"come to" or "come from"?
But it may soon come to an end. |
That is why I have come to you. |
Everything must come to an end. |
Whatever happens, it seems he will be coming to the Premier League in the coming days. |
Read: Romans 1:15-17 Jesus Christ agreed to come to this world for the salvation of all. |
He does not come to any of my meeting but he shares dais with some other senior leaders. |
Anyway, one rule should suffice when it comes to shoes: spend as much as you like but only buy shoes you can walk in. |
Another reason they told if my sister got divorce and she will come to our house only and it will increase our burden. |
When it comes to the use of violence to resist and deter violence, that notion may just be making a British comeback. |
Came from nothing to something. |
It does not come from yourself. |
Where do insights come from? 4. |
Everyone old enough to engage in reproductive actions knows where a child comes from. |
And for some, it comes from the hard work of low-paid workers at businesses they own. |
Essential amino acids must come from food because the body can't make them on its own. |
The ladies all come from a local women's grass organization and are experienced in handling fish for other purposes. |
It is even more likely when this man has traced the portrait back to a location where he knows his family came from. |
Google's money comes from having hundreds of millions of customers, not from making a lot of money on each of them. |
Where do these things, this safety and these opportunities, come from? How do we get them? It's quite simple really. |
That left side comes into play. |
But comparison must come into it. |
Quniney's 9 doesn't come into it. |
Everything comes into the cortex or conscious part of the brain with equal intensity. |
This is where the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) comes into play. |
The beta portion is bought as cheaply as possible, which is where ETFs come into play. |
Corruption, on the other hand is more difficult to control as it seems that whoever comes into power engages in it. |
Even though the United States came into existence in resistance to British imperial rule, no animosity exists today. |
Just that whoever we threw in, somehow got thrown out one way or the other This is where mentoring comes into play. |
Around the Second World War, there was money coming into the country and suddenly there was scope for development. |
Most computers (99%) come with. |
That will come with experience. |
The problem comes with overuse. |
Each egg capsule comes with a sticky thread that is carefully wound around the stick. |
Write down what benefits each has, and write down what comes with different packages. |
It supports the OWL-API and the DIG interface and comes with numerous other features. |
If people find out their status, they have to accept it, go to the doctor and live the new life that comes with it. |
Camera The iPhone 5 comes with a built-in rear facing 8MB iSight camera, as well as a front-facing FaceTime camera. |
LG Optimus G features review by the experts LG Optimus G comes with the latest Qualcomm quad core processor with 1. |
We can't really cut the chatter down; the chatter is simply something that comes with the territory of being human. |
Price came in second, with 85%. |
Syringes come in various sizes. |
That's where the agents come in. |
The soldiers came in the middle of the night and burned my house with all my belongings. |
The bad will come in the form of increased inflation and probably higher interest rates. |
Power comes in diverse shapes and packages; physical, financial, spiritual and sensual. |
Because they are so small and come in such a variety of styles, clutch purses are often used to personalize an outfit. |
He himself said only that he was the humble servant of God and pleased and furthered all who came in contact with him. |
It was a therapist, who on the final day of my stay, came into my room and said she knew I was holding something back. |
The reaction, the blow-back came in 1979, it's been going on and on because we just plain don't mind our own business. |
It didn't come out of the blue. |
It all comes out of Wellington. |
I still came out of there happy. |
Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two lads of their number. |
After this two other people, Muzahim bin Harees and Yazid bin Sufyan came out to fight. |
What did he find? Firstly, the Dutch-Belgians come out of things in a far better light. |
Whatever it was, a set of twins (which is blessing indeed) came out of the affair, even though we did not plan it so. |
The only winner to come out of last night's program, for better or worse, was the Labor government and the PM himself. |
The white flag story is real, and there are many witnesses who at the present moment are unable to come out in public. |
The members, who had been filled with tiredness from their busy schedules, smiled as soon as they came out of the car. |
One comes across it continually. |
Romney came across as a raving maniac. |
Hi, Just came across this awesome blog. |
Please feel free to send me interesting / fabulous / amazing things you come across. |
I'd not sure what I would've done if I had not come across such a subject like this. |
I am very happy to come across the content that you share on social media marketing. |
In a lot of cases the Sea Dragon will come across one of its own and begin to eat it head first, slug cannibalism. |
Till date i came across many people who claim to do spiritual healing but when contacted wanted huge sum of money. |
Then I came across Kurayoshi Ramen, a Japanese style Ramen house in the small shopping mall in Chung King Mansion. |
So when you say that they're excellent and that's that, it kind of comes across like you didn't read the article. |
Paul come at the end of the age. |
It comes at a time when around. |
Equality always comes at a price. |
Mr Wong, then 58 years old came at the insistence of his son and was accompanied by him. |
Conclusion The scrutiny from regulators has come at a very difficult time for HFT firms. |
However, it seemed that the international break came at a perfect time for the home team. |
The turning point came at the eighth shot, at which point Bogacka, who was leading, decisively fluffed her big moment. |
It's as important to understand that she often comes at her scholarly work from a different angle than most academics. |
Infact, this topic couldnt have come at a better time than now with all the money that manchester city has spent so far. |
CATHARINES -- Advocates calling for the local humane society to lower its kill rate say change needs to come at the top. |
It does not come as a surprise. |
So it didn't come as a surprise. |
Those visages come as no balm, though. |
That fame and admiration came as a result of his combination with Colm ' Gooch ' Cooper. |
We did not mind how they came as the process was organized by the ministry GEP 2 Project. |
His first ' fifteen minutes of fame ' came as a dancer in Accra, Ghana in the early 80? s. |
It comes as no surprise to learn this is another frequent Open qualifying course, when Turnberry or Royal Troon host. |
It's a mark of his modesty that those standing ovations came as a huge surprise to him (though not to the rest of us). |
This comes as no great surprise, but the amount of money being spent at the very end of people's lives probably will. |
It always comes as a bit of a surprise that musicians have any spare time to be anywhere outside of their own bubble. |
My antipollution light came on. |
The historic change came on Nov. |
It used to come on Sundays on Star Plus. |
Hence the prince of doom and his ilk always come on board with their extreme negativity. |
It never gave me any trouble apart from the airbag warning light which kept coming on! |
The workers of Shabab-i-Mili after Friday prayers at the bazaar mosque came on the road. |
It was hard for me to understand how so many people could, apparently, live only for the time when the lights came on. |
OVER 4: ENG 2/0 (Cook 2* Compton 0*) Looooooong delay while a groundsman comes on to fix the footholes at Ojha's end. |
But coming on the thread to attack someone claiming they are a troll without provocation is in fact trolling itself. |
David, Hertfordshire Peugeot 207 CC 2008 Same problem as everyone else - depollution light comes on, car loses power. |
The wickets were hard to come by. |
They aren't exactly easy to come by. |
The success didn't come by accident. |
Now ready to be shipped worldwide, discover this unique brand that's often hard to come by. |
Wagner was put out for years to come by the lack of any encouraging word from the philosopher. |
Propane is far more cost-effective than many other sources of fuel, and it is easy to come by. |
The question has to occur whether one can not come by some simpler way to such general and sweeping formal assertions. |
In certain regions of Africa it's difficult to come by an adult who hasn't cought malaria at least once in their lives. |
Let's all support the work to come by Secretary LaHood, FAA Administrator Babbitt, and the future members of the Committee. |
If you are looking for a Bangkok tailor, please come by the shop or give us a call and we will do our very best to help you. |
He will come for His own people. |
I didn't come for paparazzi drama. |
Some experiences just come for free. |
A nurse comes for me, takes me to a changing room, I get changed and wait for my turn. |
They came for nurture during a country holiday and to allow respite for their families. |
Come for the spectacle alone or take the time to learn about age-old healing practices. |
The time has come for us to take off our blinders and accept reality, for the time of national reckoning has arrived. |
Pray unceasingly that we will grow in love of Him, be obedient and faithful and be found ready when He comes for us. |
The time has come for the Committee of Ministers to accept, acknowledge and allow to codify such a Right to (a clean. |
One does not come before the other. |
The baby comes before the damn dog. |
The genitive comes before the agent e. |
All who came before me are thieves and bandits; but the sheep did not listen to them. |
His own acute cultural awareness was amplified by what, or rather, who, came before him. |
We seek your presence to come before us as we head for this epic derby with our in-laws. |
The future has to be the peoples, and not the big society dream of Cameron, where profit comes before the people. |
It is a sad, sad commentary that big money comes before the loyalty from the hosts as well as from the listeners. |
There is often no additional check to the right to re-evaluate the speed of whatever's coming before moving the car. |
Sweating in an air-conditioned room and looking utterly embarrassed, the man came before an array of video and still cameras. |
Let's see what will come of it. |
Evidently nothing came of this. |
We have come of age as a country. |
This is what comes of losing 15 lbs in 87(ish) days and 4 inches off your waist so far. |
From the mainstream's perspective, dynamically typed languages have finally come of age. |
A whole new generation has come of age that has no memory of the Babri Masjid agitation. |
Millenials are not even an entire generation -- it's just used to refer to people who came of age in the 21st century. |
Horizontal splitting Vertical splitting As apposed to the out come of classification, estimation deal with valued outcome. |
My guess is that when she found out nothing serious would ever come of what ye had together, she started looking elsewhere. |
But would Jeter move positions? There's been talk of switching him to the outfield for years now, and nothing's ever come of it. |
What the judges will say: Come off it. |
He can come off the ball and engage them. |
These whackos are coming off the rails. |
In this case, Marchisio would offer an excellent tactical option coming off the bench. |
Running back Bill Symons was coming off the Schenley Award as the league's top player. |
Even Brandon Perry came off the bench for a double-double, with 19 points and 12 boards. |
Still a young player, his coaches say that the most impressive display from him is seen when he comes off the pitch. |
Coming off alcohol quickly can result in delirium tremens, which can be a fatal condition and must be treated carefully. |
I'd put in an amazing position where I came off of a show for eight years and I don't have to work for the sake of working. |
Replacement GRIGORAS DIACONESCU will make his first Test appearance for Romania if he comes off the bench against the USA. |
Meaning comes through experience. |
They came through the dubstep scene. |
Something is coming through the haze. |
Not much sunlight was coming through the thick covering on both my left and right. |
But they harbour no delusions that this will come through the destruction of Israel. |
Photo: Courtesy His entry into the world of literature also came through a challenge. |
God's essence, or the core of goodness inherent in God, will come through you as an axis to turn the whole worl d. |
Murrow's questions came through the monitor on top of the buf- fet, a rather small box containing the loudspeaker. |
We are in a crunch period at the moment: we've just come through alpha and we're getting into the bug-fixing stage. |
What are they going to teach our national cricketers who have come through the mill from their junior playing days. |
Love is expected to come after. |
Our order came after half an hour. |
Follow Through comes after ownership. |
The demand for federalism came after independence when the minorities felt marginalized. |
Jimmer Fredette scored a team-high 18, most coming after the outcome was long decided. |
The alleged abuse came after Ferdinand knocked Terry down during the game, the jury heard. |
But yes, that comes after my main purpose of raising my kids into well groomed ladies and looking after my family. |
McGloin had a career high passing yardage performance, but a lot of the yards came after the game had been decided. |
When a quotation comprises several sentences, the end quotation mark comes after completion of the last sentence, i. |
The move came after the Government was almost forced to close motorways in previous years because of a grit shortage. |
Then the Nepalese came under attack. |
All of sudden we came under heavy return fire. |
Upward-only rents have come under pressure before. |
Wow! That's a lot of money for someone who has come under fire for being incompetent. |
The actions of Paret at the weigh in before his final fight have come under scrutiny. |
I'd glad the likes of Sky and Garmin come under this level of scrutiny and questioning. |
A beggar comes under a campaign from Grameen Bank which is designed to persuade him/her to join Grameen programme. |
I get the impression they ignore the Equality act they did ask the doctor if I came under this and he did say I did. |
It's coming under scrutiny because thousands of priests sexually abused innocent children - that we know of so far. |
Some came under their own resources, others with assistance from one of the public or private schemes then available. |
Please come up to the top deck. |
Come up to the mountaintop with Me. |
I always like to come up to the task. |
If we were to do it on different genetic traits, we would come up with new racial groups. |
I thought Shortis would come up to me now but still he didn't come ever as the k's tick by. |
Outside another stray couple had come up and were experimenting on the piano in the next room. |
The very first one I did about 10 years ago a woman came up and picked up a beaded bracelet that was priced about $30. |
Jan and noticed that the clutch pedal was coming up from the floorboard a long way before engaging; indicating wear. |
I came up to the corner of the busy road I have to cross to get to the community centre where my fitness class is held. |
It was a deliberate offer to me of Twenty-Five Dollars a week to come up to Virginia and be city editor of the Enterprise. |