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winter wren

  1. small wren of coniferous forests of northern hemisphere

How To Use winter wren In A Sentence

  • Apart from these birds, however, we found nothing else but a lone Winter Wren murmuring softly in the brush.
  • The Winter Wren is a tiny woodland bird whose song is as elaborate as its plumage is drab.
  • Looking over my notes of this excursion, I come upon the following sentence: "To sit on a stone beside a mountain road, with olive-backed thrushes piping on every side, the ear catching now and then the distant tinkle of a winter wren's tune, or the nearer _zee, zee, zee_ of black-poll warblers, while white-throated sparrows call cheerily out of the spruce forest -- this is to be in another world. The Foot-path Way
  • We lucked into spotting a tiny Winter Wren while visiting the East Pond.
  • Winter Wrens breed in moist coniferous forests and nest in dense brush especially along stream banks.
  • The more common birds are the winter wren, Townsend's warbler, chestnut-backed chickadee, red-breasted nuthatch, gray jay, and Steller's jay. Cascade Mixed Forest - Coniferous Forest - Alpine Meadow Province (Bailey)
  • In spring," she notes, "the basso profundo of a great horned owl is exchanged for the coloratura soprano of a winter wren, which is itself replaced by countertenor voices of tree frogs. - News
  • He interested me from the first; for a wren is a bird of individuality always, and his voice reminded me, in a feeble way, of the witching notes of the winter wren, the A Bird-Lover in the West
  • A former wilderness guide now with the Adirondack Nature Conservancy, Prickett had done bird surveys from the mountain, recording Bicknell's thrush, Swainson's thrush, winter wren, blackpoll warbler and white-throated sparrow. Latest News
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