Linguix Blog

What Is a Writing Assistant, and What Can It Do For My Writing?

You may have heard of a writing assistant, but may not know exactly what one is. 

Indeed, if you’re not quite sure exactly what it is, then how do you know if it could be useful to you or not? 

Which then raises the question, could it be something you are missing out on? This article should answer all these questions for you, and more besides.

What is a writing assistant?

A writing assistant, as the name would suggest, is a tool that can help you with your writing. 

But what does that actually mean?

Well, we can all have issues writing something, whether we are writing in our native tongue (English for example) or are expressing ourselves in a language that is not our first.

There are so many things that can go wrong with our writing. For example:

Did you know that a digital writing assistant, such as Linguix, can assist you in all of these aspects of your writing? The AI-powered assistant scans work and highlights all elements of the text that need to be, or could be, amended and improved upon. Not only this, but it categorises the mistakes so you can fully understand what the issue is.

In this way, a high-powered writing assistant such as Linguix is not just a tool that enables you to improve your writing, but it also educates as well in terms of how your writing can be improved. 

A quality writing assistant is also a writer’s toolkit

A quality writing assistant will not just guide you in your mistakes, it will also provide the tools by which you can continue to improve and grow your writing skills. 

We have already spoken about how Linguix is far more than just a simple spellchecker software, but the tool doesn’t just highlight your mistakes, it also offers workable solutions that have been included in Linguix’s sophisticated corrections database. This database has been built by experts to provide the types of practical alternatives that a writer is searching for.

Get synonyms and definitions of words. Get suggested structural alternatives. Get recommendations in changes in style and format.

With this type of assistance, you now have the tools at your disposal to produce not only the caliber of writing that you are aiming for, but you can also create the kind of text that is perfect for your intended audience.

With Linguix, for example, you can avail of statistics which guide you in various aspects of the content you have already produced. You get word count and sentence count, as well as the average reading time of your text. These are important metrics to have access to.

You also receive statistics pertaining to the average word and sentence length, and then a numerical grade based upon the highly respected and ubiquitously used Flesch-Kincaid readability score.

On the ‘audience’ tab you can then select your target readability, your ultimate goal, and even the emotion you wish to project within your writing. The Linguix tool then offers suggestions based on these parameters you have selected. 

We have exited the function of assistant, which suggests a passive role, and are now in the realms of active participation in bettering your writing. That is what a great writing assistant can now do.

Get editing suggestions as you need them

The free Linguix extension for Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge allows you to avail of the tool wherever it may be you write on the web. What does this mean?

It means that instead of having to formulate all of your text in the Linguix editor, you can enter your written text wherever it is you intend to use it (let’s say on social media, for example), and you immediately get the same writing assistance you would from the Linguix site itself. 

That means instant corrections and suggestions to take your writing to a higher level. It’s even available on Google Documents, meaning collaborative teams can avail of all the benefits a sophisticated tool such as Linguix provides.

Writing assistants have come a long way. Now you know what an assistant can do for you. 

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