Difference between tricycle and recumbent
- a vehicle with three wheels that is moved by foot pedals
And all the memories of a misspent youth will come tumbling back at you - the tricycle bandit, the wheelies on the bike, the laps in the car around Courtenay Place.
Besides bicycles, many families took tricycles from farther counties.
It seemed to withstand the onslaught of bicycles, tricycles and roller skates with scarcely a scratch to show.
- lying down; in a position of comfort or rest
The uprights nearest this 'recumbent' block are the tallest in the circle, and the size of the rest decreases towards the north.
The assumption of the recumbent position is associated with shoulder pain.
I walked over the long green grass to one of the recumbent stones next to the gate of the field and stood on top of it.