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How to Write an Effective Out-of-Office Message

Constant access to multiple gadgets has become our new norm and it’s now too hard to stop checking emails and task managers even on our time off. Nevertheless, it’s crucial for your mental health to be offline at least on vacations.

However, it’s clear that your colleagues and clients deserve a timely response. An out-of-office message can be a great help as your coworkers know you’ll get their message and when they can expect to get a response.

Out-of-office messages are automatic email replies, that let people contacting you know you aren’t at work at the moment. People reaching out to you are aware that you’re unavailable, how much time they need to wait until they get a response or whom to contact in your absence. Employees usually leave these messages when going on vacation or sick leave.

Make sure your automatic reply is clear and complete, so it won’t cause misunderstanding or confusion while you’re out. Read on to find out what an effective out-of-office message should look like.

What Should Be Included in Your Out-of-Office Message?

An informative out-of-office message should consist of the following details:

The dates of your time off and when you’re going to return. If you don’t clearly indicate the dates when you’re out, your colleagues and clients might send you hundreds of emails, thus making it annoying and time-consuming for you to get into a normal routine after you get back.

A brief explanation of why you’re absent. You may think that it’s unnecessary. However, if they know you’re taking vacation time or simply sick, they’re less likely to bother you.

Contacts of teammates who can help in your absence. Don’t miss this information. Otherwise, your vacation time might turn into torture. Write their names, emails, phone numbers and job titles, so that people know who to contact for certain tasks.

Providing this information will give receivers two options: to wait for you or continue without you. It usually takes a few lines, so the automatic email reply should be quite short.

What Information Should Be Avoided in Your Out-of-Office Message?

Automatic replies may seem a great opportunity to express yourself or share some personal information. Remember though that you should keep it professional or you risk tainting your reputation in the eyes of coworkers and clients. Avoid the following:

Examples of Clear and Concise Out-of-Office Messages

Use one of the following templates for your automatic reply if you’re running out of time or just looking for examples:

“Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out. I’m away from the office for [reason], but I’ll be back on [date].

If it’s an urgent matter, feel free to contact Sarah Wesley at [email and phone number].

Best Regards,

[Your Name]”


Thanks for your email. I’ll be out of the office from Nov. 5-13. If you need help while I’m away, please reach out to Tom Brown at [email and phone number] for questions regarding sales or Mary Williams at [email and phone number] for questions about marketing.


[Your Name]”


I appreciate your message. I am out of the office until [date] with no email access. If you need immediate help before then, you may call me at [phone number].


[Your Name]”

In conclusion

Out-of-office messages aren’t just a formality, they’re essential to keeping processes in order when employees are absent. They also remind others on what days you’ll be unavailable and lower their expectations. Therefore, keep it succinct, error-free and informative.

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