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woodland caribou

  1. any of several large caribou living in coniferous forests of southern Canada; in some classifications included in the species Rangifer tarandus

How To Use woodland caribou In A Sentence

  • When there is a loss of habitat, the woodland caribou becomes a prime target for wolves that gorge on their plentiful prey.
  • And the rare spotting of a cougar, wolf or woodland caribou takes our breath away.
  • By far the single biggest danger to boreal woodland caribou is unregulated and uncoordinated oil, gas and tar sand development in western Canada, including the Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and North-West territories. Biodiversity 100: actions for the Americas
  • The five national and sixty six provincial parks contain a healthy population of bighorn sheep, mountain goats, elk, bears, wolves, bison and woodland caribou.
  • Grizzly bears, cougars, owls, woodland caribou and elk live there.
  • When there is a loss of habitat, the woodland caribou becomes a prime target for wolves that gorge on their plentiful prey.
  • The five national and sixty six provincial parks contain a healthy population of bighorn sheep, mountain goats, elk, bears, wolves, bison and woodland caribou.
  • It would also cut through the heart of prime wildlife habitat, including homes for at least 20 imperiled species, including the whooping crane, pallid sturgeon, woodland caribou, American burying beetle, interior least tern and western prairie fringed orchid. Noah Greenwald: Keystone XL in the 'National Interest'? No Way.
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