Boost your search rankings with Linguix

Improve your content and drive more traffic to your website.

Get Team Plan
Boost your HR brand
Corporate HR departments

Search engines look carefully at the quality (grammar & spelling included) of content on websites.

With Linguix for business, you can:

Boost traffic


Create error-free content that both search engines and visitors like.
Increase conversions


Convert better using clean and crisp copy on your pages.
Speed up your SEO writing

Speed up your SEO writing

Create your content up to 600% faster using Linguix content templates
Save money


Reduce your costs by up to $10,600 a year by using Linguix Shortcuts to automate repetitive SEO writing tasks.

Why SEO professionals love Team Plan:

Team management features:

Easily add and remove writers that work on your project.

Productivity insights:

Monitor the performance of your team members using the Linguix Statistics Dashboard.

Professional consistency:

Linguix will help all your writers to create SEO copy that follows the same standards.

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