- a white or greyish mineral typically found in metamorphic limestone; a silicate of calcium
How To Use wollastonite In A Sentence
- Calcium metasilicate, CaSiO_3, occurs in nature as monoclinic crystals known as tabular spar or wollastonite; it may be prepared artificially from solutions of calcium chloride and sodium silicate. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
- The groundmass of these leucocratic segregations is heterogeneous, consisting of centimeter-scale regions dominated by nepheline, natrolite, alkali feldspar, or wollastonite.
- These include pectolite, wollastonite, and johannsenite but also several of the minerals that are unique to the Kalahari manganese field, such as effenbergerite, wesselsite, kornite, and hennomartinite.
- The front fascia is reinforced with mica while the rear fascia, rocker panels, tear bumper cover and the spoiler are reinforced with wollastonite to enhance the stiffness and strength.
- Grossular discovery and vesuvianite contact metamorphism of limestone, diopside, wollastonite and wernerite.
- Calcium metasilicate, CaSiO_3, occurs in nature as monoclinic crystals known as tabular spar or wollastonite; it may be prepared artificially from solutions of calcium chloride and sodium silicate. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
- The groundmass of these leucocratic segregations is heterogeneous, consisting of centimeter-scale regions dominated by nepheline, natrolite, alkali feldspar, or wollastonite.
- The Badger Flats area is also well known for clinozoisite, garnet, hematite, scheelite, vesuvianite, wollastonite, and zoisite (variety thulite).
- The skarn layer has a massive texture with two assemblages, wollastonite + quartz + diopside and prehnite + datolite + actinolite + K - feldspar, which have been interpreted as evidence of hydrothermal metasomatism of carbonate rocks.
- The white medallions presented as the first European porcelain are indeed Bottger's, but they're not ‘porcelain,’ but an alabaster fluxed ceramic in which wollastonite (a silicate of calcium) replaces mullite.