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How To Use xxxv In A Sentence

  • 'Arikes Hedlor to the ground, 57 — — ftands the centre and the foul of all, 150 paragoned to none but Achilles, Tent. xxxv. The works of the English poets; with prefaces, biographical and critical
  • At any rate, the area of which the 'insulae' numbered X, XXI, XXXV, and XIX form the corners, and the Forum the centre, must have been planned complete from the first. Ancient Town-Planning
  • He was dead before the conspiracy of Piso: Bracciolini could have seen that had he read carefully the letters of Seneca himself; for the philosopher and statesman speaks of Natalis at the time when he wrote the letter numbered in his works 87, as being dead some time, and "having many heirs" as he had been "the heir of many": -- "Nuper Natalis ... et multorum haeres fuit, et multos habuit haeredes" (Ep. LXXXVII.) Tacitus and Bracciolini The Annals Forged in the XVth Century
  • XXXV IN THE NORTH tower yard, Nylan glanced from the armaglass panels up at the sky, where gray clouds twisted in and out and back upon each other as they churned their way southward, bringing moisture from the northern ocean. Fall of Angels
  • In Psal.lxxxv. omnes pulchritudines terrenas auri, argenti, nemorum et camporum pulchritudinem Solis et Lunae, stellarum, omnia pulchra superans. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The state of the Jews in Babylon is represented by dead and dry bones (Ezek. xxxvii. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Sewell (Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, vol. xxxviii) pointed out that in about 10 per cent. of bones a small triangular facet, continuous with the posterior calcaneal facet, is present at the junction of the lateral surface of the body with the posterior wall of the sulcus tali. II. Osteology. 6d. The Foot. 1. The Tarsus
  • Such removal may be effected "for neglect of duty, malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance in office, for any willful violation of Title XXXV of the Revised Code, or for any any other good and sufficient cause. OpEdNews - Diary: Followup to: I'm a teacher. Would there be consequences from my community if I treat anyone publicly or privately
  • He was dead before the conspiracy of Piso: Bracciolini could have seen that had he read carefully the letters of Seneca himself; for the philosopher and statesman speaks of Natalis at the time when he wrote the letter numbered in his works 87, as being dead some time, and "having many heirs" as he had been "the heir of many": -- "Nuper Natalis ... et multorum haeres fuit, et multos habuit haeredes" (Ep. LXXXVII.) Tacitus and Bracciolini The Annals Forged in the XVth Century
  • 'Al Mahalath (Ps. liii), Mahalath leannoth (Ps. lxxxviii) is transliterated by the Septuagint Maeleth; by Vulg., pro Maeleth. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
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