Get clean and crisp copy with Linguix

Write great emails, articles, and social media posts with an AI-based writing assistant that edits as you type.

Get clean and crisp copy with Linguix

  • Use Linguix to check grammar, punctuation and style instantly and in real-time on your favorite sites.
  • Get context-appropriate recommendations and speed up your writing with intelligent shortcuts.
  • Best for: Marketers and SEO experts, non-native English writers and anyone who wants to boost their writing skills.


AI-based writing assistant

Linguix checks your writing for errors and provides context-appropriate grammar, punctuation and style suggestions.

Grammar and spell check

Linguix is more than just a spell checker, with over 2700+ advanced corrections that cover thousands of issues from grammar to style.

No more confusion and second-guessing when you meet a troublesome phrase (…a lot or alot?)

Grammar and spell check

Type with confidence! Linguix fixes grammar errors as you write to improve your content.

Shortcuts to speed up your writing

The Linguix browser extension and its built-in intelligent shortcuts allow you to reduce the time spent on email and social media writing by 90%.

Shortcuts to speed up your writing

Shortcuts offer a quick and easy way to expand long messages and speed up your communications.

Vocabulary enhancement and word definitions

Add some color to your writing by using our built-in vocabulary suggestions. Linguix not only helps you when you write, but even when you read.

If you're stuck with a tricky word you can't remember, just use the “Look Up in Linguix” feature to get the definition instantly.

Linguix offers detailed explanations for popular errors and gives recommendations on how to make your business emails as well as academic and personal projects read and look better.

Vocabulary enhancement

Boost your understanding and sharpen your vocab with the built-in dictionary that lets you stay in one place.

Writing insights & statistics

The Linguix web app allows you to access audience-specific statistics, so you know you’re putting the best content out there for your target audience.

Writing insights

Make sure you’re reaching the right audience with detailed statistics on your writing!

Make sure you’re reaching the right audience with the right message!

Bad spelling is cute when you’re four, not so much when you’re running a business. Writing riddled with typos and bad grammar can impact your credibility and cost you sales.

Fortunately, there’s a miraculous AI-powered solution that helps you dot your i’s and cross your t’s every time.

Get lifetime access today!

Get access to this exclusive offer

Linguix Plan

One-time purchase
Buy Now

Get all the Premium features
with special offer for new users

  • Basic grammar and spelling checks
  • Unlimited grammar checker
  • Vocabulary enhancement suggestions
  • Personalized language learning
  • Fix 9 million typos
  • 2,700 checks for punctuation, grammar, context, and sentence structure
  • Essay Templates
  • Synonyms suggestions
  • Dictionary
  • Grammar Handbook
  • Personalized learning
  • English level interactive tests
  • Content templates
One licence
Personal use
Save $ 90
Two licences
Get a gift
Save $ 180
Three licences
Team plan
Save $ 270

Hey there, 👋

My name is Alex, Linguix Writing Assistant founder, and I’m really excited about this unique offer 🎉🎉

As a non-native English speaker myself I always wanted to have a grammar checking software that would not only fix my mistakes but make writing easier, and improve my language skills. It turned out I was not the only person who needed such a tool! Scratching its own itch, our team has built the Linguix AI-based Writing Assistant to help people around the globe with their English writing.

How does Linguix add value? Our toolkit includes the web app, browser extensions, and mobile keyboards that allow you to avoid thousands of grammar and style mistakes just by accepting suggestions as you type.

  • - Linguix is great for Marketers and SEO experts, non-native English writers and anyone who wants to boost their writing skills.
  • - With Linguix, AI-fueled messages allow you to be more convincing and never get in trouble due to a mistyped word.
  • - And it is secure – we even have a secret mode for editing sensitive content. This mode lets you make your changes and then *poof* all of that data is gone as soon as the document is.
  • - Linguix also provides personalized email reports to help you understand the weak points in your grammar. This is especially helpful for non-native English speakers.
  • - Last but not least, the shortcuts feature. Shortcuts are draft texts, used for automating repetitive writing tasks like scheduling a meeting or sending intros. Such writing automation can save you $18 per hour and up to $10,600 annually!

If you want to speed up your writing, instantly make your sentences clear, smooth, and correct, all while becoming a better writer over time, then the only writing assistant you need is Linguix.

Everyone Can Be a Great Writer

Why customers love Linguix
“I really love the layout and I think it is just an amazing tool.” Felicia M
Felicia M
Office manager
“For me as a content creator, Linguix is awesome!” Joe Edelman
Joe Edelman
at AppSumo
For my in-house writers, It performs better than Grammarly. Adam Kenny Lau
Adam Kenny Lau
at AppSumo
Linguix has already made a difference in my business communication. Jason August
Jason August
at AppSumo
As a technical writer, having a tool like this is a dream come true - in terms of finding spelling errors, grammar usage, and voice Dan Dalal
Dan Dalal
at AppSumo
Linguix is easy to use and comes with some really nice features — I especially love the documents feature and the shortcuts feature. Chris Acebu
Chris Acebu
at AppSumo
A great alternative to Grammarly. The team has been great and is doing good work on it. David Hooper
David Hooper
at AppSumo