prominent in, among, of, on or at?
Prominent in this regard is St. |
Prominent in Conradh na Gaeilge in Co. |
He was prominent in the musical clubs. |
The dregs of the postwar period are too prominent in the consciousness of Japanese. |
I can't understand how Conservatism can still be so prominent in the Western World. |
It anticipates the Edison Lighthouse/White Plains style of Britpop that would be prominent in the next few years. |
Jews have always been prominent in the fight against racism and in support of civil rights and ethnic minorities. |
The pseudo-scientific racial theories prominent in the colonial period made their impact on the Igbo in two ways. |
Pentecostals are quite prominent in the enterprise, and their websites are intriguing in their mission statements. |
Prominent amongst them were Mr. |
Prominent among these elite were J. |
Monk Bahira was prominent among them. |
Certainly the most prominent among these in the ancient church was Mary Magdalene. |
Bone and joint manifestations are prominent among most patients with MPS disorders. |
Prominent among them was Fernandez Carvajal, a great financier and army contractor. |
Prominent among state officials at the session with the Governor were the Commissioner for Transportation, Mr. |
The O'Kellys, O'Donnellans and O'Maddens were prominent among the septs of the U? M? ine of southeast Connacht. |
The Roman Catholic Church, or at least its hierarchy, has also been prominent among the movement's adversaries. |
Prominent among them is Mike Adenuga, the Gobacom giant, whose Falcon 7X cost him a whooping $51 million or N8. |
Most prominent of which is Syria. |
The most prominent of them is Bermudagrass. |
The Persona system is the most prominent of these. |
Given its importance, discussions around Basel III have been more prominent of late. |
Overwhelmingly the most prominent of these are phonics and comprehension instruction. |
The most prominent of all tourist places in Bangkok is the gleaming monasteries or Wats that flank its landscape. |
The most prominent of these laws are the laws concerning the charging of interest or fees on loans or usury fees. |
Irish bishops had condemned the Land League, and Father Eugene was the most prominent of those who defied the ban. |
As the most prominent of the revolutionary poets in Andhra, he naturally also incurred the most ferocious attacks. |
An eco button is prominent on the dash. |
This view of Reagan is prominent on the left. |
Having a drama that is prominent on the UK network,. |
As for snakes themselves, there's no mention of them being prominent on the island. |
That shouldn't take you that long and the bass is fairly prominent on those tracks. |
Not surprisingly the name of Stewart is also very prominent on the Ste-Anne campus. |
But hey, this is all about post-modernism, right? The word ' iconoclastic ' is prominent on the official website. |
Less prominent on their website is information that will assist genuine entrepreneurs to register their products. |
Reeve was also prominent on Saturday, helping captain Danielle Brown set up Nicole Dunlop for one of the NAIT goals. |
The distribution of psoriasis has been observed to be particularly prominent on the fingers and hands of heavy drinkers. |
Prominent amongst them were Mr. |
Prominent amongst the names was? P. |
Peter 's, prominent amongst the greatest ones. |
Prominent amongst them are the Reveille, Last Post, General Call, RSM Call etc. |
Prominent amongst these in the last couple of years were John Campbell and Bernard Dix. |
Double standards and inconsistent behavior of powerful States are prominent amongst them. |
Prominent amongst these was the English writer Sax Rohmer's creation, the insidious and diabolical genius Dr. |
The most prominent amongst them were Rabbi Izak Aboab and members of the Nassi, the Meza and the Pereira families. |
Hindi, Bengali, Assamese, Oriya, Marathi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam are the most prominent amongst them. |
As you can easily see, there are various things that you can easily do to make your medium hair design be prominent amongst your peers. |
They aren't very prominent at the moment. |
Preaching has been prominent at Bethlehem. |
Invisible to optical telescopes, the bubble is very prominent at low radio frequencies. |
Asian security issues were prominent at this year's annual security conference of the U. |
Monks remained prominent at rallies and demonstrations promoting ethnic Sinhalese issues. |
I had wanted only to test out my camera that day, but did not expect to catch something as prominent at the TimeX run. |
The results were seen to be most prominent at night, when the ground becomes cooler than the air just above the surface. |
The bold Audi gloss black grille sits prominent at the front and is flanked by frowning headlights and recessed fog lamps. |
Men of Christian birth were prominent at the court and in the army - the corps of janissaries consisted exclusively of such. |
He was prominent during the Golden Age of Freethought. |
One another thing which is prominent during Ramadan is prayer. |
Its flow is prominent during rainfalls and the winter snow melt. |
This was perhaps most prominent during the Cold War, pitting the USA against the Soviet Union. |
Thomas's booming voice and his warm and expansive personality were prominent during the conference. |
He was prominent during the era of the PEOPLE's CONSULTATIVE FORUM which used OWO as it's base then. |
Respect should be extended to those who aren't prominent during the game, such as janitors and staff members. |
Maybe a Zoe Salanda or Taraji P Henson who were both prominent during 2011 could have been viable alternatives. |
But the other most-worried group are precisely those prominent during last year's events: Young men aged from 18 to 24. |
His voice was good but the minus one vocals from the other vocalist was more prominent during certain sections of this song. |
Ron Paul has been prominent for years. |
She was prominent for her contributions to the community. |
Two veterans Bob Lambert and Bill were prominent for Leinster. |
Men and women get these prominent for mainly an individual important cause, using them. |
Steven Fox (Ballylanders) and Eoin Halligan (Galbally) were also prominent for their clubs. |
Richie Doyle was prominent for a while in the first half when Kilkenny came back but then faded. |
Compliance work will be more prominent for some agencies than others; for some it will be only a secondary function. |
Unlike other villages we visit, Badeo is more prominent for its slippery trails and long traverse exiting to La Union. |
Zanzibar is yet another famous destination, prominent for its gorgeous beaches plus the great history of Spice-Trading. |
More prominent with H2O but it is there. |
This is even more prominent with a farm team like St. |
They both were prominent with the USA in it's crimes. |
H1N1, food safety issues, etc) should be prominent with simple steps for citizens to follow. |
The DNO is now rather prominent with a broad dark brown oval ring marking its outer boundary. |
This condition affects Kuwait severely but is a problem prominent with many of the gulf countries. |
If you want to keep your site prominent with the search engines, then you must be continually post new entries. |
The pancreatic head was initially reported to be prominent with vague masses in the para aortic region (nodes?). |
No doubt, dark circles under eyes may be because of several reasons and gets prominent with the passage of time. |
CA is alive and noticeably their, but I compared it to the BN's and to honest just a little more prominent with the Premier. |
The public club became prominent after C. |
This was even more prominent after 10 years of evolution. |
This is more prominent after a period of inactivity, such as in the mornings, or after doing exercise. |
The cornucopia of smells and sounds from the various people around me seemed far less prominent after my time in China. |
The problem that had become prominent after 1998 was how to regulate the market, primarily to increase market efficiency. |
The most popular sport in Mali is football (soccer ), which became more prominent after Mali hosted the 2002 African Cup of Nations. |
This effect is more prominent after intercourse than after masturbation because intercourse actually causes four times more of these chemicals to be released. |
The Tamil Homelands project of Chelvanayakam's Federal Party /TULF was not without its separatist component which became prominent after Chelvanayakam's death. |
No one knows what the future will reveal but by all accounts VCB is competing on a more level playing field, having become prominent after the infamous Marion Jones era. |
After the first day of conference sessions, delegates will be taken to a nearby hotel by free coach transfer where there will be a formal dinner with a prominent after dinner speaker. |
Johnston has been prominent as a public man. |
I need to become more prominent as an actor before I enter the house. |
When your puppy is in front of you she believes prominent as well as in control. |
Prominent as a legal thinker in his day, Publius Iuventius Celsus was praetor in A. |
Even twitter is becoming prominent as the very best tool for discovering travel offers. |
The design details became prominent as the building rise in height towards the pinnacles. |
Avalokite? vara and Mah? sth? ma became more prominent as the Pure-Land ideology grew popular throughout the country. |
And finally, I'd suggest these questions have become more prominent as an unintended consequence of the Freudian revolution. |
The impact of orientation activities becomes more prominent as the new students under the new academic structure are younger. |
Ben Botica and captain Luke Hamilton were also prominent as the Harbour attack spread the big Waikato forwards all over the field. |
And of course, make your phone number prominent by making it big and easy to find. |
The bony prominences are made even more prominent by the complete lack of abdomen. |
You should add that Mosque very soon, which is prominent by its shape and Natural Beauty. |
The bright and cheery is quite large and has extra tall ceilings which are made more prominent by the woven thatched ceiling. |
I think the biggest problem with this method, however, is that it makes the program's interface too prominent by consuming screen real estate. |
Instead of???????????, the older language would use??????; it does not, like the author here, use pure perfects, but makes the chief factum prominent by the fut. |
Sikhs formed somewhere between 10 to 12 per cent of the population of undivided Punjab but they were, and still are, highly prominent by virtue of their hard work. |
Their visibility in mainstream society is made more prominent by the mass and social medias that recycled images of them in their eye-catching carbon fibre prostheses. |
Souvenir involontaire is a concept made prominent by Marcel Proust, and refers to ephemeral moments that arouse personal memories without deliberate, conscious effort. |
Its limbs are stick thin, ribs prominent over a distended belly. |
Story Points invites collaboration as team behavior becomes prominent over individuals. |
This behaviour has also been prominent over popular social-networking websites and blogs. |
It is increasingly evident that private sector financing has become more prominent over time. |
There has been lot of activity going around in Isloo and many of it has really become prominent over the time. |
Veins are prominent over the surface of the breasts and the creamy nodules in the nipple area will become bigger. |
The man was tired -- not with the exaltation of fatigue but life-tired, with his lids sagging and his beard prominent over the blue shadows near his mouth. |
Amongst these are quite widespread malicious lies, utterly without foundation, about various politicians who have been prominent over the last decade or so. |
History of ballet Dance is prominent throughout history. |
The lady's first words to Bernadette were quite prominent throughout the film. |
Today it is the African influences that are the most prominent throughout Jamaica. |
There are numerous bugs prominent throughout the matches, some of them even game breaking. |
The IPCC's use of the hockey stick was not incidental: it is prominent throughout the 2001 report. |
The petty gimmicks and vacuous stage managed stunts so prominent throughout the Blair years have lost their potency. |
The Blue Mountains are their highest and greenest in the east (Portland ), but are also very prominent throughout St. |
In the pre-dawn Eastern skies Venus remains fairly prominent throughout November and will pass very close to Saturn on the morning of the 27th. |
Conclusion With issues such as uncompromising management, inflexible working hours and relatively low pay remaining prominent throughout the U. |
The box-to-box version was prominent throughout the world cup where midfielders like Van Bommel, Khedira, Schweinsteiger, KP Boateng had success. |
This is the major thoroughfare for the event, and will be very prominent to all visitors. |
The first thing that strikes me when reading the NST is the prominent to 4G from Berjaya. |
It is quite prominent to the southeast when viewed from the dump or from the Cedar Slope Inn. |
It is the subject most prominent to the ordinary Christian and Tanner offers substantial detail. |
Taking pills are much safer compared to surgery that is why it is much more prominent to most women. |
Those outlets will only become more prominent to locals if they lose most access to the Chronicle-Herald. |
Hence the body or the flesh of each animal is saturated with qualities which are peculiar and prominent to it. |
The most prominent to my mind is the published modern critiques of misplaced concreteness and mere description. |
Keys and electronics add some good depth and texture into the mix but are not prominent to the extent of the guitar and drums. |
That would take up a lot of time and effort with which the government may spend on solving other problems that are more prominent to the country. |
Wood and earth tones are prominent within the home. |
Shahid MCB and Zafar Baloch also became prominent within the group. |
You don't have to make these text links prominent within your website. |
But South-South links are not as prominent within total FDI flows as they are within trade flows. |
They were prominent within LIFG, and when they joined al Qaeda, they brought their followers along. |
Desire to become prominent within a group of people because this is usually a method to fascinate beautiful women. |
In order to become fascinating to beautiful women, it's critical that you'll want to be prominent within a gathering. |
To awaken that property and make it prominent within the individual is the true purpose to the principles of dharma, which can be equated to piety. |
Prominent within China as a member of the Communist Party, to this day his late father Ai Qing is considered one of the country's leading modern poets. |