- duke of Normandy who led the Norman invasion of England and became the first Norman to be King of England; he defeated Harold II at the battle of Hastings in 1066 and introduced many Norman customs into England (1027-1087)
How To Use William I In A Sentence
- Yet Kwaque bore no grudge against Michael, and was himself so interested in his lord's welfare and comfort -- this lord who had saved his life that terrible day on King William Island from the two grief-stricken pig-owners -- that he cherished Michael for his lord's sake. CHAPTER V
- The first robbery they committed was upon Mr. William Isgrig, from whom they took sixteen guineas, seven half-guineas, three broad pieces, one moidore, twenty shillings in silver, and a watch value two pounds. Lives of the Most Remarkable Criminals Who have been Condemned and Executed for Murder, the Highway, Housebreaking, Street Robberies, Coining or other offences
- In 1506 Henry removed Robert Johnson, a goldsmith, from the shrievalty within three days of his election, and put William Fitz-William in his place. London and the Kingdom - Volume I
- The set created by William II is comprised of a sword, an orb, a scepter and crown - all of silver gilt and set with imitation stones and pearls.
- The turned tapering legs with carved upper sections and brass toes and castors are again typical of the William IV or early Victorian period.
- While the Fitzwilliam is returning the monteith to an heir of the original owner, the British Museum is by law not allowed to return the dish.
- William is an amiable fellow, and not ill-looking either.
- William attributes his Scrabble acumen to his very thorough education in university, which opened his eyes, he says, to premium words such as "aureolae," "qanat," and "euripi" my spell-check flagged two of these words as being unknown; that's how good William is. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
- He remained an assertive influence at William III's court, however, quarrelling and plotting against those whom he believed were thwarting his own ambitions.
- William attributes his Scrabble acumen to his very thorough education in university, which opened his eyes, he says, to premium words such as "aureolae," "qanat," and "euripi" my spell-check flagged two of these words as being unknown; that's how good William is. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed