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Difference between deranged and sane




  1. driven insane


A steady stream of self-released mix tapes and videos - all adhering to the group's cartoonishly horrifying aesthetic, all a bit more deranged than the rest - increased the buzz and kept the conversation going.

The Latin American brotherhood was a pretty awful in general, coming out of some deranged ideas of Simon Bolivar, and it was an extraordinarily awful thing during the Cold War.

The selections this week include reflections on the Meath bus crash, Conor Lenihan as a kebab chef, a Star Wars horoscope, cyberstalking, and deranged art.

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  1. marked by sound judgment
  2. mentally healthy; free from mental disorder


Mum has been a lot more cheerful since Quigley was declared bankrupt, insane and guilty of fraud.

With her pupils dilated to blackness, and spitting vituperation in all directions, the very last thing she seems is sane.

I've had an insanely busy day here, and I was listening to the latest album but it was just making me kind of listless and spacy.

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