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[ US /ˈwaɪɫdɝ/ ]
[ UK /wˈa‍ɪldɐ/ ]
  1. United States filmmaker (born in Austria) whose dark humor infused many of the films he made (1906-2002)
  2. United States writer and dramatist (1897-1975)

How To Use Wilder In A Sentence

  • A good deal of role confusion and bewilderment as the growing child encounters the newer ways is to be expected and observed.
  • But I now understand how fragile its mighty wilderness really is.
  • Wilder grew up loving Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin, but his great idol was famed director Ernst Lubitsch.
  • The news orgs, by contrast, are doing this out of laziness and a hopeless addiction to portraying lefties as a kind of perennially-disappointed lost tribe who will never, ever find their way out of the wilderness. News Orgs: The Left Is Upset With Obama -- Even Though It Isn't
  • What wilderness areas and national parks need is branded lodges and holiday homes that offer a guarantee of quality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Leicester were full of verve and energy and, basically, bewildered most of the opposition last season. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kislev is a land of dark pine forests, snow-clad wilderness and wind-swept steppes.
  • They can get better recipes to make popcorn, how they can screw up popcorn so bad bewilders me. Global Voices in English » Kuwait: Cinema Censorship, Quality Woes and Limited Telecom Services
  • And the seaside is that little bit wilder than most people are aware of. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not far short of the Oregon border, I stopped for a beer at a tiny townlet in a wilderness of sage that had a post office, a tavern and not much else.
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