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wide screen

  1. a projection screen that is much wider than it is high

How To Use wide screen In A Sentence

  • The group of high school freshmen sat in the living room, eyes wide as they watched a gruesome scene being played through on the wide screen TV.
  • This science fiction film lends itself well to wide screen.
  • A wide screen television in the café / sitting room style area means that young people can meet at the CRIB to watch major sporting events and also hold video nights in a safe, alcohol-free alternative to the local pubs.
  • Burroughs is fond too of the word "ectoplasm," and the beings that surround Lee, particularly the inimical ones, seem ectoplasmic phantoms projected on the wide screen of his consciousness from a mass séance. Déjeuner sur l'Herbe
  • I didn't hear the Undead story, but it was in wide screen format and the camera moved through the Undead starter town while a lower voice explained how the Undead broke off from The Scourge.
  • A period drama using wide screen scenery is not likely to be too effective on the web.
  • But, when the image is displayed on a wide screen set, the bars are lost and the bottoms of the subtitle text can be slightly cut off.
  • Also it's one of the few Minnelli CinemaScope movies where he really seems at ease with the wide screen; maybe because the film is kind of stagy-looking, the proscenium shape of the screen actually works and leads to great effects like the three-person shot that opens "Thank Heaven For Little Girls. MGM's Desperation
  • The low-cost of this RDS test makes it especially suitable for nationwide screening of stereopsis in preschool children.
  • Louise counts three boxes of wide screen TV's, a couple of DVD players and mini-disc systems; more bikes, chipped wine glasses and the token trimmings from hedges and Conifers.
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