

In 5% of cases impressive at is used

The battery is impressive at 2600mAh.

Volume was moderately impressive at 18.

Student media are also impressive at SU.

The dome is impressive at 365 feet and is still not dwarfed by the London skyline.

Centre-back Nuru Sulley, signed from Mighty Jets FC, has been impressive at times.

Flogging just isn't impressive at any grade (except for the aspect of determination).

The neat legible handwriting, still impressive at 86, got her the role of writing out monthly allowance cheques.

You may not have 16 inch arms, but your overall body shape should look impressive at a lower body fat percentage.

Neither Milan nor Inter are that impressive at the moment, and it would be just desserts if Roma were to pip them.

Henderson was impressive at No 6, and will push Peter O'Mahony hard for a place in the back-row against the Argies.

In 3% of cases impressive as is used

He's impressive as a person and a golfer.

Suresh Menon is impressive as the tough cop.

While the list above may seem impressive as an entire unit.

Impressive as the drivetrain is, the REALLY big surprise is the ride and handling.

Beyond there there was some minor cinematics but hardly impressive as the beginning.

Cotto is impressive as the aggressor, but he can also adapt easily to defend himself.

Corrigan is impressive as the lead however, with a mad streak about him that makes the role seem entirely plausible.

As hard-hitting and technically impressive as the band could be, the show worked best when plucking at the heart strings.

It is impressive, but it is only impressive as a fact; there is nothing particularly popular or obvious about it as a fable.

It's not as superficially impressive as the 1974 volume, until you open the covers and compare reproductions between the two.

In 3% of cases impressive by is used

That it is impressive by its methodological variety.

Not terrible, but for $14 not impressive by any means.

They want to make it look more impressive by using long words.

The USA's justifications for invading Iraq are looking less impressive by the day.

Especially impressive by Meland from Norway who is a quite new face at this level.

That doesn't sound impressive by today's standards, but it was unheard of back then.

Not impressive by any means, however, there was another student with approximately the same gpa but he was black.

Brentwood's GCSE results were impressive by national standards but some of our students have been harshly treated.

This figure is made even more impressive by the fact that the BMW Vision Efficient Dynamics car consumes a mere 3.

In 3% of cases impressive from is used

It was impressive from up there though.

We expect something very impressive from Corbin! 6.

The building is impressive from the outside, anyway.

The hotel itself is beautiful, impressive from the minute you drive in the gates.

Not very impressive from across the garden but I thought they worked nicely in close-up.

The Cliffs are so much more impressive from the ocean, especially in the late afternoon.

Running a factory that size with minimal supervision is very impressive from a work organization point of view.

It was impressive from the accounts of people that I know that were there, they were surprised at the turn out.

L:Yes, for me the most impressive from his works is a strong scent of childishness, purified from the adult world.

The spray is so impressive from the look-out points, it feels like you are in the middle of a torrential rainstorm.

In 2% of cases impressive against is used

He looked darn impressive against Condit.

But they were also impressive against Kansas.

Oscar and Hazard, both, were impressive against Wigan.

Yes they were impressive against Dublin last Saturday, very impressive in fact.

They did not do anything particularly impressive against Portugal but still won 1-0.

Guerrro is another OVERHYPED white guy who only looks impressive against OTHER white guys.

Long, 24, who had been so impressive against Wolves the week before, is out for six weeks with knee damage.

Djokovic was equally impressive against hard-hitting Berdych, roaring into a 5-1 lead before the Czech dug in.

Sure, they were impressive against Chelsea but that appears to be an exception to the rule rather than the rule itself.

Sir Alex Ferguson's men weren't particularly impressive against Aston Villa but their character and resilience was evident.

In 2% of cases impressive considering is used

Joe was really impressive considering the time he was on the pitch.

That is quite impressive considering Real have conceded 15 goals at home.

Their performances look even more impressive considering their heavy workload.

He may take them to another level, which would be impressive considering their start.

What EMS accomplished is all the more impressive considering the musical environment of the time.

That's a fine debut, and is even more impressive considering the movie was shot over three years ago.

That debate aside, the prediction is impressive considering how similar these look to modern day tablets.

Having said that, it's not hugely impressive considering how much Microsoft has riding on Windows Phone 8.

The P24h was impressive considering the foldie I started with a mass market 20kg+ hi-tensile steel monster.

The lineup wasn't all that impressive considering the Jays 5 and 6 hitters were Rajai Davis and Anthony Gose.

In 1% of cases impressive after is used

Perhaps not so impressive after all.

But a closer look at figures shows that the model may not be so impressive after all.

Zanardi's triumph is especially impressive after the personal disaster that befell him 11 years ago.

The water flow is impressive after 1 day of rain and is probably unbelievable in the spring with the snow melt combined with spring rains.

Not that impressive after all, but if any particularly sweet offers pop up, we're sure the good people on HotUKDeals will send out the Bat-Signal.

Widjaya was also impressive after beating two compatriots, Jaen Barts, 213-159 in the earlier Round 2 and 2011 Hong Kong leg champion, Yeri Ramadona, 233-201 in the first round.

They played Alberta to a scoreless draw on the road, which looks pretty impressive after Alberta went on to hand Trinity Western its first loss of the season the next day, earning a jump to No.

This change of pace was something the true fans really did appreciate because on the whole it silenced the audience, which is impressive after a select few had just been evacuated for crowd surfing.

It's possible my mood was soured by watching it immediately after the astonishingly rubbish Bruno, but then again you'd think *anything* would have been impressive after Bruno, and Antichrist wasn't.

In 1% of cases impressive during is used

Those kind of tales must have been very impressive during mediaeval times.

The Ottoman Empire was impressive during its time, but fell apart after WWI.

Rossiter didn't do much in camp and wasn't very impressive during his call ups last year.

Essien has been impressive during his short stint at the Bernebeu but it is thought he is not.

Yet the moving of people from the lower class to the middle class was impressive during this time.

The growth rates of the IVD markets in each country have been very impressive during the last 15 years.

But she is most impressive during Senate debates, with her meticulous preparation and searching interpellations.

Although undoubtedly impressive during the day, the bridge is particularly spectacular at night when it is lit up.

The Miami special teams have been impressive during the season, blocking kicks and covering well through out the year.

Stack's form has been impressive during this run and he hopes to contribute to the club ascending the table with haste.

In 1% of cases impressive over is used

Average LWR reliability has become impressive over the years.

The rest of the features aren't really that impressive over XP.

Graphics improvements in video game design have been impressive over the years.

Detwiler has been particularly impressive over his last six starts at home, putting together a 4-1 record and 1.

Other than the color, its flawless design and clean curved sides also gives the phone an impressive over all look.

Chelsea's latest additions; Juan Mata and Raul Meireles both looked rather impressive over the course of the match.

He was very impressive over fences at Uttoxeter last time out and had an excellent record in France before joining the Lucinda Russell team.

That should be enough for Lorenzo, but Pedrosa's form has been impressive over the last few races, taking victory in five of the last six races.

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