How To Use xylose In A Sentence
- The product is manipulated, using a process that includes alpha-amylase, oligosaccharides, and xylose isomerase, into a syrup that is anywhere from 90% fructose/10% glucose to 42% fructose/58% glucose. Sophie Brickman: Why Is It Easier To Buy A Gun Than High-Fructose Corn Syrup?
- No spore was formed , and it was resistant to 0/129. It could utilize glucose, malt ose , mannite, sucrose and inositol, but could not utilize xylose, xyl ose, raffinose, sorbin and adonitol.
- A standard solution of sugars containing xylose, fructose, glucose, galactose, maltose, lactose, sucrose, and phenyl ß-D-glucopyranoside was chromatographed to determine retention times and relative response factors.
- Xylitol: A sugar alcohol, derived from xylan a complex sugar chain, sort of like cellulose, which is found in corncobs, straw, almond shells, and birch bark which is then broken down into individual units of a simple sugar, called xylose, which is then hydrogenated to make xylitol. Sweeter Than Sugar?
- Because the xylose residues of XGs are attached to the glucan backbone by linkages, it is possible that the xylose is able to rotate around this linkage and so be under-represented in the rigid domain.
- Associated manifestations that may cause complications include the gluten-sensitive enteropathy, which can cause steatorrhea, abnormal D-xylose absorption, and anemia.
- What, on earth, compelled anyone to use xylose isomerase and oligosaccharides in the first place? Sophie Brickman: Why Is It Easier To Buy A Gun Than High-Fructose Corn Syrup?
- If you do the fermentation by using only cellobiose or xylose, it takes 48 hours," said postdoctoral researcher and lead author Suk-Jin Ha.
- The non-metabolizable pentose, xylose, and glucose were used to induce a state of hyperosmolality, which was absent in those animals which received iso-osmolar infusions (0.29 M xylose). Recently Uploaded Slideshows
- The major sugars were glucose, xylose, galactose, and arabinose, while uronic acid, rhamnose, mannose, and fucose represented the minor sugars.