"powerful in", "powerful of" or "powerful for"?
You are powerful in this world. |
We must become POWERFUL IN PRAYER. |
AND that you feel powerful in it too. |
But ideology is much more familiar and (therefore) powerful in the world as a whole. |
It may seem like a stupid exercise but it is very powerful in the subconscious level. |
If someone was really powerful in and of themselves, they would not have any problems. |
They are the unseen hands of the powerful in the society, who use them as cannon fodder, who are paid some tokens. |
I wrote on my blog about the intoxication of marching, of yelling, of feeling powerful in the midst of a movement. |
Force of Habit and Force required to change it The force of habit is very powerful in the machinery of human life. |
It is powerful in the sense that even a small girl can stand up to a brutal dictator and ultimately, be successful. |
Verbeek was too powerful for them. |
The senses are too powerful for us. |
Pretty powerful for a female singer. |
Here is my list of some features, which I believe will make G+ more powerful for me. |
This combination is extremely powerful for giving you a better body and a better life. |
Something about seeing these truths In Print on a consistent basis, is powerful for me. |
The process of listening to how these friends of mine describe their dad proved to be powerful for me personally. |
Why do you think that they imposed sanctions on him? ? Sanctions are imposed by the powerful for host of reasons. |
Whatever happens to Sacks after that deal closes, he will remain powerful for changing how employees communicate. |
The first thing you notice about him is that he is incredibly quick and very, very powerful for such a young man. |
It is the most powerful of all Mantras. |
Nobody can do powerful of turns like that. |
The most powerful of those lessons was this. |
However, he told me that this particular vision was one of the most powerful of all. |
The legislature is theoretically the most powerful of the three organs of government. |
In comparison, even the most powerful of cell phones can transmit a signal of 3 watts. |
Thus, there is no getting around it -- love is the most important and powerful of all the traits of a good leader. |
I have noticed that how a simple smile from the heart has the power to attract the most powerful of forces to you. |
Germany, as the most powerful of the EU states, must, along with Britain and France, come up with the solution now. |
It's definitely not the most powerful of office machines, but its skill with the polygons more than makes up for it. |
He becomes powerful as well as calm. |
It would cease to be powerful as a party. |
Their feeling of being powerful as a mob but. |
It is not only powerful as a weight loss enhancer but also works as an energy booster. |
More inviting, yet no less powerful as a networking opportunity for those in attendance. |
Sometimes he gained power because the federal government became more powerful as a whole. |
When I considered what kind of hero could possibly be as strong and powerful as a vamp, the answer seemed natural. |
If that asteroid hit the earth, it would lead to an explosion ten times as powerful as the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. |
This thing is only about half as powerful as an Olympic bow, but the power of the arrow is still scary when I let go. |
It does not make sense at all that Cas could assume that he could become powerful as a god as he was not all knowing. |
Ninjas were one of the most powerful at the time. |
The hotel crowd are too powerful at higher levels. |
It is the reason we have become so powerful at sea. |
Here's hoping that if it does come out it'll be cheap and powerful at the same time. |
Bird was very powerful at the time and insisted it had to be located in West Virginia. |
The lament is also made powerful at the reminiscence of the war that caused their death. |
On the other hand, both these drug categories are fast-acting and are powerful at palliating the itchy skin symptoms. |
The blocks of empty seating are also a reminder of the privileges available for the rich and powerful at these Games. |
Bradley &; Caldwell suggest that both genetic and environmental influences are most powerful at the negative extreme. |
A school that guarded the powerful at the expense of young boys deserves punishment, even if there is collateral damage. |
She is powerful with many members. |
It is as powerful with you as with me. |
Naturally he has become powerful with his words. |
In my experience the act worship is much more powerful with a smaller congregation. |
Hacking tools are also easy to purchase and highly powerful with cloud technologies. |
You can also solo heroes that get very powerful with items and not necessarily levels. |
The Android OS is in many ways good, strong, powerful with unlimited customizations unlike other mobile devices. |
In fact, right now, as you're reading this, you've already got the right skills to be sexually powerful with women. |
Some people are even taking a look at steam power, which can be made efficient and powerful with today's technology. |
The opinion of the Court in Earls 2002 is especially powerful with respect to the scourge of drugs and their dangers. |
Scorpios are extremely strong willed and powerful by nature. |
Today, he has a chance to be powerful by virtue of his office. |
For instance, a weak person becomes powerful by lifting weight. |
Even if Sylar is good why would he listen to HRG? He's more powerful by a long shot. |
In Russia, such indignities don't normally happen to somebody so powerful by accident. |
I had heard that I could become powerful by looking into alternative ways of thinking. |
So, this group (which might or not be powerful by themselves ), control 2 of the 3 biggest threat to the Strawhats. |
For a start, America is immensely more powerful by economic, military and demographic measures than Iran or Israel. |
That parent is viewed as all good, all wise, and all powerful by the child who becomes dependent, manipulated by them. |
Why is it men like you need women to feel powerful by ownership when you can't feel adequately powerful on your own? 2. |
That fact is very POWERFUL to me. |
Realizing that is a powerful tool. |
It's equally powerful to MS-Office in all functionality. |
That strength automatically creates a relationship of more powerful to less powerful. |
So the postmodern challenge, while no less radical, somehow feels less powerful to us. |
The main reason this book was so powerful to me is because it was based on real events. |
For we do not want the heavy-top to be so powerful to lord it over us and at the end subject us to untold oppression. |
Their purpose, whether covering news or politics, sport or arts, is to break stories and hold the powerful to account. |
But the voice of this great man may never be more powerful to me than my memory of his voice in a Chicago parking lot. |
I'd disappointed that some members didn't feel sufficiently convinced or confident to hold the most powerful to account. |
There's something really powerful about that. |
There was something inhumanly powerful about it. |
There's something powerful about this community. |
We're not there yet, but that, to me, is what is really powerful about this movement. |
The public place There is no doubt there is something powerful about collective singing. |
I think there is something seriously powerful about a girl wielding a torch and a hammer. |
That's my hometown, so I love being here and there's something really powerful about this city that resonates in me. |
Whether Latin or Greek or something else there's something very powerful about the whole Church praying the same way. |
There is something powerful about a parent's tongue especially when it comes from genuine reason, please listen to it. |
What I think I find so powerful about Allison's writing is the way she works creatively with the unresolvable in her life. |
You are powerful beyond measure. |
Our deepest Fear powerful beyond measure. |
Music, for me, is powerful beyond measure. |
We regard Being the Solution as such a book is that we are powerful beyond measure. |
Beyond that, sometimes I feel like I don't know too much are powerful beyond measure. |
I was in the company of a comforting and supportive observer, powerful beyond measure. |
He was Deep Purple, and always came across as a softly spoken gent, gentle yet powerful beyond anyone's dreams. |
Our mind and heart are the most amazing things in the Universe, and we are souls who are powerful beyond measure. |
We do n't! I believe collectively, we all have solutions, because we are all geniuses and powerful beyond measure. |
America would become the envy of the world, being prosperous and powerful beyond the wildest dreams of its citizens. |
Copy really has to be powerful from start to finish. |
That ending is also extremely powerful from my point of view. |
The rich and powerful from church and state follow on their horses. |
Nick's iconic images from Vietnam are among the most powerful from the entire war. |
They gave us free speech specifically to prevent the powerful from stifling dissent. |
Certainly, the law should not be used to protect the rich and powerful from their wrong-doing. |
I rate this book 10, because it embodies in one text a story so powerful from a personal and political point of view. |
The underdog was powerful from the back of the court and appeared to enjoy the power battle, edging a tight first set 6-4. |
The english libel laws are used to stifle free speech and protect the powerful from having their grossest misdeeds exposed. |
A man is powerful on his knees. |
His sons will be powerful on earth;. |
Sound is much more powerful on the DSi XL. |
It could not have been more powerful on youth, renewal and the road back to victory. |
You can even employ a powerful on the web freelance web page to write your livelihood. |
This film is so relentless and powerful on so many levels and way beyond pure entertainment. |
The theory of relativity is powerful on a scientific basis, but is also theoretically and practically very applicable. |
Surely the need for redemption is equally strong? And that clothes are just as powerful on the flip-side of heartache. |
Why is it men like you need women to feel powerful by ownership when you can't feel adequately powerful on your own? 2. |
A greater power than that of all the powerful on this Earth demands expression and nothing can prevent its manifestation. |
Thou art powerful over everything. |
Innovation can be powerful over time. |
And Allah is Powerful over everything. |
Surely You are Gracious to whomsoever You will, and You are Powerful over all things. |
To Him belongs the dominion and to Him is all praise, and He is Powerful over all things. |
Verily Thou art Powerful over all things And all praise is due to God, the Lord of the Worlds. |
Surely You are Powerful over all things, and that is easy for You; and that is surely no great matter of Allah (14:20). |
Agents as a ' filter ' Agents have become more powerful over the years as publishers have become more dependent on them. |
Full size bath, his and hers sinks, a really large shower cubicle with a powerful over head rain shower and mirrors everywhere. |
During the workout, pay special attention to staying relaxed yet powerful over the final 200 metres of the 600; don't let your form break down. |
We are plenty powerful without having to prove it on a daily basis. |
Western nations wouldn't be this powerful without Africa's contribution. |
They can develop and progress and become powerful without natural resources. |
It is not powerful without the composed acceptance from the Receptionist as well as his or her designee. |
I do nt think the east Indian company would have been as powerful without state guns wofford How about Microsoft. |
The words on their own would not be so powerful without those dust-encrusted phones that really bring reality home. |
After careful testing, I determined this card isn't nearly as powerful without cards that produce tokens in your deck. |
A woman can be just as powerful without this element so blatantly attributed to them to create some weak sexual tension. |
Sensitive and small boys are bullied because they wo n't, or ca n't, fight back, allowing the bully to appear powerful without effort. |
For the record I'd not at all sexist and respect women as equals to men that can be strong and powerful without having to use sexuality. |
It is powerful within this writer. |
I suspect it is the powerful within all writers. |
Sounds boring but it is something powerful within many people. |
Sometimes the volunteers get pitted against the rich and powerful within their village. |
I am discussing more the powerful within the party, those making decisions, rather than the base. |
She is away depicted in sitting posture and seems to be very powerful within the yaksha community. |
There are two other positive attributes that make quality-based discrimination assignments very powerful within educational contexts. |
However, occasionally an associate will become powerful within his own family, for example Joe Watts, a close associate of John Gotti. |
But as Nanga grew more powerful within his office and country Odili began to grow smarter and he became more aware of the corrupt reality. |
If they're extremely powerful within the small ones, then its likely they would provide the same performance level around the big projects. |
God is invisible yet he is powerful through reverence. |
Bailed-out Wall Street banks have become more powerful through concentration. |
Mahatma Gandhi, who was powerful through his vulnerability and selfless in of death, said this. |
If they grew more powerful through progress and care they'd deserve the fruits of that process even more. |
European colonial empires became powerful through the forced incorporation of distant peoples and territories. |
It Wasn't Conquest That Enriched the West The West did not become rich and powerful through colonial oppression. |
People can become wealthy or powerful through evil means in the short term, but it's unsustainable in the long term. |
Aside from the traditional definition of the term, Ortiz-Cofer is powerful through the pure simplicity of her accounts of life. |
He was particularly powerful through the legside, hitting six of his boundaries there, and was unafraid to attack the short ball. |
He judges aid as ' fairly impotent ' to address the resources curse directly, though it can be indirectly powerful through addressing weak governance. |
Slog is all powerful like that. |
Matrishwa One who is powerful like wind. |
The Nut Graph is powerful like most other media. |
If we only had a president make the rules, then they would be powerful like the Kings used to be. |
He is quick and powerful like the former Barcelona striker, but does not drift wide as often Henry did in his pomp. |
It's the size and wildness of the media storm that -- for once -- has a chance of pulling in the powerful like a hurricane. |
It's an approach that serves the interest of the powerful like him at the expense of the voiceless victims and their families. |
The name of God is powerful like the River Ganges - it bathes the heart of all sinful inclinations, of all unhealthy attachments. |
To eat it, they would have to give up a food they saw as strong and powerful like themselves for a food they saw as weak and wimpy. |
Chirin thought that being a sheep is boring and that sheep are just a bunch of cowards - he wanted to be tough and powerful like a wolf. |
As a result parliament became more powerful during his reign. |
Gandhi's ideas were extremely powerful during the independence struggles of South Asia. |
This is a job with people who have little power, feel VERY powerful during their day at work. |
He had given a lot of privilege to the Brahmins and due to that they became more powerful during his reign. |
The Ar? s became very powerful during the slave trade mainly because of the one Ndi Ichie Akwa which is in their possession. |
It is believed that the spirits are particularly powerful during this period and people leave food at their front gates to appease them. |
Gradually these amalgamated into four large states, with Kosala and Magadha emerging to be the most powerful during the fifth century BC. |
Solar flares can occur at any time, but they are more frequent and powerful during a few years of this cycle, known as the solar maximum. |
In my experience I see Sihalese chauvinism was more powerful during closed economic period, where the government in power had the support of the left. |
Or powerful because of their associations. |
Someone powerful because of their position. |
Anyone can be powerful because of two things. |
So he is powerful because of both aspects -- his position and his source of power. |
He takes the reader through a simple framework that is powerful because of its simplicity. |
This beguiling but mistaken belief is enormously powerful because of its intuitive appeal to reason. |
The US has become rich and powerful because of migrants but because they profile and only select the best ones. |
The patent becomes powerful because of the collective market share of the companies engaged in standard-setting. |
Russia is in part resurgent and Putin is feeling powerful because of petro-dollars, as Senator McCain mentioned. |
I think those criticisms are misguided and the book more powerful because of its focus on Lyn and Rosalind Rogers. |
Protect us, most powerful among the birds. |
In fact, Islam became powerful among his tribe. |
He is not weak in dealing with you, but is powerful among you. |
Powerful among the birds, he is none other than Kasiapa's son, begotten of Winata. |
People of Malayaasia should think INDIA IS ONE OF THE POWERFUL AMONG THE COUNTRIES. |
Naruto is a young ninja who is aiming to become popular and powerful among the rest of his group. |
The most powerful among you is the weakest in my eyes until I do not make him pay due rights to others Insha Allah. |
The politics of re-distribution has benefitted the politically connected and the rich and powerful among the Malays. |
It's the one simple word, next to someone breaking up with you (I'd told ), that can incapacitate the most powerful among us. |
Neither did Election Committee members and the most powerful among them are not very happy about seeing their candidate Henry Tang humiliated in defeat. |
Modi is very powerful against Ms. |
A time when light is at its most powerful against darkness. |
What is important is to be militarily powerful against the enemy. |
This election campaign has set the rich and powerful against the poor and downtrodden. |
Social ostracism often precedes mass violence by the powerful against the less powerful. |
Were it not for your family, we should certainly have stoned you and you are not powerful against us. |
We are neophytes in this because for 234 years we have been on the side of the rich and powerful against the relatively poor and weak. |
Apart from dealing with acne, it stands powerful against infections like Chlamydia, Chanroid, Prophylaxis, Sinusitis, Diphtheria and Bronchitis. |
Cleric Cleric may not possess the attacking spells like fire and ice, but they have holy spells that are very powerful against the undeads and devil-based monsters. |