- sometimes placed in genus Scilla
- eastern camas; eastern and central North America
How To Use wild hyacinth In A Sentence
- Daffodils, wild hyacinths and tulips, snowdrops, bluebells, daisies and buttercups littered the earth.
- The blue wild hyacinth has given name to a colour, not very unlike the violet tint; it is sometimes called the bluebell, but pink ones may be found in woods, and garden hyacinths are of various colours. Chatterbox, 1906
- To the forest wild hyacinth bloom Department, where all good, wherever.
- Daffodils, wild hyacinths and tulips, snowdrops, bluebells, daisies and buttercups littered the earth.
- O'er the muir, amang the heather," Eleanor's walk had gone; and her basket was gay with gorse and broom just opening; but from grassy banks on her way she had brought the bright blue speedwell; and clematis and bryony from the hedges, and from under them wild hyacinth and white campion and crane's-bill and primroses; and a meadow she had passed over gave her one or two pretty kinds of orchis, with daisies and cowslips, and grasses of various kinds. The Old Helmet
- Daffodils, wild hyacinths and tulips, snowdrops, bluebells, daisies and buttercups littered the earth.
- Daffodils, wild hyacinths and tulips, snowdrops, bluebells, daisies and buttercups littered the earth.