racist in, against, for, to or towards?
Do nt be too racist in this blog. |
And the only racist in this thread. |
There is nothing racist in this advice. |
But you can not aim to kick racism out and then be racist in your approach towards it. |
Anonymous Thanks for showing everyone that Tommy is not the only racist in this forum. |
There was nothing racist in the description of Obama as an African American president. |
Someone mentioned to me today that she thought Bill Clinton at his core was racist in view of growing up in Arkansas. |
A lot of the acts against small business (smashing windows and the like) are racist in nature and counter-productive. |
It is a closeted way of accusing someone of racist intentions without risking the open combat that goes from a blame. |
I wonder who I'd racist against. |
They are racist against us asians. |
Blacks can't be racist against whites. |
But if anything, we stand up for the jews the most, and are racist against the muslims. |
Well, it is mentioned that Voldemort is racist against Muggles and halfbloods/muggle born wizards. |
I for one would never vote for any political party which is so openly racist against its own people. |
I, personally, am racist against black people and look down on black people, black culture, and African cultures. |
YOU SAID: I'd not sure why the 4 khans would act in such movies, but most of the movies are racist against moslems. |
Despite being a racist against blacks, I have no desire to play a game where I run around killing poor black people. |
As for travelling in Asia, well, an Asian friend of mine once pointed out that nobody is more racist against Asians than. |
They're not racist for doing so. |
She said I was racist for asking. |
I'd probably racist for writing that. |
It is just as racist for a black to be prejudice against a white as the other way around. |
I know, I know, I am racist for saying that, but go to a mall and look around, it is true. |
You can't keep playing the race card, implying people are racist for looking at secession. |
I could see him asking Perry if he was a racist for something that Perry obviously had little to nothing to do with. |
If it took place in Africa and there were white people i bet you would call it racist for not having black people in the game. |
Our young people are brain dead so as not to be thought of as racist for not re-electing a black man and giving a second chance. |
The only place racism ever seems to come up is when black people call white people racist for something that is so clearly NOT racist. |
Bobsu58 Seems racist to me, I know your code. |
But racist to the national anthem of Uruguay. |
And yeah, Aliyah - sounds extremely racist to me. |
And that's what Cesc said on Twitter: that's he's never said anything racist to anybody. |
You can be racist to any ethnic group and representative of any ethnic group can be racist. |
They themselves are racist between themselves and are very racist to black people generally. |
Racist place names changed When settlers named places in Australia they sometimes used names we consider racist today. |
Re: Which country do you think is more racist to Asians Usa and don't get me going about the Japs (a bunch of stinkers). |
You know we are not racist to the point where we don't want to co-habit with anyone else, that has never been the issue. |
They are also racist to our asian, indian and pacific island friends thats why these cultures may stick to their own too. |
Now, if it's racist towards Jewish immigrants. |
Indians are extremely racist towards each other. |
Yes alot of them are racist towards south indians. |
I have no interest in whether the comments are racist towards black or white people. |
As an added bonus, you can be racist towards your own missus when you're shagging her. |
The British countries are the most racist towards the Chinese and there is a lot of racism towards Maori. |
And then, to be totally honest, because she was a colored nurse, I found myelf being really racist towards her. |
I am working in Singapore since last few months and I have seen how the local people are racist towards Indian. |
He went on to say that he has come to the conclusion that a Majority of the Sinhala people are racist towards Tamils. |
I've also noticed that the Arab immigrant community in North America is very racist towards Indians and ethnic Chinese. |
Blacks can not be racist by this definition. |
Lincoln clearly was racist by our standards. |
Attacking President Obama is racist by definition. |
Mhu Cao I love how dumdums like you can't see that non-whites ARE racist by their choice. |
However I don't think the people realize that they're being racist by saying those things. |
So can Black people be racist by way of the P+P equation? Idi Amin and Mugabe tell me yes. |
There's real racism out there, to be sure, but asserting that white people are racist by nature is just plain stupid. |
They use the same logic to prove they aren't racist by saying they accept XYZ, some of their best friends are XYZ, etc. |
Actually i agree with the Mail, im not racist by any means but the opening ceremony made white people look like the minority. |
I do recall offering up an explanation of why conservatives are often perceived as racist by liberals, because he sorta asked about that. |
There is nothing racist about it. |
There is nothing racist about saying that. |
There is nothing racist about that at all. |
There's nothing racist about what Steve said. |
I agree, there is nothing racist about it whatsoever. |
There's nothing racist about the proposed legal changes. |
What is this world coming to?! I'd very racist about this. |
But there is nothing racist about opposing multiculturalism. |
There is nothing racist about the US dissatisfaction with O'Bama. |
Nothing racist about it, I am in awe of other cultures and people. |
By the way, that is racist of you. |
The current regime and all prior democrat regimes are the most racist of all. |
I think it would be racist of SLB to cast any of the actresses pictured above. |
I find it funny and very sad that those who complain of racism are the most racist of all. |
Isn't it racist of you to think so ill of him? Perhaps this should make you want to vote for someone else. |
But she, too, fails to explain why it is racist of us to credit the Eskimos with words for many varieties of snow. |
No doubt if David Bowie ever said something like that about his wife Iman, he'd be pilloried as the most racist of racists ever. |
I grew up in an area where I was the only white kid and one thing it's taught me is that white people are by far the least racist of the races. |
However, we are missing the point! I wouldn't be ashamed to accept the fact that we might be the racist of all in the world or at least in the top 10 for sure. |
THEY, then as now, so readily spit out accusations based on ' racism ', while ignoring Byrd's past with (arguably) the most racist of all organizations in this nation's history. |
We are racist without even realising it. |
No-one presumably could be racist without exciting the interest of the police. |
So, you'd have no reason to say someone is a racist without there being an action. |
People can be racist without realizing because racism is so deeply ingrained in our culture. |
We aren't going to be allowed to call them racist without them getting the same opportunity. |
Similarly, you can be wantonly racist without using any racial language at all, you know who you are. |
I would further allow that there was, at least, a possibility that someone could be racist without anyone ever knowing. |
Lets not jump to conclusions that the chinese school administrators were racist without hearing their reason for rejecting it. |
Branding someone as a racist without even bringing the poem up in full, as some commentators want to do, is ad hominem nonsense. |
It was a non-sinister reason, but it worries people that the game might end up being racist without meaning to be, or might deal with it wrongly. |
Majority of Sinhalse were never racist as West and you diaspora says. |
The Burmese government is racist as well as everything else that is reported. |
Well done Ladislava LOL it is racist as a women is a race: facepalm: http: //snat. |
Significantly, Latin America has not been as intensely racist as the United States (Fredrickson, 1988, pp. |
Whites will thus become more overtly racist as the feared outcome of White demographic minority status nears. |
And if EF, a black man, had called the Spud a LWC, no doubt some would accuse him of being racist as well as sexist. |
Its really getting disgusting how libs throw out the race card and call everyone racist as a strategy in destroying their opponent. |
I think that gays can indeed be racist as a matter of fact I was a care giver at one point in time to a man who was gay and he was very racist. |
In the 1990s, people seem to be much more racially aware again - why do you think this has come about? I think we are deeply deeply racist as a nation. |
Colonies? Put in place purely for primarily political and financial reasons by people who were probably as racist as everyone else at the time, including the people being colonized. |
I honestly don't see anything racist at all about calling Republicans disgusting white guys. |
Football reflects us all as it always did, and these days it's both racist and not racist at the same time. |
Like I'd pretty sure that they know white guys are going to watch this and repeat it endlessly even though it comes off as kinda racist at times. |
But he insisted he never heard Terry mouth anything racist at him and that the pair never had any conversation along those lines during the match. |
I must admit, even I am racist at times, dependent on customers or on the road, when someone matches a steretype perfectly, I tend to think **** ***race**. |
While not being overtly racist like Mrs. |
I grew up with people who are completely racist like that. |
What he has denied is that he said anything RACIST like it was being unfairly alleged. |
OR, you should go to Canada, Canadians aren't racist like most (NOT ALL) If you ever can afford it. |
I thought it was fortunately tamils were not racist like karunathi and voted for the better person. |
Tell me more about how everything is racist and that I would understand that if I was racist like you. |
The only thing taming the talking heads thus far is the desire to show that they aren't racist like the Americans. |
Their immigration policy is only indirectly favorable to South Koreans, but not directly and explicitly racist like Israel's. |
Or more accurately, white people like to imagine that they have black friends, because it gives them a warm fuzzy feeling that they're racially enlightened, and not racist like rednecks. |
The PQ and separatist movement is racist on its face. |
I believe, and all evidence supports this, that are racist on both sides. |
Even if it were n't, using race in a string of insults is racist on its own. |
To suggest that everyone at today's NAACP meeting was just looking for a handout is racist on its face. |
Tervino's Tweet is not racist but it IS hateful, while Avram example is also racist on top of being hateful. |
Apparently, Chee had posted something rather racist on his Twitter account, and a lot of people weren't taking too kindly to it. |
I don't think Abbot is racist in any way (having seen her on This Week ), but that doesn't mean she hasn't been racist on this one occassion. |
It is what is sometimes referred to as a racist ' dog whistle ' -- a code phrase that is not obviously racist on the surface, but is loaded with bigoted stereotypes and tropes. |
And are some lawyer jokes potentially racist on the basis that in any large group of lawyers, some may be assumed to be of African or Caribbean descent? A lot of it is context. |
If there is anyone outwardly racist on this forum it is I(diot), and he is Argentine, I guess their must be more than I(diot) in your country, and Henry must have met them in Argentina. |
You aren't racist from what i know of you. |
The Labour Party was racist from its earliest days. |
The LDS Church itself, because of Brigham Young, was patently racist from 1849 to 1978. |
Fido -- you may not get this as the thread is old but my remarks about religion were in response to the notion that a good christian family could be racist from Mickey. |
I quit and joined UKIP, which seemed to have squared the clever circle of being racist with sounding racist. |
Thanks to UNIVISION and TELEVISA we have immigrants learning to be racist with shows like these: http: //www. |
Anonymous The reason you are upset is because you and people like you want to be racist with out been called out on it! Bad luck this time. |
The account responded to tweets it deemed racist with the simple response ' bark bark bark! ' Sometimes it would send wags to supporters but that was pretty much it. |
I feel this is just as wrong but I am not racist towards them. |
Are they being racist toward themselves? On November 21, 2012 at 1:25 am Ngamoko Nikora said: Peter C. |
These groups are not just anti-progressive or hard right, they are also openly racist toward the first African-American president. |
When someone is racist toward you -- either because they've profiled you or spit some slur or whatever -- they are saying they have a problem. |
I classified it as one of those countries that was created on religious concepts, was racist toward the rest of the world and wanted the Americans dead. |
I've never heard her say anything racist toward Philipino-Americans, or, for that matter and with the exception of her stupid feminity comments last week, East Asians in general. |
Most of his villains were white European/American but I've never thought of this as being racist toward my ethnic background since just as many of his heroes were also of this background. |
It was racist during the civil rights era. |
It is understood Clattenburg has been shocked and angered at being accused by Chelsea of using comments that have been interpreted as racist during their defeat by Manchester United on Sunday. |
I've heard poms be racist before and they do nt talk like that. |
If whites weren't racist before Obama, they certainly are now, and rightfully so. |
Using this logic every time a black person commits a crime against a white the white person must prove that they are not racist before their account can be accepted. |
No one is calling you racist because of FGM, which isn't even an Islamic practice. |
But the suggestion that I was racist because of the response to Katrina represented an all time low. |
Every journalist in the country considered the party's members to be racist because of their anti-immigration platform. |
Just under a quarter consider the red cross on a white background to be racist because of its association with extreme Right-wing groups. |
Am I going to spread propaganda referring to the show as racist because of that? No, because I don't actually have any conclusive reason to say that it is. |
You believe this country is racist, but you don't realize that this country is racist because of people who exploit a certain race and make it seem that they on top of everyone else. |
This teaser shows that Mars aren't so racist after all. |
When I replied, she too went silent, probably realizing that what I stated was not racist after all. |