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  1. being deficient in moisture
    deserts provide xeric environments

How To Use xeric In A Sentence

  • Communities range from xeric habitats such as scrub and scrubby flatwoods to hydric habitats such as floodplain forest and blackwater stream.
  • Given the pedological characteristics of this site, xeric morphological adaptation may be attributed to edaphic factors rather than climatic variables.
  • Males are more common in harsher environments, such as xeric, nutrient-poor or shaded conditions.
  • The spray-forest is vulnerable to disturbance by trampling, which allows penetration by ruderal species such as Lantana camara, and when grossly disturbed the forest does not regenerate easily, giving way to xeric scrub. Mosi-oa-Tunya Victoria Falls, Zambia
  • The southern transect spanned principally xeric habitats, whereas the eastern crossed mesic forest.
  • Todies occupy virtually all forested habitats on the island of Puerto Rico, from the relatively cool rain forests of the northeastern mountains to the hot xeric scrub forests of the southwest coast.
  • Soil slightly hilled around a spiraling path of stone serves as raised flower beds to help encourage drainage -- a critical element in xeric garden design, so that roots of dryness-loving plants don't sit in water. Giving Up On Grass
  • Soil temperature regimes are thermic, and soil moisture regimes are xeric. Coastal Terraces (Bailey)
  • The south-facing side of the range receives lower rainfall, greater solar exposure and consequently a xeric vegetation type, steppic grassland, which is typical of the central Valais. Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn, Switzerland
  • The southern transect spanned principally xeric habitats, whereas the eastern crossed mesic forest.
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