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wood ant

  1. reddish-brown European ant typically living in anthills in woodlands

How To Use wood ant In A Sentence

  • However, few clients are aware that flowering dogwood, Cornus florida, is highly susceptible to a pathogen that will kill it: dogwood anthracnose. SELECT A KOUSA DOGWOOD
  • Lowly valley" hardly does justice to the glories of the local scenery which offers tumbling streams, plentiful birdlife and the northern hairy wood ant. Rudely-named places guides let walkers pick their way to The Nostrils
  • The interior is charming, with beamed ceilings, dark wood antique furniture and a light and airy upstairs with fine country views from the shuttered windows. Times, Sunday Times
  • -- Dogwood anthracnose After 15 to 20 years of dying trees, with sprays only superficially holding this fungus at bay, Ethel Dutky, University of Maryland plant pathologist, reports that fewer native dogwoods are developing anthracnose symptoms throughout this area. Beware of late blight, and report damage
  • Celestial White Taller than wide; branching low to the ground; resistant to dogwood anthracnose and mildew; former know as Galaxy SELECT A KOUSA DOGWOOD
  • Inseminated females of the blood-red ant invade wood ant nests, steal the pupae, and the ants that hatch are made to work for the strange queen.
  • Stardust White Broad, spreading small tree; resistant to dogwood anthracnose SELECT A KOUSA DOGWOOD
  • Constellation Large, overlapping, white bracts Taller than wide; branching low to the ground; moderate resistance to dogwood anthracnose; susceptible to mildew SELECT A KOUSA DOGWOOD
  • The introduction of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar), spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana), hemlock wooly adelgid (Adelges tsugae), balsam wooly-adelgid (A. piceae), as well as dogwood anthracnost fungi is altering the forest composition and habitat composition. Appalachian-Blue Ridge forests
  • Aurora Rounded, overlapping, white bracts Taller than wide; branching low to the ground; moderate resistance to dogwood anthracnose; resistance to mildew SELECT A KOUSA DOGWOOD
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