stuck in, on, with, into or at?
Then it gets stuck in the mind. |
Yet, you're stuck in the middle. |
To get stuck in when it matters. |
Almost all other vehicles got stuck in the muddy roads including the Presidential Jeep. |
If that stuff's in the car, I won't get stuck in the snow or have a flat in the desert. |
Ginger always gets stuck in the blades and it's always quite the challenge to blend it. |
This matter was reported to the Buddha and he advised the monks to exert themselves as did the elephant stuck in mud. |
I do remember one very high wind storm that made the jewelry sway and when Janie Rosselini got stuck in the elevator. |
I knew it when my tie got stuck in the copier machine and I was overlooked, once more, during the employee appraisal. |
His office is filled with people who silently despise him and know all too well they re stuck in Dilbert Hell. |
But let's not get stuck on that. |
We just get stuck on that happiness. |
Your snowblower gets stuck on the roof. |
FORD PREFECT: Unfortunately I got stuck on the Earth for rather longer than I intended. |
Getting stuck on the side of the road without your security blanket can make you crazy. |
If you really get stuck on a name, have everyone come up with 5 adjectives and 5 nouns. |
But never get stuck on a child's shoe size because it will vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and style to style. |
The daladalas were all getting stuck on the slippery roads and the men had to push them, just like happens in Canada. |
A major concern is that if the stones are too big, they may not easily come out or may even get stuck on the way out. |
There is no need to feel isolated, get stuck on a question, or wait for months until you have a face to face tutorial. |
Can't wait to get stuck into it. |
Then it gets stuck into the debate. |
So it doesn? t get stuck into one place. |
Anyway, with the Stromtrooper forum open on the appropriate page I got stuck into it. |
It's a book of deets to marvel at and for one for the textile nerds to get stuck into. |
Trusting the process, getting stuck into it and diggin ' deep is what it is all about. |
It's a lack of confidence that sees you file good ideas to ' write later ' rather than getting stuck into them now. |
Shame there just isn't more stuff to get stuck into with iPlayer, but still for a free service, this is great stuff. |
Now, I bet you can't wait to get stuck into the whole book! It really is a fantastic and thoroughly enjoyable story. |
I'd keen to learn, it's a subject I'd passionate about and I'd sure I'll really enjoy getting stuck into the course. |
Or you might get stuck with them. |
Taxpayers get stuck with the bill. |
We have gotten stuck with my oldest. |
I'd going to look - but for the time being only when I get stuck with part of a tune. |
Can't imagine how poor the TV ratings would be if we get stuck with ' Bama/LSU again. |
You may have made a mistake by getting stuck with a wrong guy, but it is not too late. |
The hardest thing to do, is walk away, but you will be better off in the long term not getting stuck with a client. |
Craig will be our guide and we tease Craig suggesting that he must have drawn the short straw to get stuck with us. |
I didn't get stuck with a lot of long-term plans that previous deans had put in place -- I had relatively free rein. |
Just in the last few months we've seen Alberto Micallizzi get stuck with a 3million pound fine over there in England. |
Still gets stuck at 90% complete. |
Process Chain gets stuck at this step. |
Do you sometimes get stuck at work? 14. |
If you ca n't, you get stuck at the glass ceiling created by the lack of front end feel. |
The latter get stuck at low levels of income, mostly relying on subsistence agriculture. |
Don't get stuck at the gate, Pastor tells Kenyans as Easter holiday sets in LOWELL, Mass. |
For instance, some motorists got stuck at a junction causing a holdup, but none of them agreed to give way to the other. |
I would estimate that my own union branch committee at the University of Melbourne is stuck at this stage of development. |
He was made to open and was often shuffled in the batting order against his wishes till the time he got stuck at number 6. |
Dato ' seri Representing some public medical specialist who got stuck at UD54 while our juniors are also at same level now. |
I was nervous about getting stuck behind them. |
He gets stuck behind a corporation lorry collecting bins. |
Vettel could have got stuck behind a car like Alonso in 2010. |
Unbelievably (and late as usual) we got stuck behind a lion! It took us by surprise. |
His head was born without any difficulty, but his shoulder got stuck behind my pubic bone. |
But as I said I got stuck behind another car under blue flags that didn't really respect it. |
I will laugh if Alonso yet again gets stuck behind another slower car, and it happens to be Perez this go around. |
Here's how I've come to accept DRS: Trulli trains and Alonso stuck behind Petrov in Abu Dhabi 2010 were artificial. |
I reached 92 km/h last year at this spot but this year I got stuck behind slow cars and slower cyclists holding up cars. |
Political beliefs get stuck to your hands. |
Bottom line is: don't get stuck to advice. |
He's more or less stuck to a similar sound too. |
He did meet a moth and it got stuck to his nose, which caused him to sneeze and kill it. |
He can aspire to take long strides forward and practise not getting stuck to the crease. |
Some are harmless (just the seers get stuck to cloths ), but some are with sharp thorns. |
Its stuck to a course of action that is likely to fail without a level of investment that will probably make reserves. |
The Mousepad is so very thin that while playing on the computer, your hand would not get stuck to the edges of the pad. |
A sticky post is a post that gets stuck to the homepage and remains at the top no matter how many other posts you write. |
Why the hell, didn't somebody measure the runway Temperature, when that plane got stuck to the ground, in molten asphalt. |
My dog once got stuck between the sofa and the wall. |
Or simply getting stuck between the rocks in the river and breaking limbs. |
He understands relativity and can count ok, though he gets stuck between 14-20. |
Consider sensual pleasure like eating some meat which gets stuck between your teeth. |
Let's say I am crossing a railway track and my right foot gets stuck between the tracks. |
Elaborate Excuses By Sifana Sohail S ometimes we get stuck between a rock and a hard place. |
There are things that get stuck between eyelids and therefore forbid seeing or else ' show ' in strange refraction. |
There is a fork lifter but in an unfortunate act of a crane driver it got stuck between two high piles of containers. |
I went to the UFC fight in Macau with my fiance and a few friends, and my purse ended up getting stuck between two seats. |
The Pakistani army managed to keep the jihadis under control till 9/11, when it got stuck between a rock and a hard place. |
But sometimes it gets stuck for a few weeks. |
It is not uncommon to get stuck for two weeks. |
I was stuck for three hours that day because of Visarjan. |
Approaching the town of Kerma on that first afternoon, we got stuck for the third time. |
When Time Shifting a channel the video gets stuck for a second or two every few minutes. |
I've also included 3 extra gifts for the main child ranges just in case your stuck for ideas. |
Though when it gets ' stuck ' at an extreme point, there is usually a reasonable chance it will stay stuck for a bit. |
That depth of knowledge is based on claims information -- who's made them, how often and how much they got stuck for. |
Generally, recovery -- for everyone in the family -- is a long, rocky road, with places you might get stuck for awhile. |
The look is growing on me and thanks to YouTube I can access thousands of tutorials to help if I get stuck for style ideas. |
Say I get stuck inside the car during a collision. |
Whenever I want to talk to someone, the words get stuck inside me. |
If the icing gets stuck inside the cutters rub a little icing sugar inside. |
Me getting stuck inside one of the projector plinths was just one of many funny moments. |
Lack of grease interfere with motion smoothness, balls can even get stuck inside the grove. |
However in October last year, it got stuck inside one of the reactors as its cable snapped. |
The scenes where Vijay Sethupathi gets stuck inside a house with terrifying results is what will spook you to bits. |
There is a collar which is used as a safety device so that human body parts do not get stuck inside it by accident. |
I had a scare when the string was to short and it got stuck inside me, I was alone but I handled the situation well and got it out. |
My male would end up hiding and even got stuck under my couch. |
He said it softly like his voice had got stuck under his tongue. |
The unloved and unwanted and unmet get stuck under its fingernails. |
By the end of it he was just a passenger and his nose got stuck under Grosjean's wing. |
I feel i can sleep easier at night knowing that Daisy wont get stuck under the covers. |
They treated the guy who had got stuck under the car first because he was the most serious. |
I HATE getting my hands dirty, and hate even more little bits of flour and butter getting stuck under my fingernails. |
Arsenal started brightly rolling things about in midfield, playing tippy-tappy, with West Ham unable to get stuck under our noses. |
If your crawler gets stuck under the table, you can get close, offer support and see if he/she can extricate themselves on their own. |
Just don't leave her alone -- if she gets stuck under a pillow or box, she'll surely be frightened and may be in danger of smothering. |
HA Oh, quiet, you stuck up old bitch. |
Get your stuck up noses out of the air. |
You may also recover your stuck up money. |
She is basically ignored in Pirate Planet or comes across as a bit of a stuck up bitch. |
I can just picture the stuck up New York restaurant owners complaining to the city council. |
Lee plays Fu Manchu as a stuck up British royal and not an over-the-top Chinese stereotype. |
There just stuck up people, them being a horse person really has nothing to do with it, it's kinda just a coincidense. |
Great course, full of stuck up corporates!! Also Liked Played here recently and thoroughly enjoyed my round (with new clubs in the bag). |
What I want to know is why horse riders and owners tend to come across as stuck up, there are a few on Yahoo Answers that I have noticed. |